Jews happened
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Is that Jack Dorsey on the right bottom?
Modern gaming is cancer. Just look at Dota 2, LoL, Overwatch, Counter-Strike, Hearthstone communities. It's not about fun anymore.
I would say porn but CS:GO doesn't fit
The Witcher and Dark Souls though.
Shhhh, don't let them know!!!
Good counter.
Multiplayer games are pure cancer nowadays. While there are plenty of good single player games. You aren't forced to play the bad games.
I still like playing Battlefield but I don't take it very serious. Most of the time I'm drunk and just c4 motorbikes into people.
>he thinks being competitive isn't fun and fulfilling
found the commie
just buy older multiplayer games desu
>buy pic related on sale a while ago
>convince friend to get it
>play a mode called "terrorist hunt" together
>the terrorists are all mexican/spics and one level have taken over am look alike to the caesars palace palace in vegas
>we joke that this is the dark future were trump didn't get the approval to build the wall and we're his special deportation force that has to deport every single one to hell
no joke they yell hilarious bad accent spanish gibberish at you
witcher is a boring fetch quest of game with a story that's less tolerable than GoT
Dark Souls is great but takes so much time investment to get good at it
My two younger brothers got this again a few weeks ago, can't stop playing now because you end up wanting the new equipment and camo bad ;-;
>mfw the elitist retard gets here
Witcher was good, Dark Souls is ok, Fallout 4 is the blunder of the century
>you will never ask john carmack for his autograph and then pretend like you mistook him for Steven King
why even breathe anymore
op is a low tier mmr faggot obviously
>deus ex Chinese accent.wav
that alanah girl with the blue hair blew up crazy fast. mustve sucked a lot of cock to get up there
"Watch out! I Gadabamb!"
"Let's not blow this out of proportions..."
You guys should play Stardew Valley
ultimate comfy
I still play this game. Me and my buddies use it as a drinking game because weve been playing it for a decade and havent gotten any better. Terrorism never sleeps
Same kinds of people they're just wearing modern clothes and getting modern haircuts
fallout 4 is the best example of how vidya is dying due to the amount of retards in the community
>oh boy a game with a lot less content than all the other games
>who cares hype culture lmao!!11
>russian complaining about dota 2's community
fuck off
There has not been a good video game made in ten years. The quality of the subculture reflects the products it follows.
>witcher is a boring fetch quest of game with a story that's less tolerable than GoT
Go play COD then, fucking idiot
totally agree
gamers used to be fun and open minded people, now they are just isolated and desocialised
Also the assorted franchises that EA has crashed with no survivors.
RIP simcity 1989-2013
>now they're just isolated and desocialised
what, if anything it's the hyper-social aspect of video games that are causing them to be shit. LoL and the ilk encourage you to always play with ''friends'' and post some of their stupid shit on social media
Project reality is real neato. It's modded bf2 that's free to play. The thing is, it actually forces people to do teamwork among your own squad and the whole team. Apparently a lot of the playerbase has left and there's maybe a couple thousand active players so it too can be cancerous if you play at wrong time of day but when people communicate and the squadleaders have half a clue, it is amazing.
>playing insurgency
>players spawn in main base which is a cave
>everybody goes nuts on local audio chat
>'bout 30 or so ak's begin firing inside cave
>people start dropping dead wihout cause
>server can't handle
>respawn and get serious
>kick US ass
>fun times
They've been trying, but games is where they meet resistance
And they won't ever succeed at taking over gaming, because gaming just doesn't work if there's full equality of outcome and no wrongthink allowed
>ywn hang out with ID while they make Doom
>get excited for Star Wars battlefront because it was a favourite when I was young
>comes out
>no content
>literally no fucking content
>play for two weeks
>get fed up
>pay 50 euros for DLC
>play for a week, get bored
>wait for several months for 3 variations on 1 map
And once word comes out someone makes shitty SJW games, they may as well find a new job. Pic related
This. Too bad the servers (and the community) are slowly dying.
favourite game on the xbox. I would shit talk the people on my team. They were all pretty chilled people, always the same knit group of players online playing the game.
probably because it was the only community server that was up
To be fair the gooks 'worked' hard to be there, they're actually good at the games they play and aren't an indy dev who's terrible at making and playing or a streamer who has a pair of talents, neither of which are gaming.
