Why are all the prominent Alt Right leaders either
> gay
> Jewish
> traps
> race mixers
or an unholy combination of all of the above? Where are the normal white people?
Why are all the prominent Alt Right leaders either
> gay
> Jewish
> traps
> race mixers
or an unholy combination of all of the above? Where are the normal white people?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums is one person
not in publicity bc they'd get a massive shitstorm
You can't racemix if you don't produce offspring.
Because that is the main demographic of Sup Forums
it nullifies arguments the left has against them, they are also members of the "victim culture" who are immune to criticism because of political correctness.
>>Sup Forums is one person
I guess you missed the part where he said "prominent"
Also Sup Forums isn't the alt-right fuck head.
Because they're the safest ones for people to support
There's loads of straight white family men who run the movement in some way, but they're FUCKING WHITE MALES, and so they can't get the newbies to jump on their sides as easily as le based token faggot
Sup Forums is degenerate, Jewish and was always part of the gay agenda.
Any serious conservative should stop supporting Sup Forums as a concept, because it's always been degenerate, and stop coming here.
Recognize you're addicted to this place and it's something you need to grow out of.
this tbqh famdango
Sup Forums is JIDF trolling JIDF, That's why they have such an acute knowledge of jewish subversive tactics.
I don't think Steven Crowder is any of those things, if he counts as alt right
Because it grants a limited resistance to identity politics.
You don't co-opt a movement with normal white people, you use silver tonged freaks. It's only been like half a decade and everyone has already forgotten the lessons of occupy.
>Sup Forums is disgusting degenerate trash
>keeps shitposting anyways
Internet anonymity is fundamentally a form of Jewish subversion.
"free" internet is literally a cultural marxist counterculture meme.
I find it funny how so many so-called conservatives/fascists/right wingers are somehow ok with all this degeneracy inherent in anonymous internet communication.
Real identity online is much healthier for society since it allows social shaming. China is doing it right.
I don't have a leader, because I'm not accepting a foreign label pushed on me by people that want something easy to discredit.
Because you retarded betas go orbit some slut the second she shows a bit of leg but fags are immune to vagina devil magic and stand out because they won't be shamed by women and their leftist ways.
Shame only works when it is directed properly, do you really want the CURRENT YEAR leftists to have even more ammunition for their "get people harassed for disagreeing" campaigns?
I'm with you. I do not understand why the alt-right leans towards those contrary to their "ism".
This Milo guy is just horrible and a typical homo who hates women. Maybe the alt-right likes him because of his "anti-feminism" which really means "anti-woman".
cause leftist cant just call em homophobic, sexist, racist etc.
this is true. But really what happened to the internet (and more recently Sup Forums) is a mirror of the whole situation in the West with democracy
both lacked immune systems for keeping out subversives / the masses
the alt right a faggots
There's actually a damn good reason for it. People like Milo are basically immune from SJW narrative attacks. Leftists literally go insane because they are so used to shutting down debate by calling people racists and shit like that, that their entire narrative blows up against someone like Milo.
I'm a religious conservative and have been forever and a day, alt-rights just a trend and conservatives are riding the fuck out of it hoping to meme their way back into office.
I just hope roe vs wade is overturned, I've been considering moving to a more conservative/religious nation but all western nations seem to be going down this rabbit hole of faggotry.
Milo says good things but the shtick gets old, esp when he repeats certain talking points of his verbatim. He's good in interview, shitty on this college tour.
You nailed it. I come to Sup Forums once in a while to check out what's brewing in the underworld.
This too, by their own pity politics a gay Greek jew is less privileged than a straight white woman and they can't call him a fat virgin neckbeard because he gets more dick than they do.
Just remember, it could always be worse. You could look like a rat, worship mud, fuck up every relationship you ever enter with a woman and ilve in Vermont lel
The college tour is a bad idea and no sympathy for him. I say this to the right as well as to the left. Political advocating needs to be removed from accredited educational institutions. Just teach what needs to be taught: math, science, statistics. All else is a distraction.
You could be an unironic Bernout in an alternate timeline, keep that in mind.
It's only a very small cucked percentage that would view these outcasts as leaders.
The tour has nothing to do with the curriculum are you retarded?
Fuck all humans, I'm in it for bacon and imps my little turdnugget.
I think calling them leaders would be a stretch. Trump would be probably what we have closest to a "leader" of sorts, but only sort of.
However they are a public face of the alt-right and they do have the balls to go on and talk about this in public. Also their privilege they're granted from being "oppressed" gives them more freedom. I was, and to a degree still am, skeptical about this Milo faggot being a face of the alt-right, but it really is genius since he can still use the "well I'm a fudge packer so I'm a victim" bullshit card.
Leaders no, public face yes.
They are our army.
A "normal white" that expressing anything right of the center is immediately swarmed, slandered and shunned.
We've always survived by adapting.
>the cold winters in the north taught us to plan
>the muslims taught us to crusade
>the dark ages taught us to value knowledge
And now
>the juden have taught us how to manipulate
Instead of conquering the land, we are will conquer the minds of lesser beings.
