So Berkeley is officially a cesspool of liberals. Had dinner with friends at Zach's pizza, Pixie cut

So Berkeley is officially a cesspool of liberals. Had dinner with friends at Zach's pizza, Pixie cut
shemale tranny thing takes our order with it's "I voted" sticker on next to a Bernie hair silhouette thing
(obvious shilling). Go to use the restroom, there are two, and they've both been converted to Unisex...

After Pizza we go get ice cream at Smitten's and the first thing the black cashier asks me and my friends is
"who did you vote for." Now I voted for Trump as did one of my friends, the other voted for Bernie, but
seriously, this is the first thing they ask, not Hi welcome to our store how can I help you.

It gets worse, we didn't want to tell this guy who we voted for so my friends were silent. I spoke up and said,
let's leave politics out of the ice cream shop ok? He pressed the issue, said "Oh you probably voted for Trump
then huh" things get awkward and I say we'd rather not say. He presses on, but who did y'all vote for though.
Eventually I get fed up and say we just want to order ice cream man. We place the order and I pay for us all.
He turns the ipad around and says "you better have voted for Bernie" After hearing this I'd had enough and I said
Bernie huh? then I clicked the "No Tip" button and the guy lost it. He said oh you're a Trump supporter after all huh.
then went on to say "you better watch out tonight" "you're gonna get purged tonight" "someone's gonna get purged and
it's going to be you" "one less Trump supporter.

I was like WTF and went straight to the back asking for manager. This cuck comes out and I tell him the story.
Cuck calls his manager and is on the phone with him for like 1o minutes before he comes back and breaks the news to the
black guy who takes off his apron and goes to the back. My friends and I leave. fuck that place and fuck anyone
who threatens violence to someone because of who they voted for.

Pic related it's him.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Berkeley is officially a cesspool of liberals
Any actual news?

Nice blog tumblerina

Please tell me more about how you were offended

Yeah I know who you are bitch, you're that fucking faggor Richard Lee. How's it feel knowing I fucked your bitch tonight nigga.

Grow the fuck up

This isn't Yelp. Did you get lost?

>That's nice, I have a concealed permit, looking forward to meeting you

- end

>came for the dinosaur
>left unhappy

you fucked nothing, nigger

maybe your little sister and/r brother

but that is expected, coon


It just sucks seeing firsthand how the left has the gall to openly threaten people in a place of business and feel not only immune to scrutiny but feel verified for doing so.

Why would you tip a cashier anyway

This story sounds somewhat plausible

Why the fuck would you go to Berkeley unless you attend Cal, and no one on Sup Forums could get accepted there anyway.

Just kill him next time. If everyone of you dumb worthless faggots would just murder a subversive every time you encountered one instead of making a new thread, you'd already have a Fourth Reich.

This whole post made me LOL
Seriously OP, it's 2016, get with the times

I know but my friend (Trump supporter) is an allumni from Berkeley and he wanted to check out his old stomping grounds. Things have changed in the last 5 years... Used to be nothing but stoners, now that stoners basically have all the weed they can smoke I guess the Feminists/SJW/Bernout/Cuck crows has taken over.

Some stores ask for a tip when you're paying by card

It really happened. And while the girl was making my ice cream (they make it on the spot with liquid nitrogen) he was whispering in her ear and pointing at me, then they both had a laugh. Like I'm really going to eat your fucking ice cream when you just threatened to kill me...

>So Berkeley is officially a cesspool of liberals.
My god. It had always been rumored...but now it's official.

whew, glad it's Berkley and not Berklee. Was planning on studying music there next year

>shemale tranny thing takes our order with it's "I voted" sticker on next to a Bernie hair silhouette thing

This was just her way of letting you no that she doesn't like tips.

goes both ways friendo. If you think this is a left-right issue you're in for a spooky time.
Go Yelp about it like a little asian girl then.

it could have cooties like LITERALLY HIV

So the guy got fired? And why do you have his instagram?

I don't think any customer of an ice cream shop on the left has ever been questioned who they voted for, then threatened to be "purged" by someone on the right who is working the cash register

which Zach's? I was there for dinner also.

Cal is for beta faggots, Oregon Duck master race.

I think I did, he took his apron off and looked pissed as hell. My friends wanted to get the hell out of there so we left and the cuck was ignoring me after he got back in the shop from the phone call.

