What makes you think Trump will make it into the White House when Hillary has MILLIONS of more supporters?
What makes you think Trump will make it into the White House when Hillary has MILLIONS of more supporters?
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Kill yourselves Trumpfags
That post did it, i am now a #CruzMissile
Bernie's going to split the Democratic vote.
Trump literally just won the general election tonight.
I am now a #clintoris
Bernie got 11 million votes. The party is split and Hilldawg is still ahead.
When Hillary wins all the le trump fags will return to reddit.
because the islamic attack on congr..
Down only 2 million votes when the first half of the race split the Republican vote among dozens of candidates.
Trump is doing remarkably in this regard.
>Trump fights 16 people
>Clinton fights one old socialist kike
She should be ahead by a lot more
I guess that does it, I will now #Shill4Hill
Like this
And trump had 11 opponents
She had 1 socialist cuck
This. 1/3 of berniefags will vote trump, 1/3 will vote clinton and 1/3 will stay at home. 2/3 will act in trumps favour
I like the way Trump is still only getting 70% or so even though the alertanive is an empty chair.
You forgot O'Mally
Exactly this, what the shit has she been doing this whole time?
>Trump is fighting 16 retards that dropped out weeks ago, of course he should lose to Hillary who still has someone campaigning against her.
Are you butt fucking kidding me?
Vagina wins. Game over. You talk big game American men. Now go vote Hillary cause wifey says. No vote, no pussy. Plus I will make your life a living hell. You already know it's true. Don't put it to the test.
This is a change changer, who #FeelTheBern now?
hasn't even started on hillary yet. he has said this a lot and it's true. there's so much shit on her that we can have a new attack ad up every single week until the election
gud luk
He was never a serious player in the Democratic race.
>pol's choice
begone shill
>what is sarcasm
Funny how Democrats and Republicans each represent barely 25% of the voting public
You'd think they ran the place or something
Trump was going against 17 opponents while Hillary mostly only faced Bernie one-on-one
Trump ran against 16 other people. Clinton ran against 4 or 5. Not even close to the same situation.
You do realise that the Presidential election is not decided by a pure majority? You need a plurality, and the states with extremely large populations (CA, NY etc) are Democrat anyways. Last time I checked, Trump doesn't need CA or NY to win the election.
What about the millions who voted Cruz, Kasich, Rubio, Carson, and Sanders?
Who will they vote for?
im so ashamed i only know one language america cares not for its youth
>Hillary supporters
>Sup Forums
Am I missing something?
Eat a turd
Trump has KEK and Sup Forums on his side.
Really makes you think, i am now #JerkingForJohnson
Implying the USA were democratic where every vote has the same value.
>Current year
>Still using the electoral collage
It's almost as if there wasn't mass protests, it wouldn't be a decent election. A good chunk of the electorate you're describing doesn't like Trump or Clinton. Not just I-don't-care-for-them-but-will-still-vote-party-line but actual, active dislike and mistrust.
Dem Turnout : 26713483
Rep Turnout : 28334778