Do you like Russian Dewey (SMINEM)?

Do you like Russian Dewey (SMINEM)?

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ffs, I feel sad for him.

Why? He looks happy

What ethnicity is this dashing young man?

Maybe Finnic Russian?

Doesn't look average Russki

fuck you


hi dewey

Venalaiset suomalaiset ;DD

pic unrelated

>Literally the most beautiful people in the world.
>Publicly shaming them for ugliness.

WHy are Russian men so ugly when their women are so attractive? I see this over and over. Sometimes I think it's a retard but a closer look and I realise again oh it's just a Russian


>if you have children with a russian girl your sons will be half retarded

i love russian men. they never love me back though

ik?!! tf?!?!

Don't bully russians pls. It's not their choose to be born russians.


Is OP is damaged because of this guy?

Still damaged*

what the fug

I think the one who is still damaged is him tbqh

diddy kong has evolved.

Wow. Russians are repulsive creatures.


I went to a Russian culture club full of slavs and your average Russian looks whiter than your average """white american""" on the east coast. They look whiter than most Irish and G*rmans, which comprise like 70% of "white americans"

t. nonwhite mutt

t. Ivan

t. Van