Pittsburgh leads the series 3-2.
Streams: Onhockey.tv, r/nhlstreams
Pittsburgh leads the series 3-2.
Streams: Onhockey.tv, r/nhlstreams
Other urls found in this thread:
finns are beautiful people
Nashville is such a shit hockey town, I bet they can't even start on time. Game scheduled for 8, but trashville can't get their shit together and game won't start until like 8:20
I didn't want to throw up until about an hour ago
1. Pongs
2. Snes
3. Crapitals
4. Blew jackets
5. Anaheim cucks
30. pRedditors
>trashville knows they're going to lose
>fans afraid of the bantz
>nothing but pens fans tonight on Sup Forums
Going to be nice to not have a hockey thread derailed by "ford vs, chevy" or "what's your favorite country music singer" shit.
Who /watchparty/ here?
>nothing but pens fans tonight on Sup Forums
>he thinks we're too scared to post
I can't wait for Pekka to choke again, can't you, animefag?
>laffs will have a cup winner on their payroll again this year
*ruins your Stanley cup final debut*
/Murrysville/ REPORTING
>watch """party"""
>Nashville """fans"""
Section 201 reporting in
814 reporting
>thinking he'll choke at home
Thats it Pens, be confident, be sure of yourselves, be assured of your inevitable victory.
Ours will only be sweater then.
Erie nigga you still my nigga
Don't forget your /814/ homies
/oilcity/ here
really makes me think
make your predictions!
>who scars first and when?
>who chimps out first?
>who gets all the refpucks?
>how many catfish get tossed onto the ice?
>who wins game 6?
>Finnish goaltending
I've yet to watch a single game these finals, give me a quick rundown m80s
>tfw preds fan
>tfw live an hour away from nashville even though I don't even live in tennessee
sweaters are nice though.
Crosby scores first, within 3 minutes
Subban chimps out first
Hot take: good reffing tonight
Over 10 catfish
Pens win
the pens are about to repeat
the best finnish player plays D for pittsburgh
>reposts this picture in every hockey related thread
>it's not even the real predditors subreddit
>Nashville in charge of having fans
>Empty watch party
I even heard the Preds fans LEAVE before the game is over!
What bandwagons XDDDDDDDDDDDD
Who will Sid pass the STAN LEE CUP to tonight??
>Guentzel 4 minutes into game
>Subban as always
>Pongs get calls first half. Preds 2nd half
>8 Catfish
>Pongs win game 6
Ok by now the Pens have to be the Villain team right? Preds have come back and are the plucky Underdogs. 88 more days until NFL season starts :(
Blood of my blood /oilcity/ senpai
since you seem to know, what's the real sub?
>malkin, 4 mins into the 1st.
>subban on crosby
>preds for sure, they want a game 7
>4, not that they do any good
>trashville predditors
It's starting!!!!!
Oh shit, too real. See you around the villa
Maybe next year Nashville.
this music is shit please go inside the arena and talk about hokkei
who is "dirks bently?
>implying they won't win to fix the formatting
Jesus where is the ISIS truck when you need it?
I just want hockey
>in the last 2 playoffs Pongs have cucked 4 of those teams out of a Stan Lee
Blots fan living in Nashville here. Seeing yellow everywhere today.
Got my publix sub and rooting for you preds bros.
>fucking country shit
uggh I hate this week.
Holy shit this is fucking garbage
Is there an actual good stream out there? :S
>not having the stream on mute while to listening to non-shit music
country music and hockey are like oil and water
this is absurd
Gotta use all that extra time for what the "fans" really came for: country music concerts.
hockey night in känädä
I unironically like this amerifat music
>muh shitty cuntry musak
>much shitty reddit fanbase
please just get this over with tonight pongs
Stan Lee is literally rolling in his grave
it's on free tv senpai
This is actually terrible.
you guys got your sandwiches ready right?
LOL so much this
wtf is this
NHL.com says it starts at 8pm but instead there's this shit?
Just go to CBC. Public broadcasting nigga
Most of these people don't even know there's a hockey game tonight.
who /hyukhyukcountrytwang/ here
>tfw periodically exposed to shit like this
end my life
Thats just the other side of shit coin
If Predditors do happen to win will Letang be in game 7?
Friendly reminder that the Predditors had NO FANS before last April
Modern country is such fucking garbage. Pop stars in cowboy boots. Click link for country music that isn't shit/10.
so is there going to be a riot when they lose? that's a lot of people
Nashville does this on purpose. They say game starts st 8, but they don't start on time so that NBC is forced to promote these local artists.
The spirit of the Nashville Predators™ legend Peter Forsberg will possess Filip today. He's gonna score two goals, one of them will be a shorthanded goal. Mark my words.
>calls someone reddit
>knows what the real Predators subreddit is.
No, he's nowhere near ready. He only just started skating again.
Predditors sold out all games this season. Nice try faggot.
no they will all go home in the 2nd period
Are they hosting a hockey game or a country music concert?
>crosby is gonna win conn smythe
Are they gonna give Kessel the one he deserved last year?
This . Predditors "fanbase" is fairweather inbred hicks that have horrible taste in music
Are the Predators the golden state of the NHL??
Most of the new stuff literally just sounds like rap except about white trash things
how much moonshine do you have to drink to enjoy that heehaw shit
Where's Mike, Keith and Liam?
Why didn't a lone wolf attack happen
That would'vebeen the perfect timing =(
>tfw don't even have cable
>tfw only tv I get is whatever comes on antenna
Thy sold out tickets for the intermission country music concert, thats different.
I dont think you understand the time inbetween games these playoffs