God it must suck to be a french dude
Paternity test in France is banned
Geez.. they know it's much more frequent than you'd think. I just can't trust women enough anymore to ever want to get married... :(
the worst thing about that decision that has been taken is that it was essentially made to preserve peace in immigrants families mostly muslim ones
genetical tests showed in in muslim families kids were very often from another father
that's scandalous that a law forces father to raise and pay for kids that aren't theirs
worst thing ever: the catholic church pushed for that to happen
when the law about paternity test for immigrants was close to be adopted the church lobbied for that law to be nuked
in before filthy mouths
These Euro countries are really vying hard for that "Biggest Cuck of 2016" award.
i need to cuck a french dude
we are going to win by default if hillary wins tho
you will have to fuck with muslims or muslim lovers
i do respect your choices but do that outside my country please
>France cuck'd
>Literally because of Muslims
I laughed really hard
This. Western Europe is most cucked by far
Qu’est-ce que ce sentez Frenchies?
Fucking Sandniggers ruin another land.
frenchmen will never be this happy
>implying hillary's warehouse full of skeletons combined with Trump's meme magic won't give him a landslide victory
This is a breach against a fathers basic paternal rights and should be fought tooth and nail.
Can people just go outside of the country to get one?
>fatherhood determined by society
What the fuck are they smoking in Frogland?
15,000 Euro fine if caught....
Do you guys even fucking read?
It was the catholic church that stopped paternity tests being legal.
Goddamn sometimes I think I should leave this place for infinitychan because of the stupidity I often witness here. I wish Sup Forums was smarter.
I really think this is the End of Days kurwanon
>Shifts blame completely from Muslims and to Christians
>hurr paternity tests are banned in france
>post cap showing they're not banned just regulated
>Take saliva samples
>Send them to a laboratory in Switzerland
Juridically, it could be worse. In absolute, our position is not to dispose of of the DNA of others without their consent or an overriding court order.
In practice however, it was pushed by cuck sociologist claiming fatherhood was
>a fucking social construct.
You better ship that shit to Switzerland.
>Be French
>Get cucked
Looks like they are too regulated. And that bullshit about "keeping the peace" KEK.
Can you then disown the kid and woman legally with the swiss results?
>15,000 Euro fine if caught....
Caught by whom ? In practice, the lawyer's mother if you're stupid enough to present the test to her.
Keep the illegal test to yourself, challenge your paternity in court inventing some bullshit pretext (your wife being a hoe should cut it).
>consent of the person must be obtained
You're the "father" of an infant, how do they expect you to get consent from your wife's 0yo son? You have to wait 'til he is 18?!?
This doesn't make any sense.
Probably not
Nope. You'll be fined.
He answered, it can be done:
Smart move frenchbro thanks fr the tips.
What about the mother of the child? Isn't she supposed to be sampled as well since it takes two people to make a baby?
>Can you then disown the kid and woman legally with the swiss results?
even worse, a kid who grown without father but manages to establish the filiation with a man, after the kid found the man, up to his 28 birthday can be put back in the inheritance line of the father.
so if a woman gets pregnant after she lets you fuck her, then you have 28 years of waiting before legally disown the kid
if only people with a religion could stop ruining everything on earth
tell this liberals and libertarians
Nope, you'll be rewarded with a fine and possibly a year in jail for proving that you were cucked.
>fatherhood is determined by society rather than biology
Learn to fucking screenshot you kike
I'm not an expert but isn't the dna of the not her useless? I mean unless those idiots in the hospital fucked up and swapped the baby with another you're 100% sure it came out of her cunt.
You only need your DNA and the baby's one.
If the baby has zero of your genes you are not the father you nimwit
You don't sample the mother, shitlord
What are you fucking sexist?
It's the muslims and neo atheists doing it.
you don't have to ackowledge the kid is yours after his birth
just wait for the woman to sue you and then the justice will force both parents to make a paternity test, if the kid has not been registered by the father at the town hall after his birth, the supposed father is not the kids father unless mother na d justice can prove it
that law is stupid and ridiculous and would force all father not to declare their kids just by precaution
What possible rational could be behind this?
>rubs hands together.
>I'm not an expert but isn't the dna of the not her useless
Sorry I'm on the phone didn't notice I didn't fully erase the old text before rewriting.
>I'm not an expert but isn't the dna of the mother useless?
I would've thought it would be used in order to say "OK, this set of the kid's DNA is the mother's so we can rule out this part".
South europeans (italians, portuguese mostly) are tested for this disease. Proof they're just shitskins.
"Keeping the peace" AKA "you pay money until you die"
>have extremely rare genetic mutation that can cause retard babies in about 1 in 2 children
>avoid sex during childhood, get vasectomy at 18, leave home and start to live life
>one day at friends house end up balls deep in a girl while drunk, cum in her
>she likes it, yadda yadda, hit me up for more if you want, etc etc
>forget about it
>6 months later get arrested for rape
>"[X] said you got her pregnant after you raped her"
>lawyer strikes that shit down with the legal equivalent of Thor's hammer
>get taken out of court after the judge promptly laughs her shit off
>she goes out one way, i go out other
>lawyer comes back to meet me
>he comes out, slight smirk on his face
>i smile a bit
>his eyes bulge out a bit
>he makes a slight raspberry noise
>i chortle a bit
>we both fucking lose it
>fall into eachothers arms practically (neither he or i were poofters thank you very much) while fucking losing it
>last i heard she put the kid up for adoption and is bouncing around various bikers and lowlifes somewhere in melbourne
>i'm with a cute 7/10 girl
>no plans to have children
The European left has gone full retard. Europe being Europe. The left has crossed the dogma event horizon.