You're like one of those abused women that just keep coming back
>I would shit talk the people on my team.
When I was young this always made me uncomfortable and feel embarrassed for the person doing it
>on desert map
>playing as the fictional middle eastern coalition
>final cap point is a roadside outpost surrounded by open desert
>entire team is trickling in launching a frontal offensive
>running along in the open
>enemy CAS chopper rolls in overhead and starts slaughtering people
>behind me friendly APC's engage the chopper keeping the advancing infantry safe
>tank squad is advancing on left flank to prevent anything mechanized from making a move
>further behind friendly FOB that was constructed to act as a respawn point has built TOW launchers and are suppressing the roadside outpost
>they almost kill me as a missile comes from behind at ass level barely missing me and continues inches off the ground to hit the outpost
>i elect to huddle down in a some ruins jutting in the open to setup my lmg and provide suppressive fire
>we eventually take the last capture point and bleed the enemy teams respawn tickets winning the game
You have fucking Momochi and Chocoblanka on the "gamers now" side.
You are retarded if you think they dont qualify.
well, gotta hope squad becomes the next thing. Hopefully they unfuck themselves by the end of the year.
OP should have swapped them for DSP.
He's the embodiment of casuals this age.
Old gamers kicked out the soccer moms and politically correct bullshit. Nugamers give money to Anita Sarkesian and beg companies to censor their games.
Multiplayer games are cancer, especially team cooperation based ones. That's why I still play pic rel :^)
I always fucking knew it was Americans with terrible taste that shitted on the Witcher.
They're not really gamers who give that money
They're people who pretend to be gamers because it's 'hip' and 'in' these days. They don't really care about games, just about their own image
>posting the wrong image
What game is that? Looks cool
Being creative is more fun and fulfilling but the kind of people who play these games are not that.
Momochi is fucking Godlike and I'd fuck his bitch like Lil B.
heroes of might and magic 3
You're half right. They're typically casual gaming types with a passing interest. That being said you'll find even weeb gamers sucking up to SJWs in the industry and lining up to purchase games that are sanitized of things that offensive to brave strong womyn. Twitch is full of cucks that literally pay girls in tank tops to suck at Mario Maker. The hobby has been sold out to the worst kind of scum.
aka. Spooky scary skellingtons the game
And she isn't a real gamer either, just someone who found an easy way to get money and fame
Here's how it really changed...
Old online games:
> Either you make friends or you ROT
> Everyone needs everyone else to do anything
> so everyone is looking for friends
> Everyone is connected all the time, they have to
Current online games:
> We'll try to make it so you don't have to risk talking with someone with differing opinions, so you can just stay inside your bubble forever, no new friends!
> We'll try to make it so you don't need anyone else to progress
> The only way you see other people is through group finders, where they see everyone else as an impediment to them getting what they want - they're not there to be friendly, they're there to get shit done and you're on the way
> Consequently, group finder is a glimpse of hell and people just retreat further into their bubbles
It is a... capitalistic approach, as this certainly increases profits, but good bye communities that meant something.
Don't forget
She either doesn't do the research or just lies for more patreonbux
At no point were women discriminated against in games. Being a shitty whiny SJW was discriminated against
what is #staywoke
That's Jack Dorsey and some nigger in charge of Black Lives Matter. They have nothing to do with video games. Okay, very little to do with them.
Well, that was hard to figure out.
Wrong. The first generation of hardcore gamers grew up and had children. They were inept, and raised their children on games since that was whatt they knew. The problem children and depressed outcasts also clinged to the internet and gaming, and then there's of course the opportunists and normies who came along and started exploiting the gaming scene for big money.
The disconnected opportunistic businessmen also have had to deal with today's politically correct culture by hiring diverse developers and SJWs who have had their minds corrupted by tumblr-esque sites. The opportunists also lie within the streaming and youtube community, and they're just known as e-celebs.
BLM shit
Probably the latter
Kind of agree. But if these people want to waste their life staring at a screen and then bitching about it, it's alright with me.
>giving out my email for something i dont know about.
hahaha nope.
