Ah yes, Russians

Ah yes, Russians

>krauts declare war on a miserable country years behind in everything
>still manage to loose

at least we've never got rekt by a fucking turtle

You never had to fight the indians on America's western front. Some of those wars make the Eastern Front of WW2 seem like heaven

>Some of those wars make the Eastern Front of WW2 seem like heaven





I mainly mean in how brutal they were not the numbers. Indians consistantly scalped the soldiers, attacked from bushes, shit ISIS would do, and worse.

Lost Colony of Roanoke?

This deserves a screencap


I'm aware the Indians were brutal but I think it's still a far cry from the fucking Eastern Front.

I guess, i'll admit it was a retarded comparison.

such a shame you can't delete this now...

screencaping this again, lmao


Not really a post you should have made, my American friend.

What did he mean by this?

>Muh excuses

the horrors of war were never more felt than in the hearts of all the americans who had to march into indian lines under machine gun fire, artillery barrage, gas attacks and civilian bombings
the Russians on the eastern front only had to deal with small statureed germans wielding stone age weapons

Never return here.

> ywn spend cold, tense, dark and sleepless months in the Sioux trenches or face an Iroquois phosgene gas attack
Thank god.


To be fair, gas attacks and marching into machine gun nests weren't really a thing in WW2

ez 17 yous with obvious bait, guess reddit has truly infested this place

great addition to the assburger image

Damn bruh, u so smart.

And thread is now ruined

what did he mean by this

This post is quintessentially American.