Hungarian bus stops #3

Old thread hit the image limit.








How do you like Turkemen stops fampai?



I'm enjoying the pics, OP, but take a fucking break

Keep going, you beautiful motherfucker




what the hell












This one is cute

















For what purpose

I admire your dedication.





Best thread on this board














cozy thread








What country will you do next? Czech bus stops? Slovenian?



Heh I like you OP, you are true German
Please come to Russia we have a lot of bus stops

he did it in Estonia and posted in /balt/


That's cute


So he really is a bus stop autist and not just doing it to confuse Sup Forums?


How long has he been at it for now


almost 9 hours

but pls keep going OP


he travelling different countries on bike and shooting bus stops, they are really different and has many designs




what's your endgame?


shot all bus stops in the World I think







is he trying to get every bus stop in each country he visits?
