
worldwide edition

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Hate Oregon

>Stealing /balk/ memes
Typical Cascadian trash


Fuck racists and fuck Drumpf.

They tried to pander to the tumblr crowd. It didn't work btw.

Alexis Fawx is so goddamn hot

Hope this post is ironic because that photo is fucking disgusting.


The only thing keeping Marvel afloat is their MCU, which makes them quite the money...

>This people is sopposed to protect us


>soldiers arent allowed to have hobbies


There people are supposed**

>mfw there are people who unironically watch superhero movies

Yeah nobody bothers to read the comics anymore. That's why they keep trying to do all these clickbait type things to get publicity.


Do you guys wear watches?

What kind?

>Heart pounding intensively
S-she's c-cute

>mfw there are people who unironically listen to grimes

>Nig Fury

Watches are for brainlets.
I tell the time by looking at the Sun or Moon.

I don't watch most of them, but I occasionally like talking to people so it helps to be a normal person.

>not appreciating a blonde milf titcow who will gladly piss in your mouth

pretty gay if I must say so

Yeah ive dont get it either, the last superheroe movie i enjoyed was the dark knight rises.

The last two superheroes movies i watched on teathers were wonder woman and avengers(the first one)

this one

Casio f91w
Good enough for Al Qaeda is good enough for me
Only when I'm working though

Their mistake was thinking something so white and male would caught up with ether PoC's, women or SJW's

>get a real job doing IT
>think my parents will finally be sorta proud
>theyre kinda not

Her fake tits are horrible and vomit inducing.


>People enjoy things, how is that even possible

>mfw there are people who unironically don't like Grimes
Feeling sorry for you

My dad the other day called me lazy and say i dont wanna put any effort because i dont like walking to the gym when is 100 degrees outside.

Are you intentionally finding the worst pictures of this bimbo milf?

You still live with your parents?

t. Guy who watches superhero movies

>Sorry lady, I don't want your fake tits rubbing my shaft because they're horrible and vomit inducing

Exactly. Fake tits are gross.


Is working out the only thing you don't do?

Me on the left.
Columbus poster on the right.
How old are you?

Got one more. Might as well post it

>make a superhero comic with a muslim girl lead
>Why aren't people buying this?
You think people would figure out pandering to 0.5% of the Anglo market wouldn't have much return.

Remember: it's not normal to live with your parents past your twenties in the US

More plastic than a Korean.

Good choice

You're a grown man. You can do better.

What? I mean my dad was giving me shit for not walking to the gym when of course i go to the gym to excersise, like whats his problem.


Technically i dont live with my parents (Although im here right now) but they do keep giivng me money because im an student.

gross looking face. not everyone wants to fuck someone that reminds them of your mother

Are you still in college or just a NEET?

>because im a* student.

>time by looking at the moon

Oh. I didn't see that part. It's not unusual to still live with your parents when you're in college.

What can I say? Milfs kinda do it for me

>Going to be 26 by the time I'm fully done with my bachelors

kill me

Yeah but i study on mexico shitty so yeah i "techicanlly" dont live with em.

I need to move out (find a real job)

Tell me about your relationship with your mommy

just made guacamole ama


Did you use Jeb's reciple?

Well, sadly, she's dead. But while alive I had no fetish desires at all for her.

Ass or boobs?

I was 25. But getting kicked out of school twice will delay the whole graduation thing

Besides pepper is there any other words for chile? I just fee like pepper sounds weird when you're talking about non-bell peppers varieties.

Chile is a country, silly.

there was a standoff in my area and 2 people died lol


news link?

That sucks, what did you get kicked out for? I just dropped out once then camp back and changed my major to something totally different

Signs of a third world country

what age did you start growing facial hair?

>be american
>get shot


>hospital WiFi is too slow to stream ftwd
>won't even buffer for some reason

13-14, had to shave around once a week.


>That sucks, what did you get kicked out for?

Got caught drinking one too many times, and the second was for grades. I did a bit too much partying and had no direction whatsoever (I was still undecided for a major the second time I was kicked out)


It ain't no meme

what are you doing back in the hospital?

thanks. Wonder if drugs were involved?

>already spent four hours posting on Sup Forums today
I need a hobby.

I plan on going to on of the big eclipse events, hopefully I'll meet a cute foreigner there

>get an ad for bed sheets
>go on their websites
>cheapest set is $200
What the fuck

Posting food pics soon
Thurston was going through withdrawals

What do women from the Pacific Northwest think about English men?

>tfw no good movies at the movie theater

If you're at least average looking, they'll love you for your accent.

>eclipse visible over the most of the contiguous USA
>media keeps hyping the place in Oregon where it will be visible
What did they mean by this?

Best description I heard of America is it's first world economically and third world socially.

uh ok

The superior mastodon album


no it isn't


Who likes short-shorts?
I like short-shorts!

>noble gas

hopefully they fall for the gimmick
I really want to run into some cute Europeans or Canadians