Is Argentina the best latinamerican country?

Is Argentina the best latinamerican country?

>inb4 Uruguay, Costa Rica
countrylets need not to apply

What about Chile?


maybe 20 years ago

Uruguay is.

they're like copper arabs


No. Argies are bros, but to be honest their country is a mess too.

muh malvinas

t. actual nigger xDD

Among the big ones, yes absolutely. Now let's culturally enrich them

Even before the copper boom we were ok for latinoamerican standards

Argentinaboos are the worst posters on Sup Forums

it's colombia.
is this the opposite day right?

t. mechicano


What's the difference between all those Mexican countries?

Chile is

There is no difference between you and us, Juan




Venezuela is.

>the greatest Latinamerican country
Venezuelans are so poor that they have to resort to farming gold on Runescape. /thread my ass.