Why did the UN give up on Srebrenica?
Why did the UN give up on Srebrenica?
Because the Bosnians are now your security in case the Balkans turn against you or just buddies up with the Russians a bit too much.
If they misbehave, you will play the 'Greater Albania'-card.
Muslims in the Balkans are USA's mechanism of making sure slavs in the Balkans don't move towards unity, or even worse, towards Russia.
Gotta keep the region US base friendly. Its close to the oil lands, and close enough to Russia's code to fire missiles and launch planes from.
Because Europe likes letting shitskins have their way
There is a bosnian qt at my uni
I really want her, how do you get bosnian qts?
If the Balkans turn to Russia, the US will support independence movements, and "moderates" and turn the region into a battlefield.
It would be a huge defeat for NATO if instead of bringing the Balkans into the fold, they turned to Russia.
The fear is that a orthodox alliance will refuse to play ball with the globalist enrichment schemes, and the EU is already scheming to create a Greater Albania to create a pillar of support for EU expansion.
In short, Bosnia has been under NATO(US) protection in order to prevent any trouble, and to keep them in line when the borders are redrawn for the EU(NATO).
NATO must grow, and it will use the EU to vacuum up as many small states as it can.
It will be ideology vs greed, when the borders are redrawn the people that play ball will win, assuming that EU/NATO/US comes out with a favorable result(which all assumes atm).
Can't wait to see what Russia does to disrupt the globalists, will there be a Topol under everyones seat at the end of the show?
also i should really proofread my posts but i have to run. please keep the thread alive, balkans will be the host of the next great habbending.
Conservative but doable, just be redpilled and she'll probably get swooned
No use crying over spilled ragheads.
balija detected
IDK man, she is liberal as fuck, constantly posts about islamophobia and how europe needs to take in more refugees
I don't even think she is Muslim, which is the funny thing, pretty sure she is Catholic, but she legit has a 10/10 face, brownish-blonde hair, and she is really smart (despite her political views). She is also hilarious, and has a really great sense of humour
Not a real bosnian
Stay away
Don't ask me, I'm just the piano player..
hope ur not the kind of Janez that sides with Turk rape babies?
1100 mosques in ndh explains a lot. You were not a part of Fascist ideology, you just sided with them because of your inferiority complex.
>bosnian qt
>turk rape babies
>is a fucking mudslime
the hypocrisy of the muslim vlacho-serb
>kapica sa ustaskim grbom
>prvo polje nije bijelo
Hahahhahahahaa koji kreteni ni povjest ne znaju
>inferiority complex
u cant be srs serfboy
"My father was a ustasha" -Naser Oric
Stop exporting literal shitskins to neighboring countries, roma waste.
who's the whiter guy here
i'll let u decide turk descendant
That's rich coming from Turk's bitch.
At least Serbia was not raped and fought back instead of spreading their ass cheeks for mohhamed.
>Cherry picking this much
Almost every bosnian in my country is a muslim shitskin. How muslim is your country? 70%?
>Serbia was not raped
Did u even read that link...
>father, grandfather, and grand-grandfather have blue eyes
>you have blue eyes
mfw it's good to be a pure serb
looking on Tinder, almost all i see is brown and dark eyes O_o
Why all of you are giants?
Guy on the right looks more Turkroach/Mid-East sandnigger descent.
Lmfao not even 50 replies and balkanfags are alredy arguing about war, or who is superior. You faggots are playing into the hands of other countries, just like they want, for us to be divided because we're dangerous when united.
But whatever keep talking about who's father was an ustaša, četnik or balija. Because that definetly matters now, that people barely have enough to eat. Faggots.
OP here, thank you for elaborating
My problem is I have NO IDEA what's happened since... What has changed in the 20 years since?
9/11 just totally ruined anyone here giving a shit, not like they did before
Seems silly to say this on Sup Forums, but warmongering nationalist "patriots" are the reason Balkan is shit.
From unity comes strength, bitches. Choose who's ass we will lick, and all move in to lick the same ass.
When we are united by a foreign power's ass, we can actually unite proper. Create some free trade zone, fuck the EU, promote cheap loans, low business tax, and a couple of decades later we will almost not be shit.
>When we are united by a foreign power's ass, we can actually unite proper.
How about Russia?
I couldn't hear you over my lust for that bagel.
The balkans since the wars? Rebuilding process, huge ammounts of poverty, nationalism on the decrease, younger generations seem to accept the reasons of war, what happened and instead of hate they have acceptance.
But there are still retards like the ones in this thread who are gripping on hating their brothers with their last breath.
But watch the politicians talking, especially the serbian ones, in the last few months they've been real bloodthirsty.
>kill the strongmen in a nationalist driven area
>crime bosses take their place
>in order to apologize, give bags of money to the state
>crime bosses take it due to corruption and their position
>local businesses cant compete with these west funded criminals and quit
>economy goes to shit
>state now reliant on western handouts
Just the usual.
But this massacre wiped out a slew of said Muslims, at the fault of UN protection?
I appreciate your honesty and opinions, I'm genuinely curious about relations in the region
Cherrypicking? cmon Janez those are the Bosniak and Serb leader, respectively. Not cherrypicking, took the most obvious example
the ones who mix with Turks/Arabs are poverty-tier with $2k annual income, they do it for $$$
Educated Bosniaks don't mix/practice Islam and don't need to immigrate to Janezland
I don't know any Serbs who are blonde and blue-eyed
Yes he does :D
Bosniak girls aren't as slooty as the serfs, they don't Tinder (the ones I know)
The Izetbegović family moved to Bosnia in the 19th century from Belgrade. They are Serb converts cumfart.
Because of the Dinaric people.
Voices of reason.
He is of Vlach origin. They are pretty much proto-Illyrians.
Izetbegović (guy on the left, actually has roots in Serbia) as his family ruled Serbia in the 18th century
Well, not Serbia but half of Belgrade or something.
They left Belgrade in 1868.
That's not how you spell Holland
The one muslim in Serbia whiter than anyone else
also owns half of Belgrade
You're a leftover Turk with a complex. Kill yourself.
Chetnik scum, go back to fuckin your llamas
We'll find you in Aussieland, Hague reaches far, you won't escape your destiny.
>Serbia was not raped and fought back
Kek. Bosniaks are literally just Serbs who converted to Islam under Ottoman rule.
You have to be able to afford a ticket first Mehmetovic. Go pimp out your sister for a Euro or two :^)
This map is kinda shit, shame it gets quoted all over the place.
No article that includes it ever lists its origin either. Its just something they saw on Reddit and they made a blog post in a popular science website about it.
Just fuck off.
Yugoslav diaspora in Australia are the worst. You all bring your ethnic and tribal hatred with you, and most of you can't even speak your own language. Not even Indians and Pakis are this bad.
Read my earlier posts. I agreed with the Bulgarian and Bosnian user that were being reasonable. This other edgy mujahadeeni needs to kill himself though.