I found him by using Linkedin to find his General Manager, then went on Facebook to check all his friends. I knew his name was Lawrence because I asked him before I spoke with his manager what his name was.

I'm going to call them tomorrow to see what happened to the guy.

Why wouldn't you be wearing your MAGA hat? Low energy beta.

why isn't that coon swinging from a tree?

It's too heavy

College Ave. right by Smitten Ice Cream where this happened.

That's what happens when your government prevents you from firing nigs.

>but they're really oppressed

You should be ashamed for being to much of a pussy to own up to voting for Trump from the start.

>I'm going to call them tomorrow

What a faggot

>you're gonna get purged tonight

There's not a burgeoning Communist uprising in America, right? Move along, goy. :^)

you're probably right senpai. It's not easy being a Trump supporter out here, so much judgement, I need to be more based.

This is some feminine looking nig. Good job op.

6pm today?

But by making the nig persist it probably got him in more shit. And it's nobody's business who he votes for.

Jesus Christ what a dick. I fucking hate everything around election time, people are so retarded at times.


Damn, thats pretty fucked. Whats the phone number of the place?

Totally childish story

Mann up, get some muscles instead of ice cream, you fat sloth.


You're absolutely right, there was a loony Bernie supporter with 20 bernie pins on her shirt on the street corner saying Corporations are Evil, Smash Capitalism. It was bananas

in Image attached. Actually the place is pretty nice and my friends ate their ice cream, said it was really good lol.

A shit, my man. I didn't notice the tranny, I had more of a numale hipster for a waiter. Deep dish pepperoni is the only reason I go to Zach's otherwise I'd drop the liberal cesspit.

Spam the insta???

Great, thanks. Also,



Place is awesome, I still got half a pizza left over. Did you see the girl with the hugely fat ass in the way too tight jeans?

This comment warmed my heart!

No, I didn't. I did see the girl handing out bernie pins though.

First time voters are cancer...

LOL. The guy was insane I forgot to mention, there was a huge Liquid Nitrogen tank behind him and he knocked on it and said "you're gonna be as cold as this tank tonight"
It's like he thought he could say anything to me since I'm a Trump supporter and not only get away with it but be praised by his co-workers.
Leftism is truly a disease and black are pretty easily afflicted by it.

Not Your Fucking Army

Please grow a pair. All of these other enabling faggots are newbs. No one cares about your blogs; please complain to some other assholes about your obvious weaknesses.

fuck new/pol/. you guys used to have principles.

"Purge" is threat of violence, it's a Communist buzzword. If the Berniefags are planning a violent revolution, we should know.

>Not responding appropriately.

That was your opportunity for epic bantz and you fucked it up like the sperg lord faggot you are.






>being this much of a sperg irl
You don't go out much, do you?

Hey op, i work over there. Come visit me at revival bar and kitchen this weekend!

nigger works in an ice cream shop

u shouldve just made fun of him for being poor loloololol

Oakland isn't Berkeley you fucking moron. You actually wonder why a thug was trying to kill you in Oakland? Fuck. I'm so sick of you students, tourists, and transplants. Get the fuck out of my town you fucking retard.

I know user, I regret it so hard. That's one of the reasons I posted it just to get it out of my system. In the moment, I was legit scared of this dude, I don't know who he is and he's threatening me with violence so unexpectedly. I didn't want to make a scene but at the same time wanted to let him know he can't get away with that shit.

That's the worst bantz I've ever heard.

What he should have said is:

>I voted for Joe
>Who's dis Joe?
>Joe Momma. Now get me some fucking ice cream

That's how you handle a nigga

nigger needs to be exposed

>"Man up OP you pussy. You should have shot the nig"

All these spics trying to push an innocent man to some false-sense of martydom or just to put some citizen in prison for lulz is sickening.

Fuck off Antifa California.

>Trump supporters are going to get purged

Yes Tyrone, the citizens with all of the guns will be the ones who get purged when the social contract finally breaks down completely.

God I hope most of them actually believe this.

>cc permit

Well thats your fault for living in Commiefornia. The rest of us are enjoying the simplicity of a 1911.

On the contrary, I do go out, Im just never confronted with something as absurd as this. I would not have bought anything from said negro and talked to his manager as well. Thats a crazy way to greet a paying customer.