Thought it was the other way round.
Soccer moms not permitting their children to play vidya, "the product of the devil" "degeneracy" etc.
They grow up and repeat the M.O. except this time, it's with "it's too sexy" "not diverse enough", guilt tripping everyone else like how their mothers did to them.
ma nigga... wat do you play most? i'm a necromancer fan myself...
Mostly dungeon but necro is fine too for me.
nope it's money and special interest groups that are shitting up everything. And women in general.
There's nothing more fun than winning, burger. Trump will teach you this in time.
Paradox has been making some great games, like EU and shit
It became an 'industry'
At that point the SJWs got in, just like they got into comics when those went from being an enthusiasts thing to a mainstream thing
And you know what they did with comics
They're swedes still
fuck EU4 tho I cant initiate the creation of Spanish Empire because I cant into iron mode. And Aragon fucks me everytiem
It˙s not like Gaming was never cancer. Even in the 80˙s and 90˙s some kids would play console games all day. It got even worse in early 2000˙s when computer gaming was huge and MMOS started coming out
>paш Б нaхyй )))
>pyccкиe ecть?? )
Anyway, I think swat 4 still has a nice and relatively active community, the game can be fun, destroying robbers, cultists and decked out terrorists with your friends or just decent randoms out there
No real other old multiplayer games I'd play at the moment come to my mind though
You guys are FUCKING retarded.
Games like Counter-Strike 1.6 were never fun, nor was Quake online.
It is about mental stimulation mostly.
You retards that claim otherwise weren't there.
Good taste, I keep playing it as well.
>You retards that claim otherwise weren't there.
Oh, they were fun as fuck. I enjoyed CS more though, which is also another reason why it lasted for a decade before dying.
..The new CoD games can't even last a fucking year, talk about a mental stimulation..
Yeah, the games are great , but the crooked nosery is in all time high there. Someone should post Paradox shame pics if they have them.
>CK2 costs around 40 $ (even now, which is quite high for a relatively old game) + the 100000 DLCs , the whole collection costs roughly 150 euros, that's absolutely crazy, you can get the whole total war collection for the same price if I recall correctly
Am I the only one who hates the term ''gamer''? Whenever I hear the term I cringe internally. It's like calling people who enjoy books bibliophilists.
CK2 as a full game, nondiscounted, is over 150 dollar last I checked
Europa Universalis 4-
Almost 100
oi gevalt i win again. hahaa, now let me repeat that same thing over and over and over and over and over... oy vey!! i lose? this team sucks, it's like anudah shoah. Let me scream into my mic how everybody sucks my tuchus.
yeah nah, competitiveness is not the end goal.
It's nowhere as close to cringe inducing as "E-sports"
based fucking j mack
They even manage to suck out 30 extra euros out of HOI3 DLC, despite the game itself being around 10, and then you have the Black ICE mod which practically improves every aspect of the game, if it were to be sold as DLC but by Paradox, i think they'd charge 80 just for it
Their total game price would probably rival the ones of most AAA factories
>woman writing GW2 story
Well that explains why the game's story was so god damn awful.
>back in 2000
>CS was still in beta and hyped
>LAN Cafe's opening up everywhere
>meet up with 5 friends every friday after school to play
>sitting in a room with 20 people, shittalk and bants everywhere
I dont want to sound like an Oldfag, but the days before Internet Gaming became the norm really were the golden age of gaming.
im not even a ""gamer"" at this age but back then we would gather at LANs to play, bant and shitalk with people we didnt even know
when even was that? 2005? fuck im old
shit, just noticed the >2000
gotta ease up on the alcohol apparently
is the HD remake on Steam worth it?
I was thinking of buying it in summer sale
No, it's shite
Just buy or pirate the complete version from GOG and get the Horn of The Abyss mod for free.
even Sup Forums is more productive
>tfw no more cs:s
>tfw no more aoe ii
>tfw no more battlefront 2
>tfw no more battlefield 2142
>tfw no more ut2004
>tfw no more halo 1 trial
wow ur shit
Gaming Industry before Jews: Funny, sophisticated and laid back.
I can't enjoy video games anymore, does that mean I grew up or they actually suck dick now?