Bros, is he the number-one philosopher of all time? Can anyone out there beat him?

Bros, is he the number-one philosopher of all time? Can anyone out there beat him?

He really makes you think

I like him, but his philosophy gets really repetitive. His political commentary is where its at.

He is in stage 3. His conversion is nearly complete.

He is a cult leader not a thinker

He has changed alot in the past few months.

He has taken the redpill.

I'm just waiting for the day when he releases a video called "the truth about the Holocaust"


He was talking today about how different races have different IQ's, and that gene therapy could be used to bridge the gap.

He's soon to be a eugenics tool for the gene Jew schemes.

Not an argument.

Anyone that TRULY names the Jews.
Stefan only does it an amount tolerated by the msm.

Seneca the Younger

hes hardly the messiah, makes some good points, but as far as intellectual prowess goes hes really not in the same class as people like thomas sowell or the hitchens brothers

Keep chanting that sentence your cult leader taught you. Its not obnoxious and anti intellectual.

>thomas sowell
Completely denies genetics in exchange for cultural explanations.

I forgot, thousands of years of evolution don't exist.

>the hitchens brothers
Nice troll. I have a signed copy one of Chris Hitchen's books. I might burn it just to piss you off. It's trash.

>be anglospheric dipshit
>watch videos of philo-anglo dipshit
>"maybe i should start thinking before i talk shit in public"
mfw anglos learn how to communicate/debate

Go watch his video about Myley Cyrus.

He's going on about the record label owners and "dumb goyim"

>Keep chanting that sentence your cult leader taught you. Its not obnoxious and anti intellectual.
I hope you are aware of the irony.

You dumb or something?

What do you guys think of based Israel?

Is he Bill-Whittled?

Merkel get off pol and help cultivate the islamists

not an argument

aside from the jewish stuff, he's alright. He's not never trump, but he's surrounded by never trumpers.

not an argument

>Preaches logic, facts and research
>Encourages people to learn themselves and pursue research at their own pace
>Presents everything he says with facts from trusted sources

willing to burn books over the fact their authors dont conform to your views entirely, your a special kinda stupid arnt you, i certainly dont agree with either of them on everything, doesnt make them any less intellectual or worse thinkers for it.

Mommy issues


>Wall issues

Why hasn't Deprivation Man had him on since 2014? Has Stefan gone too far?

Stefan is so fucking delusional it's unreal
I love his videos though it's very clear he's having a complete meltdown

He's a boring windbag who loves to hear himself talk. An issue breaks in the news and literally 30 minutes later he's uploaded a 60 minute video talking about it.

..a little more humility and a little more red pill and he'll be fine

>mfw anglos learn how to communicate/debate

You better be quite, Germany's "intellectual" Youtuber is a fagot who did an interview session with Merkel to maker her look cool - 300% Cuck, the rest of Germany's youtubers are kanacken with germanocuck sidekicks.
Every German should be forced to watch Molineux to undo their socialist brainwashing

kek hes fucking up his arms and back the way hes using those kettles.

Guy pic related has more at least twice the amount of life knowledge than you Molyshillineux

Philosophy isn't a contest where one is beaten.

>Guy pic related has more at least twice the amount of life knowledge

LOL Hickock is literally a gun marketing guy for TN's gun stores, he has history knowledge because that was his thing as a teacher, but economics, anthropology isn't his thing. He probably even thinks that the US has won WWII.

>dude that takes challenging calls and debate from people all the time
>Has no power over the thousands who see his content
>literally preaches peaceful behavior and NAP

yeah ...totally cultist..

When it comes to pseudo-philosophers I definitely prefer him to the faggot behind

molyneuxs not that bad. His transformation into white nationalist is almost complete.

dont forget to defoo my bros



he also went to my university. the man is losing his mind.

Comparing these two makes no sense.

Anthropology? Defool only studied history. the TN Gun dude knows what the defool dude knows.

>thomas sowell
He's an avid fan of Sowell (as any modern thinker would be)
Sowell recently wrote an article about Trump and used a bunch of non-arguments. Stef did a rebuttal video about it, you should check it out. Anyway, that doesn't mean Stef has written him off completely. Sowell still has plenty of great arguments (just not about Trump). Sowell was being a cuckservative when he wrote that article.

>Comparing these two makes no sense.
Did you really expect logical thinking from a Swedecuck?

>Anthropology? Defool only studied history. the TN Gun dude knows what the defool dude knows.

>Browsing Sup Forums
>Being stoned
chose one leafcuck

Defool did 2 degrees in histroy. He can debate well because he was part of the debate club. I'm joing the debate club next year. Debating is also a skill, it doesn't mean you are right. It's like fencing, you practice those skills so you can be a good lawyer and defend the pedos.

>cards on moly's vids are clickbait tier
>doesn't really say anything all that interesting
Whenever I watch moly I feel like I'm just wasting time

I seem to have misplaced all my arguments, can anyone in this thread help me out?

Did you defoo your senpai sun?

This is the man's wife, btw.


Dude, you are. He is a sophist. His wife is his main breadwinner, that's why he can play on the internet all day. She is also paid by the canadian gov to run a psych clinic for tards in missisauga.

