Your country

>your country
>have wh*te """"""""""""people"""""""""" ever destroyed it

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes I hate wh*te """""""""""""people""""""""""""" they are ruining the world

>tfw no wh*tes here

How based, I wish wh*tey would just go extinct

Samantha is that you?

Stop making those "anti-white" threads it's not even convincing

Yes wh*tes are destroying this country

Rare toad saved

Black people have to deal with seeing nigger on Sup Forums everywhere. If you can't handle this then go to tumblr

Smh wh*tey Sup Forums is an anti-wh*te Islamic board

fucking *d*lf H*tl*r ruined everything
FUCKING wh*te """""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""

hey boys, want some milk?

>your country
>have wh*te """"""""""""people"""""""""" ever destroyed it

You must be an injuin.Sorry tonto, they won, you lost.Live with it and fuck back to your reservation.

1. Poland
2. YES

Good thing we're Sarmatian, related to Persians (Iran) and therefore not white

u-u-uhhmmm , err, hi, uh well, i mean, uhmmm

>can't add up
>yes and no
Ever heard the phrase "if it ain't broke; don't fix it"? Well that's exactly what euros ignored here with us. They called us backwards and heathens for simply existing. Damn catholics, man.

In modern times it's a good country if whites are running it in contrast to muzzies or chinks or some shit, but for the people who were already here for millennia, it just keeps getting worse.

Take a fucking seat

Well, we are all white and the country is pretty shit.

So, in a way, yes?


yeah. we should build a large wall to keep white menace out of fatherland.

Just kill all wh*te """"""""""men""""""""" already

Niggers don't even see their children

>Using a cursive brush to write in shitty print letters


This, die wh*tey die

his face is rounder than a basketball

You have autism.

Keep the hate coming. Make sure white bois like this
are fuming mad


You seem to be the only mad one here Abdul/Tyrone/Juan/Tonto, take your fucking medication already.



You need your safe space.

>make thread
>use "wh*te" in your OP
>guaranteed (You)s
Every time

I just got back. Fucked my Taiwanese qt3.14 gf everyday while we were there visting her family.

She likes the big Galician cocku .

Also got hit on by most of her female cousins

Fun trip all round

Alberto Sup Forums is an anti-wh*te Islamic board, when will you learn. These anti-wh*te threads are just the majority consensus of Sup Forums

Fuck off, stop putting words in everyones mouth and acting like you speak for the entire board.

Cousin don't feed the troll.

>stop acting like you speak for the entire board
Have you looked in a mirror?

The 32 unique posters speak for themselves. Out of the 30 posters ITT, two are pro-wh*tey with 30 being anti-wh*tey. So 93.75% of Sup Forums is anti-wh*te and 6.25% being pro-wh*tey.

I thought a moortugese would atleast learn maths from the Muslims that cuck'd his ancestors.

Wow Sup Forums sure hates wh*te """"""""people"""""""""