/pol BTFO We Really Wuz Kings



>At the time, much of EUROPE WAS FAMISHED and in the middle of civil wars, but many AFRICAN KINGDOMS WERE THRIVING.

How does it feel to know that whites are monetarily inferior to blacks /pol?

Other urls found in this thread:


>mansa musa
we already knew, thx

Is it irony they had slaves

Also what happened to his 'riches'. Was it Jews? Was Blackman history rewritten by Jews?

first slave owner in the US was black too.
slavery is true black culture, user.

someone post the picture of this guys castle that was literally a big ass mud hit with sticks in it

>We already knew
No you faggots didn't. You might've, but that's because your special

>Muh slavery
Oh fuck off everyone had slaves back then.

Is that suposed to be a picture of the guy?

There was no photography in the 1650's


Nope. I knew it too, they teach it in high-school history dude. He built a mosque every night on his way to Mecca, it's common knowledge.
It's also common knowledge that Mali today is a shithole. Get rekt.

It's obviously a drawing.

Slaver is not excusable no matter who does it

In my mind it is the second worst thing ever done by humans, just behind genocide


Not so fast whitey

>millions of nignogs in Africa
>one of them is smarter than usual
>figures out how to use other nignogs to get cash, in typical nignog fashion
gee, how suprising

dey waz kangz confirmed

>Muh slavery
>Oh fuck off everyone had slaves back then.
You're right, we shouldn't get mad at white people or guilt them into feeling sorry for something the current generation had no control over.

So you had Mansa Musa, big deal. He was only one guy.

>Your shitty school district waited until high school to tell you
I learned it in middle school


>No control

And yet, Africa invented aids. Guess all that gold couldn't stop niggers from banging monkeys

>your shitty district taught you niggery in middle school

i learned it in 4th grade

>The first mosque on the site was built around the 13th century, but the current structure dates from 1907.

Do they not have fucking rocks or trees in mali to build shit? They obviously have trees, because there's wood struts in the mud. Nogs building mud structures in the 20th century

DNA Analysis Of Ancient Phoenician From Carthage Reveals European Ancestry

Blacks have always been the lowest of human life.




Obama isn't french

So, let me get this straight, a black king gets incredibly rich off enslaving blacks, then spends it all on imperial bling, and then the country turns back into a shithole.

>we WUZ kings
>but no mo'

All thats left is literally a sand castle.
Is there even proof of this nigger being rich?

Every time I see this I can't stop laughing.



In the meantime you build your houses from "wood" and paper, and your skyscrapers spontaneously fall apart when they catch fire...

He gave out gold to the poor and it caused inflation. Leave this man alone

>t. all architecture made after 1945

>Small empire
>Not a single shrine, statue, painting or silveware glorificating him
>not a single remarcable building in his empire
yeah sure. its toatlly plausible

And how the table turns.

He was on a European map nigga

Even back then, nigs haven't figured out how to act around police
>grabbing his left arm
>Police may be alerted because black panthers in the area
>immediately the dog attacks the person "assaulting" their owner
Just don't force the Police to grab you like this and if they do, don't grab their wrist. It could be understood as an initiation of an assault resulting in immediate repercussion.

1 (one) dubious spanish map. OMG RICHEST MAN EVER. if he was half of what they say he were he would have statues, colossal buildings, various paitings about him, large burial sites. etc...

What happens if it rains? What the fuck

Losers whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.

All blacks do is whine about their best. All they'll ever do is whine about their best and take credit for the works of other men while the rest of the world continues to evolve.

He could have turned the country into a super power, but no.
He built a dozen building while being richer than big banker families. What a waste.

>How does it feel to know that whites are monetarily inferior to blacks /pol?

You mean were, nice reading comprehension.

what about the other mali kangz that came before him? why arent them as rich as him?


>mansa musa 400 billion
>nathan rothschild 450 billion

>believing this shit.
Nigga look up this "mali empire" and this mansa musa. not a single remarcable piece of architecture, no statues, no burial sites, no big cities, no paintings about him.

You sure seem butthurt about trivial things.

>blacks not being responsible about money

Sounds right.


>only the richest of the middle ages


>same specie

If he was so fucking rich, how come no one remembers him.

