I'm 40. Explain to me like I'm 5 why Lil Peep is so important / influential. I just don't get it...

I'm 40. Explain to me like I'm 5 why Lil Peep is so important / influential. I just don't get it. Or maybe I don't do enough drugs.

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>why Lil Peep is so important / influential
He wasn't.

Nobody here ever said he was good, or even had taIent.

We're here for the 6 Xannie story updates.

he's not

he wasn't. you're getting memed

He's not nearly as important and influential as people say he is now that he died, but he was one of the bigger names in the underground hip hop scene right now.

His music incorporated lots of influence and sounds from emo music, and his lyrics were a bit more emotional at times compared to other rappers in the underground so he hit a very certain demographic of depressed teenagers who like to do drugs.

He had face tattoos. Kids nowadays look up to people like that.


bump for more opinions

he made it to the top whilst constantly predicting his own death and then he actually died
also as millenial abuse survivor who's totally wired into the internet he's able to speak to the hearts of most people born after the late 90s

Listened to him after his death. The first time I played his first song off of come to me when you’re sober it legit scared me. Then I got around a day later and listened to the whole thing and I like it. I know what album I’ll listen to when I’m in that’s mood, which for winter is very useful.

Because fuck you


why are they in such an awfull hurry I mean fine get all inked throughout the years but must the face be full before 20?

He was an important figure in the sad soundcloud rapper scene.

>I'll be your long last pal
>Yea you can call me Al

please stop making music for at least 12 months while you meditate on what you've made and what purpose it could ever actually serve


There's nothing more to understand. His "music" sucked ass and now he's gone.

he had a dedicated core fanbase that really cared about him

>anime avatar

Do these people even expect to get anywhere in life? What goes through the mind of a face tattooer?


Basically revived emo kind of and kinda made a new music genre or at least was a pioneer of the new music genre (emo rap or hip-hop) so yeah

Can we just have an /RIP LIL PEEP GENERAL/ at his point?

People followed his development and cared about him. He was exciting and bit by bit was going to break into mainstream. Reading his interview he he sounded a sweet person.

He was. You covered the board in him, he had something.

Jesus look at that fag. Have some self respect, damn

>Do these people even expect to get anywhere in life?
That's the point of face tattoo. People do it to make sure they don't pussed out and become wagecucks It's one of the last few things that still disturbs the normie.
I guess a regular tattoo could do the trick before it became a meaningless fashion accessory.

Don't be so callous

Having a popular soundcloud page does not make you important and influential.

I hate hip-hop OP but I'll try explain why:

His music is essentially the "millennial" problem taken to the extreme. If you're born in the 90's, you're a millennial.

If he was a singer and not a rapper, you'd be saying "wow, he's relate-able" because he is.

As for the face tattoos... well it's still a "fuck you" to society. You aren't going to be able to go back to a "non-artist" life once you have a fucking horseshoe tattood on your forehead next to the words "cry baby"

His music was pretty trash because it's rap, but if you listen to songs like "Girls", and some of his unreleased stuff that he posted on Twitter just before his death... he was clearly somewhat talented.

I can totally see the comparison to Cobain, etc, but it's almost as if someone just diluted Cobain with utter garbage hip-hop and it made a lasting impression to the point it changed his songwriting.

How to relate to Peep:
>Be depressed but understand that every motherfucker is depressed and its what you all have in common
>The internet and specifically Social Media is your life
>Have a nostalgia for a time you weren't even alive in
>Nihilistic as fuck (pretty much everyone is now, even if you don't agree with it or don't think you are, you probably are... everyone is now)
I could go on

He wasn't really "influential", he's just a symptom (basically) of our ever sickening society with some punk elements thrown in, but a necessary step in music that eventually someone will take the good parts out of

Holy crap we got an essay.

>says mediocre rapper was nothing more than mediocre
>rapper happens to be dead

i just read all that and really wanna kill you

>AII this effort
>For a random 40 fan sound cIoud hip hopper who's fans cheered his death on

Iaughing my fucking ass off


Implying I'm wrong.
It's horrible to see, but that is the way it is.

Not much effort at all, but if his fans really cheered his death on then that only cements my points. His nihilistic audience literally willing his death on, as if they're trying to say something about themselves.

Self sabotage and suicidal tendencies? It is very much a millennial problem. They want nothing more than their own destruction in a: "we're all fucked anyway it may as well be on my terms"

are the people hating on him not depressed or something? i am and i find his songs really catchy and easy to relate to. i don't get why people say they're bad even if they don't like it.

user he was neither important nor influential

double negative you fucker. write gooder

Lmao people actually fell for the "lil peep is important past a passing novelty" meme

It's because he died and made something that was a bit listenable.

I disagree, Brandon. I don't think "his" music was listenable at all.

I just turned 29. I like to read music blogs and I’m good at at least keeping an ear to the ground... never heard of this kid once until he died. We fetishize very young people in the music industry, build them up and spit them out 3 to 5 years later max. It’s gross. I feel bad for the dude’s family and friends, that is if he really had friends and not enablers and hangers on, but this “oh no oh my he was going to change music” shit is so disingenuous. Not just to everyone’s intelligence but also to the dead. Fuck off with that, he was another party rap mess who indulged too much and burned out fast.

