Being a "real" musician sucks

mwf when I realize that music becomes a job after being a hobbie most of my life and now I hate it, it was so simple back then when I could just grab a bass and play for fun,now I have to meet cold dead lines of songs I don't particulary enjoy.
Turns out the music scene is a cold unforgivig world that only cares of how many alcoholics you can gather at a bar.
biggest dissapointment in my life

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Ok, but you have to have a job, so why not make it something you love?

Why couldn't we just exist as a species without money? It just becomes a curse on humanity, to have to destroy your Chimera in order to along yourself with reality. Disgusting. We're all corrupt inside.

once we hit post-scarcity, people will purchase simulations of your brain-state, including the anxiety of not making enough money playing rock music in bars

post-scarcity should be here already, any current scarcity is artificially implemented

I don't want to discourage you if that's really what you're going for but statistically if I had to pick you out of a hat, you're not gonna make a dime off of whatever you're trying to do. If you work hard enough then that can be overcome, but most people aren't willing to work hard enough. You have to be brutally realistic with yourself. If you don't have the skills or work ethic, just get a regular job. Start making money when you're 17 or when you're out of college and don't take a 2 or 4 year break or "exploration." The difference between you as an artist and you in a realistic universe is probably about $160,000, four years of earnings. Would you rather have that or a Bandcamp page no one listens to? If you're dead set on it though, don't let me knock the wind out of your sails, but if I did, then maybe you would have half-assed it anyway.

listen to this user. i went with a different career and made a bunch of money and now i can play music as a hobby and not give a fuck if i don't make a living off of it. meanwhile all the musicians i know who are way better than me are broke as fuck working as bartenders or doing oddjobs well into their 30s. they're a depressed bunch.

>musings of a 13 year old

OP here.
Yeah, I get it, art won't feed me or my family, i have a pretty decent job so I don't starve, the thing is that my bandmates do need the money and they are turning something beautiful I love into a mindless grind,
we show up in stage with diferent motivations

I had that dream as a kid, I grew out of it when I realized I can just screw around for fun, for the same reasons you've listed.