Because when you're king of the shit people, you're still shit

What do you mean with this?

>Bested by a jew

>Medieval wealth trumps European art, music, culture, literature and above all the glut of scientific contributions we have made
Stop masturbating to your irrelevancy

>Be king of a backwards primitive kingdom in west africa
>Find alot of gold
>Be richest man in history
>don't invest in scence or weapons
>Waste money on pointless stuff.
>A couple of hundred years later they become invaded by arabs and after that europeans
>How did this happen?

Everything on that image suggests that we are the same species. The difference is that we are descendants of the part that left Africa, fucked Neanderthals before moving all over Eurasia and inheriting their good genes.

>Richest man in all of history wuz a Black Muslim King in Africa

That's not a Jew, and that's not a member of the Rothschild family.

So literally a nigger got into a position of power, stole everything from the poor and spent most of it on himself.

And what did they build with all that wealth? What future did they guarantee their continent? Fuck all.
It's exactly the same today, they're given money and think "hmmm what can I do NOW that will benefit ME" instead of "what can I plan now that will benefit my country".


>He lived on top of the largest gold deposit of the time for 100s of years
>Didn't even think to pick up the shiny rock until white men came and tried to take it from him
>his empire fell withen the decade


>richest man in history
>failed to create a lasting legacy for his kingdom

Typical nigger.

fantastic b8 m8 you really got em!

Standard nigger modus operandi.

Yeah Hans, that's because we don't anticipate being blown the fuck out by the entire world on a regular basis.

Rich? Rich in what, gold? Slaves? Meanwhile, the whole of sub-saharan Africa is devoid of any noteworthy history, philosophy, beneficial culture or technological advancement. What a joke.

I'm pretty sure in terms of total wealth (land conquered, treasuries stolen, men under control) Alexander the Great is the richest man in history.

thank you for the genuine kek at the b8 pic m8

>being bombed 6 years in countless attacks
>still looks more intact and civilized than the south of the US after a few days of a hurricane

Neil Armstrong, the first on the moon, was actually the son of Louis Armstrong, the great sachmo trumpet player.
The first man on the moon was black.

>muricans and their cardboard boxes they call houses.

>millions of German women/children raped and murdered
>b-but at least our buildings are still standing!



History is more valuable than mere human beings which can be recreated at will in a few years.
But an amerifag without any history wouldn't understand.

>be richest man in history
>cant handle money because nigger
>die poor
>be reborn as 50 cent

>History is more valuable than mere human beings which can be recreated at will in a few years.

Yes, your current government came to this conclusion as well.

A flash of light in what was otherwise darkness. After he died, his empire died.

It also took the US to rebuild your entire nation... ever heard of the Marshall Plan?

No of course not. You're just some douche that shitposts on a Tibetan macrame board while muslims run rampant through your country raping and pillaging.

So what happened, why are you so useless today if you literally had everything? Damn seems today you arent even fit to lick the boot of one of your ancestors :^)

I just read that Jakob fugger was the richest person in history.


>British education
Have you heard of the library at Timbuktu?

Hey. Just because you live in a tiny stone closet called a "flat" doesn't mean you can criticize our wood mansions.

>Oh fuck off everyone had slaves back then.
Then why call whitey bad for having slaves?

Everyone hated niggers back then. Come on, no reason to blame just these few to fit your agenda

>eats a skittle
>checks for nearest KFC
>collects welfare


If there was such a thing as aftermarket chrome trim...he would have had it

>Is that suposed to be a picture of the guy?
A painting, yes.
>There was no photography in the 1650's
Clap, clap, well done.

Blacks have to reinvent the past because they have no future.

>No you faggots didn't. You might've, but that's because your special
I learned a lot about slavery on Sup Forums that I never heard anywhere else:
>Anthony Johnson
>Mansa Musa
>Gezo of Benin
>The 1400 year old Trans-Saharan slave trade
>The Jewish Ownership of all the major African slave ships
>The fact that slavery still exists in Africa today, like i had since pre-historic times








Urghh, American women are fucking annoying.

It's not a matter of having trees to build with, it's a matter of having enough left over when you're using it as fuel to eat/warm.
>>Hurr durr, they have wood, why not make castles?!
Supply and demand.