They do exist, believe it or not, but it depends on how ghetto the area you live in is. You have to convince the court with how shit your area is to be worthy of a concealed carry permit.

Fucking Oakland niggers are wild and out of control:

Him and others like him will be purged from the workforce once their managers/bosses find out they harass people.

Interadesting. So say I took up residence in Little Mexico for a bit, could I then apply and keep it even after I move?

Pretty fucking weak, leaf.

I did hear one black guy say to some dumb nigger behind the counter one time though.

"Hey, can I get my food?"
"Tsk, man Im on my grind."
"Well then GRIND me up a McFlurry nigga"

I lost my shit in the middle of a McDonalds over that, I couldn't stop laughing.

There's a good video of a black guy shouting to a group of black people how stupid they are if they think they'll win a race war. "You niggas don't realize, they got like seven year old boys learning to shoot an assault rifle. Dey all strapped up and dey teach dem kids how to use dat shit. Your ass out their holdin a pistol sideways ain't gonna do shit". Not an exact quote, but the basic gist. It was hilarious how correct he was. Not sure where to find the video.

I tip the hot ones. But not the fat ones.

Its a bit of a shame you don't see why this is a problem. I go to a restaurant to be served. Period. This nigger think he's gonna get a bunch of free shit from Bernie and he can quit his ice cream job.

Fuck him.

clerk was offended without cause

op was offended with total and perfect cause


>fission explosion

"a atomic fallout"

>Berkeley is a liberal shithole

Ya don't say

At least the nigger has a job, which is many steps ahead compared to most of the negroids in America.

He clearly needs more training on how to behave in public. Cut off his foot and his dick, he'll learn.

I know it's gay as shit to be all emo, but thanks guys you all put a smile on my face when I'm feeling like shit. Probably goes against everything this board stands for though, sorry I wasn't all alpha as fuck and no glorifying story to tell! But it's good to know that there are still principled people out there! I'm sageing my own shit cause I want to go to bed.

as a berkeley native, kek

>being publicly intimidated and threatened with violence over who you vote for
>a matter of being "offended"
U wot m8?

fucking ugly chimp get your gap teeth fixed monkey

I have over 3 confirmed firings under my belt. I won't stop until all racist anti-Trump protestors are unemployed.

That sign in the front reminds me of Dirty Dancing.

Someone post Julian.

Best shoop. 10/10

It's death threat you fucking piece of shit, not calling someone with the wrong pronoun.

Did anyone else notice an especially high concentration of drugged up piss saturated bums in Berkeley tonight? Especially at the corner of Shattuck and Addison. Not exactly the sort of concentration I would like to see them in...

California is a cesspool of liberals.

I'd have zero problems with wiping out 2/3rds of it's population.

Fuck off, asshole. I had the misfortune to grow up in Berzerkeley. This kind of shit has become par for the course, and it needs to stop.

Even the fucking hippies in the old days knew when to mind their business.

>He turns the ipad around and says "you better have voted for Bernie" After hearing this I'd had enough and I said Bernie huh? then I clicked the "No Tip" button and the guy lost it.

Solano County gives them pretty easily now. FYI. The last sheriff was a cuck but we changed up.

Kern County, they hand them out like party favors. A lot of the rural north and northeast counties are easy too.

If you live in SF county or Alameda county, you should move, frankly.

Got mugged at that corner in the 90s. It's always been shit, pretty much. Lived in Oakland for years, nothing ever happened. Took a friend from Novato into downtown Berkeley a while back. Amusingly, she was pretty freaked out. Marinites. They don't live in reality.

Thing is though, in the old days the niggers stayed in East and West Oakland. Worst you had to deal with in downtown Berkeley was punk rats and insane homeless people. Times change, I guess.

>I'd have zero problems with wiping out 2/3rds of its population.

Last figures I saw, CA is now about 40% Dem, 35% Repub, the rest Independent or weird shit. So maybe 50% would suffice?

fuck off nigger
all you had to say was " I dont vote, the system is corrupt "
but, nooooooooo.. you made up some stupid nigger story in your child brain and felt like shit posting it here.
because in real life you have no friends and you didn't even leave your mom's basement.

>be me
>goto icecream store
>some faggot asks me blah blah

Were all those words in the OP really that intimidating to your instant gratification circuits?


That's a really cool story, OP.

Thanks for sharing with the class.

OP is the nigger in the picture.

so close