Our new soldiers bear our the impenetrable armor of the enemy. They carry the swords of pop culture, and they are supplied with the freshest memes.
Basically it's drone warfare.
>we've entered a new plane of combat where we can begin striking back with impunity
Reminder that Trump will have them eliminated when they lose their usefulness.
>he fell for the alt-right honeypot controlled opposition
oh shit it all makes sense now
check em
because you cant get away with saying those things if youre normal
Is Stephen Molyneux or Stephen Crowder gay jewsih, traps or race mix?
>he goes to Sup Forums and then writes on Sup Forums how shitty Sup Forums is and how no one should come here, but it's okay when he goes to Sup Forums because he doesn't go as often as other people
wow dude ur so cool
Isn't there a really cute trap Trump supporter who posts on Sup Forums? She's really cute and I want to do unspeakable things to her.
Milo and any political advocacy can take it down to local town hall or something: it has no place on the grounds of an accredited college. Again, it's distraction and not proper use of facility. Have a nice day.
What about all the other retarded shit they teach at universities nowadays?
I would agree with you on principle, but Universities are notorious for this kind of shit. At least this is something on our side.
i've seen her pics all over Sup Forums but is there any proof she's from Sup Forums? for all we know she could be some camslut who got paid to wear a MAGA hat
Stephen "Commentaires Sans Arguments" Molyneux is partially Jewish.
She has a feminine penis, uses Sup Forums lingo, and all her posts are Redpilled as fuck. I wish I had an image or name of them; they make me diamonds.
[spoiler]no homo, tho[/spoiler]
It's not even a distraction because it's done outside of normal hours usually and you only go if you want to go, universities hold these because they have always held seminars and such from a wide range of people and you have to be exceptionally close minded or just retarded to bar any OPTIONAL expressions of thought.
This too, Milo is a counterpoint to the actual problem in the shit universities that pump out leftists: liberal "professors". By removing discourse or the opinions of others you are worse than the SJW degenerates you say you dislike.
>where are all the normal white people
Still asleep or hard at work. They will never see it coming.
"Alt-right" is not a real movement
It's a temporary alliance between right based movements that aren't in any kind of power
As such it has no figureheads
They're not alt-right leaders. Alt-right has no readers.
They're traditional progressives and academics who think they've found a new demographic and want to make money selling books only people in education and academia will read.
50 year old history teachers will devour their books to understand their young male students... believing they've found a way to control them and defeat them.
Milo sells book about the alt-right to old gay dudes and lesbians, snooty limo lefties.
Then what do you call the staunchly anti-SJW movement that is figureheaded by these faggots or what movement is he trying to figurehead with his Feminism is Cancer and Triggering tours?
Seemingly worse than the "Alt Right" is neoreaction, which also claims to be Rightist.
What do we know about "neo"reaction?
Founded by Kurtis Yarvin: Jew. Atheist. Pro gay marriage.
Now "lead" by: Wolf Tivy, a guy who regularly writes about being "cucked" in a "polyamorous" relationship.
Also "lead" by: Mark Yuray, a 19 year old incel slav immigrant.
Oh, and also a bunch of phenomenally boring "rightists" with a penchant for "techno commercialism" and "passivism" and other such homo things.
The entire is "Right" is utterly doomed. We're fucked.
On the left, Milo would be just another gay wannabe bestseller writer desperate for attention.
By playing neo-right wing villain, he hopes to build a career.
The temporary alliance of ideologies against SJWs
It will break up the moment right wing politics become popular again
>Where are the normal white people?
If you read anything outside of lel-gay-jew stuff you'd know most of the intellectual leaders are white goys.
Pat Buchanan
Jared Taylor
Richard Spencer
Peter Brimlow
John Derbyshire
Kevin MacDonald
Stefan Molyneux
just wanted to say what a cuck you are
So he isn't just figureheading one movement, in your opinion, he is temporarily unifying and simultaneously figureheading several with his tours?
Because it is controlled opposition.
We're not normal in the first place.
You wouldn't be on here if you were.
>many notable alt-right figures are people usually associated with being strictly left
This is the best of situations, user.
fuck off shill
anonymity allows the free-flow of information and ideas free of real life consequences.
You have to be degenerate to throw shit in their face with impunity.
If a straight while male was leading the alt-right, they'd easily shut it down with "das racis"
I don't like the fag any more than you, but they hold a trump card when it comes to the opposition
This. Milo is extremely sensationalist and no one on the left treats him seriously when he says something that coming out a true conservatives mouth would be considered incendiary.
Milo is like Borat, a character. He satirizes the "alt-right."
Traditional right will dismiss the alt-right if it thinks its message is being carried by a legion of flamboyant gays.
Left laughs him off. Nothing says they've won like a gay guy becoming the extreme right.
That makes him vastly more important, why do you think he is so special that is leading not just one but unifying numerous movements into one?
Because they're the only ones who get away with it
bot that post stupid things are not correct.y develloped talking AIs
your handler must be a sperg