You and me both

he doesn't make any sense and cant take on advanced concepts for governance beyond what we already have

also he cant have a discussion and gets all uppety when he supposedly debates someone and is like well this is the rules of debate and because of these rules i won and makes a fucking video analysing how he supposedly won the debate

it comes off as really petty

i haven't watched any of his videos in years because he annoys me and i'm pretty sure he is just some failed IT guy or some shit

and i tend to think people who post about him are stupid or shilling

Apparently, he TOO is a Jew.

The ride never ends.

dubs=not an argument

>doesn't really say anything all that interesting
If you're here regularly, then yeah, he doesn't really say anything that Sup Forums don't know already.

His "Truth" series and when he has guest speakers on are probably the best

>haven't watched any of his videos in years
might wanna start it up again

He literally just a balding middle aged man with somewhat good opinions.

He literally DeFoo'd the Jew though. Argumento Ergo Sum.

What does Bill Whittle think about Stefan Molyneux?

Is he redpilled?

>his video on Muhammad Ali
>that part with the KKK rusing Ali
Laughed out loud.

unironic fpbp

didn't thunderfoot thoroughly btfo this psychopath already? stop posting this idiot.


Is this bait?



No. He just spouts off whatever is trendy. He was a libertarian when Ron Paul was somewhat popular and now he's a nationalist since Trump is popular.

He is a rank amateur compared to someone like Thomas Hobbes.


>Stefan Molyneux
>philosopher and a debater

Trump constructs better sentences than this lying denial queen.

It is literally his business model. Amazing that people do not understand this. He reads statistics off a screen and people think he is a genius.

YouTube personalities are a hybrid of performance artist and online marketer.

>Imblying that Trump constructs bad sentences

I'm really torn with Sam Harris. His thoughts on free will, religion (especially Islam) and empirical moral values are all very well argued, but then he turns around and supports Hillary. I think he might be closet-redpilled (like Hitchens was).

Refuses to run ads and maintains his platform through donations, not an argument.

There is NO arguments in this ENTIRE THREAD.

Actually he continues to stress his reliance on anarchism and merely sees immigration as a cultural extermination that has effected him personally, he's not doing what's trendy he's adjusting his views based on more current events.

What do you guys think of based Bill Whittle?

Is he red-pilled?

I really can't see how he can't make the connection between the democrats and the regressive left he hates so much.
Trump is first relevant republican who isn't a religious fucknut in years. As far as I know at least.

>not using the canon image
this is meme abuse, get out

He doesn't, he just construct sentences as ad slogans, as movie quotes. It's a pain for me to listen to him becuase he oftenly doesn't make any points at all and just appeals so hard-sounding words, but I understand the functionality and see how well it works for crowds.

That being said, I still find him a very interesting contestant and regarding a lot of points, I find myself agreeing with his policies and liking his stances.

Very much agreed, when I heard his arguments for suporting Hillary I was very surprised and many of them didnt appeal to me as valid or rational. I would need more discussion and seeing him face arguments though.

What I appreciate about Sam Harris tho, is his ability to actually debate, confront and adjust opinion he has, his openness and yet rational approach. The overall balance of of his pros and cons still comes to me as a very much worthwhile and I have learned several very interesting things from his arguments and debates. So as much as I might dissagree with him on Hillary, I still find a lot of his other arguments very reasonable.

To be honest I just read up on his policies, and only listen to a small amount of his speeches, mostly those where he has it pre written like the Snake speech.

Mainly cause he speaks on purpose as simple as he can so everyone can understand, but that does lead to a bit boring sentences.

what video did stefan use the "not an argument line on a lot?

FDR3065 - What Pisses Me Off About Lack of Arguments


well to be honest the regressive left youre speaking about (the whole sjw sphere) isnt gaining much favor nowadays, at least from personal experince it seems that a lot of the 'feeling before facts' appeal is sort of loosing traction.

welli wouldnt call them boring exactly, they are pretty entertaining, which is the direction. what they oftenly are, though, is pointless. he doesnt make actual reasonable arguments (of course, he cant, because making an actual argument and reasoning for a situation would just set you up as a 'boring nerd who overcomplicates stuff' for majority of people). There isnt rational point in it, just an appeal to emotions.

>Argues that a certain form of biological determinism exists (incl. the brain and its functions), which has obvious genetical implications
>Argues in favor of private gun ownership for defensive purposes
>Argues in favor of spirituality and meditative experiences
>Argues against state-sponsored, indocrinating religious influence
>Argues against moral nihilism and relativism
>Argues in favor of the superiority of some cultures over others
>Effectively cut himself loose from the Atheist movement, after it became SJW infested
>Recognizes the problem of AI superintelligence

>Supports Hillary
I literally don't get it.

then go and listen to his arguments about why he does so

i kind of understand his points but dont find them valid, nevertheless id feel like an idiot if i ommited him generally for a political decision i dont agree with, mainly because i dont have accurate and precise information about how would governing of either hillary or trump turn out.

>implying he's not an absolute basic bitch leftleaning normie

>hitchens brothers
WOW. Are you fucking serious?
An entertaining but stupid Trotskyist turned Neocon, and his younger, dumber brother whose favourite pastime is complaining about the dangers of marijuana.
You actually hold these two in high esteem? Sowell, sure. The Hitchens brothers, are you fucking kidding me?