The last time the Europeans got this strict ideologically, we go the middle ages.
countdown to the collapse.
10... 9 ... 8 ...
Why doesn't Russian take Ukraine and half of Europe already?
Europe won't be white enough to fight back or even care.
Why doesn't China just take the Pacific tomorrow.
Literally, the west is showing signs it doesn't deserve to keep anything it has.
Open house sale. All European power must go.
9/10 tale Aussie
I wanna know which thread you meant to post this in
seemed matriarchy related so i thought i'd post it
Kek what a stupid cunt.
Did she have to pay for your lawyer also? Here it works like that often
Nigger dicks, mostly.
in english dispose means getting rid of
Nice try Achmed, truly a good attempt at slandering southern Euros while doing some damage control, but I've never heard of this sickle-cell disease until I saw that image posted, this is a totally unknown disease here.
Sounds a fuckload cheaper than 18 years of child support.
Not always, it can mean to have in possession depending on context.
>but I've never heard of this sickle-cell disease
Third world education...
I lost both nuts to cancer. I barely ejaculate anymore. I also had a chick play the I'm pregnant and it's yours. I didn't wait for court though just told her about it and broke up.
She tried the whole it's rare but can happen bullshit science. I just laughed and walked out. I guess her mom or someone told her no nuts means no babies.
Will you adopt an abbo child when you want kids?
It cannot be used in court to disown "your" children. But at least you get a legal reason to fuckin' strangle that fuckin' whore.
Go back to Africa, ape.
sauce pls, google define:dispose doesn't show me that
It's racist to take neglected and abused children away from abbos.
Seriously, even if they're being raped (which, I shit you not is almost always and is literally part of their "culture") the government has to try fucking hard to protect them.
We had to take so many away once people started to notice how fucked they really are (pun intended) but then libtards got mad and fucked with the laws.
>Lithuania trying to teach anyone about English
>t. Mohamed al andalus
No, but you can still go to the court and try to contest the filiation.
You have basically 5 years to do that after you recognized the kid.
That's another sexist law to add in France.
At least I won't suffer from your sickle-cell disease, Achmed.
At least the liberals in your country are for segregation
South Europeans are possible carriers of sickle cell disease. You'd better be tested.
Not fucking really.
Our libs want to fill the country with scum.
Thank God based Tone stopped the boats, but there's a lot of work to be done.
The abbos just stay out of the way because they subconciously know everyone hates them because they're sub-human wastes of space.
It's fairly rare you'll even see a quarter-noong.
But he is right. It is rarely used in this meaning though.
Look at the etymology:
4. (intransitive) to have, to have at one's disposal, to command, to stock
Europeans pls answer:
If say a German went to Greece and imprenated a Greek or vice versa then came back, would he still pay child support? Or is it difficult to make him pay or what?
>cites Italian word instead of "dispose"
Are you fucking retard or is it just the new German way?
Australia probably got the only good Brits
Canada's fucked and America... well America
Keep the legacy alive you shitcunts
Iberians have as much possibility as the average Icelandic. That disease doesn't exist here, is unknown.
Kill yourself, Achmed.
Haha, look at Greece and turkey. This is proof, Turks did not raped Greece. rape baby is a myth.
We're doing pretty well on most fronts, damn near everyone in the country hates shitskins, pretty openly too.
I think us getting the criminals, people who'd seen how bad things could get, really helped make us great.
It's basically just Melbourne that are trying to turn the rest of the country into their liberal multicultural hell.
If you can help it, keep your small country towns nice.
My recent ancestors are from Downham, Lancashire, and I'd like to see it one day, without muds everywhere.
The word comes from French, so of course if you look at its French or older etymology then it says what the French guy thought it meant. It's just one of those English words that lost its original French meanings, like ignore, you wouldn't say "I ignore your name", yet the French might be disposed towards using that.
Has been banned for decades in Germany, in fact it's a crime to test the DNA of your kids without your wife's explicit consent.
I saw a number that claimed up to 30% of all kids born to married couples are extramarital.
Reminder that women in france demand that they can abandon a child without revealing their names, but they refuse to create the same rights for men.
Why is it forbidden ?
Parasite. Nematode. Leave now and never come back.
And all roman languages (= French, Italian, Spanish, etc) descend from Latin.
dispōnere => disposer/disporre/disponer
My wife's daughters are all I need to be a good dad.
You people got more Muslim blood than anyone.
That's history and there's nothing you can do about it.
Black guy that might study abroad in France. Maybe even two!
I've always wondered, is there any real penalty for knocking up someone in a foreign country and returning to the US before you even know?
>plan to study in France
>his first thought is how to knock up women and immediately get the fuck out
Wow, such an unexpected behavior from a nigger...
We should lynch him or hang him while cutting him open with knives. Only to go on an punishment expidition to his slum in the states and murder his entire family.
I got yer frenchbra.
You forgot what the reconquista was?
It really wasn't peaceful.
get fucked nigger. Move to Poland so then you can cry in YouTube videos about how evil racist Poles make it hard for you to"fuck they bitches"
The French now live in a National Socialist Police State, same as America. Only if they overthrow their wannabe-Hitler they would break free. Make Penn your president and join the fight to Free Europe from CIA controlled E.U.
The Kikes are out to destroy us all, and if you let them, they will.
America's Government must be shown the door, and we must support the American Population to break free from their Zion Menance. It is the only way.
>France upset that he can't argue my mulatto child isn't actually his for 28 years kek.
No need to be so pissy, Pierre.
Im really glad i dont have kids
Easily solved. Don't have anything to do with non-virgin women. There's a reason being a slut carries a stigma.
Who would want to fuck French women? They look like upright hairy apes and smell slightly worse. Shave your goddamn pits you circus animal.