Do you honestly believe that you deserve to live?
Do you honestly believe that you deserve to live?
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holy shit that id
Hey goy, how's it goin'?
this has to be mods
My life is a pit of saddness and i am answering to replies on /pol. You can imagine.
Likewise brosef but that changes nothing.
Who's to say anyone 'deserves' anything...
Want to do something else, then? How about we swap pictures of stuff in our surroundings?
Yes I do
I deserve to live far more than treacherous leftist cockroaches and people with too much melanin in their skin
My fate is to genocide the final crusade of the Judeo-Christian civilization and lead it to defeat the mudslime hordes and domesticate the negros once again
I'm afraid that when I die I will just be reborn.
ta da
That picture...
Nope. I don't deserve shit.
But I'm here, and I'm taking it, so fuck you.
Hell no senpai
If I did not deserve to live I would not have been born.
live, no but pass on my genes yes. after i make a baby or two i can die in a war, doesnt matter
Probably not, I spend every night questioning my existence, but that's not healthy, so I try to steer from that line of thought as best I can
Nobody asked to be born.
But someday soon™, my dream is to become Governor of Alabama. I am just waiting for a vulernable election cycle. Trust me, Sup Forums will be a campaign HQ for me.
Right there with you buddy. I'm running for Senate in my area with a local populist hero's endorsement. Looking good desu
What are the fucking chances of this?
white people always deserve to live
others shall perish
My surroundings are full of kikes, why would you want to see that?
We create our own reasons on why we deserve to live. I'm more inclined to believe in free will however, so this effects my judgement on this.
Once you get over nihilism you'll find reasons to live.
Do you know a guy called Assaf at all? Is that a common Jewish name?
Cool, well seeing you on Sup Forums I have some assumptions about your political standings, therefore I hope you get it.
Kinda i know like 2 or something
I'm running on complete and total bullshit desu. Just parroting Xenophon's set of priorities and acting like a good boy. Polling actually shows me beating out both Liberal and Labor right now.
Once I'm in I'm gonna tell Xenophon to get fucked and swing Lib Dem. Basically Australian Libertarians. I'll have 6 years to be as much of a pain in the ass and fight for pro-gun laws as I can.
Well good luck with that, I guess people willing to live life deserve to live.
Gotta grab it by the balls. Noone owes you shit.
>tfw you a goy in israel
Nobody deserves anything