He was authentic, his music was about his life and a lot of people around his age connected to it because they have similar feelings/thoughts

Just like Kurt Cobain or Bob Dylan or Gerard Way or Thom Yorke before him

>He was authentic,
>lil peep
>like kurt cobain

This is the most underage thing I've read in years on Sup Forums

>a lot of people around his age connected to it because they have similar feelings/thoughts
You mean sheltered suburban kids that have never experienced pain or hardship in their entire lives? Not surprised someone like lil peep appeals to these people.

Call that user underage all you want. It's not just him saying that he is this generations cobain, all major music news are calling him that as well. Interesting stuff desu.

>It's not just him saying that he is this generations cobain
If any actual non literal who is saying this, its to ride the wave of his death and cash in on the month long sympathy bucks. Nobody actually believes this.

How old are you?

You don't have to like what young people like to understand why it appeals to them

If you're judging Lil Peep on his musicianship you really don't get it

i mean they're working musicians. if by "get anywhere" you mean quit their lucrative music career to work at mcdonalds, no i don't think they're planning on doing that.

>not judging musicians on their musicianship

>If you're judging Lil Peep on his musicianship you really don't get it

Yeah man, you have judge him by how angsty and depressed he pretends to be. Even though his brother said that's just a gimmick to sell records and wasn't really depressed.

The people who like him call him a good musician

Yeah believe his brother that him and his mom never mention. The one who said that his father was fine, when in fact abused both his mom and peep. yeah dude.

idk but I hate him for mixing emo and rap he is an insult to emo music. You just can't do that it sounds retarded. I got hoes now wahhhhh (he doesnt)

been listening to peep's music since there is so much ruckus caused by his death, he wasn't bad at all

I listened to most of his stuff after he died. Not seeing any emo influence whatsoever other than the occasional chick with black lipstick in the background.

it's like he got every edgy Tumblr meme from 2015 tattooed on his face. Why do people do these purposely shitty tattoos lately? Do they just not care what happens to them

shitty tattoos is the new hit meme, like actually.

emo samples in the rap beats

I'm not a huge fan or really that knowledgeable, but from the outside looking in he seems to be the first guy to successfully combine rap and emo


Ivery checked out most if his stuff and the songs that have a guitar are just 4bars of strumming looped for the entire song

I was genuinely curious...

successfully... Wow. That wasn't a success, it's complete garbage. It makes no fucking sense. Point me in any direction to where this is decent. "I got hoes now"????

Like actually, it is. It's a new goth wave, where you don't get a tattoo for the quality of it, but for just wanting one. Most times it'll be random shit, or just words. I can look neat, but sometimes it's just a like fuckjustmeup on your arms and face.

Nice bait

So what happens to these people when they decide to seek employment

A dealer fronts them a bag to get started

People with common sense will only get them on their arms, other people will just try and find work that allows them to have face tattoos, which is pretty limited.

he's not
you shouldn't care about this
ignore anyone who says otherwise
this is fact

I've done a few drugs and I'm better than him but still what do

but where will they be in 20 years? still famous? nope

>You mean sheltered _suburban_ kids that have never experienced pain or hardship in their entire lives?

You realize that this is a massive cohort, right?

>little peep
Looks like he made his last peep

fucking this, 100%.
this lil peep/others like him is bottom of the barrel shit. the bar has been set so fucking low.

>novelty rappers

jesus fucking christ

What a fucking retard

Lil Poop was so great, I'm getting all his tattoos and his haircut next weekend

>all major music news are calling him that as well

really, i havent seen it anywhere, only here.
dude is NOTHING like cobain.

Tempted to tattoo my face now. What do i stamp on it except a penis?

You're fucking retarded if you haven't heard of this guy at least 1.5 years ago

The guy was everywhere so either you're completely out of fucking touch, or you're just trolling

>I hate hip-hop
>utter garbage hip-hop
>His music was pretty trash because it's rap,
You dont know what you are talking about kid. Hip hop is the only music genre that will be relevant after 100 years.
t. classicalfag

Cant decide if this guy is a nigger or a faggot or a nigfag

Dead and they know it.

He's right, you know...

You won't get it. You need to be 14 for this to make any sense.

Don't be silly m8

Someof it is alright but 99 percent is worthless

lol at this guy.

Peppy Killed Peep

Said it well


Why does everyone think I'm dead?

I mean, I did die but they brought me back.

I guess my suicide made people finally look at my art.

How was my funeral?

That's me everytime I try to play Final Fantasy on console

All I can see is that he was doing something different, so you gotta give him that. I'm not depressed but his stuff was ok.


>Explain to me like I'm 5
redditfag alert.

he isn't important or influential at all
fifteen minutes of post-humous fame

He was unique to the scene he was a part of, and his talent made people think he absolutely would have been influential if not for his death. I don't know enough about him to say for sure but the logic makes sense to me.