Who is your favourite Game of Thrones character? Out of all of them Tywin strikes me as the most based. It's a shame he had to be offed by the meme midget.
Who is your favourite Game of Thrones character? Out of all of them Tywin strikes me as the most based...
I liked Rob.
Blackfish is cool.
tfw you'll never serve under stannis
Rob sucks. He loses the war because he wanted to marry some girl
Rob fell for the vaginal jew and was punished
Link dun work
>offed by the based midget
Ahhh the crossbow, the great equalizer.
The Sparrow
actually he was punished because he chased half his bannermen off with his retarded execution of a Karstark
Shouldn't have crossed the Freys either though
>Gay of Thrones
Twin is the only character I liked from start to end.
Everyone else dissapointed me at some point.
I liked Robb but he fell for the vagina jew and lost the war.
I liked Stannis but he turned into a cucked fanatic.
I still like Brienne in a way but not too much.
>>Sup Forums
war wasnt exactly going well for him before that
Just open it on YT.
Sparrow is pretty cool. I like Lancel the way he is in the Faith Militant though. But I wonder what Sparrow's real motives are.
Of course Ned is also an awesome character but we didn't see enough of him.
GoT is politics. Tywin is cool because he opposes homos.
Tyrion from the start I don't know why everyone calls him the meme midget
He was a great character at some point, but after season 4 he just became the show's cock joke dispenser.
>Religious zealot
>Wildly unpopular and unwanted by the commoners
>Make wrong move time and time again
>Cheats on his wife
TFW you realize Stannis is the Ted Cruz of GoT
Same as lotr Sean Bean is too expensive to keep around
I don't watch Game of Thrones. I'm over 12 you know
Edd Stark was the only decent person in the whole series and understood the value of morality and honor for a society to function. The rest of westeros is absolutly decadent.
the hound!
get hype
Not knowing Varys is the most based character.
he showed the bitch rob not to fuck with people
It was actually the opposite of that. Rob had never lost a battle and Tywin was worried.
Rob died because he strayed from his father's teachings and broke an oath. Symbolism and all that.
Literally the only people worth having an interest in are faith militant.
cunt detected
Also, this.
CleganeBowl, Get Hype!
Book Stannis is the GOAT though, tv show fucked him up more than any other character
The show is terrible in this season anyways
never mess with this man's cat or daughters
None. There are all cucks or degenerate
he stopped actually having insight and wisdom and it became game of one liners. he does nothing anymore, and there are no threats to him, so he just says some thing that is just barely one pay grade above the viewers intelligence, and the idiots laugh and clap "wow he so smuuurt!"
I see what they're doing. I used to get treated like this in school. if you say something too smart, normal people don't get it, at all. it sounds like schizophrenic nonsense to them. I was treated as more intelligent when I said something that was just BARELY smarter than the people I was talking to.
" oh wow this guys so smuuuurt!"
oh shieez famalam hyped for the mountain to start chopping some faith militants
plus i think jaime will be based as things progress
Stannis is the most autistic and therefore the person i most relate to. He gets it, underneath it all he is a good person born into a system in which he must act a certain way.
John is my second favourite as his a bastard like myself, i can relate to his bleak outlook too.
Tywin was a great character too, his death in the books was huge, how his entire kingdom is slowly falling apart after his death shows how much power one person can have.
Victarion. On the whole his autism is off the charts and he was born into a culture that with his autism tier he really could be nothing else but the behemoth monster that he is. The part i relate to with him is the "we are Ironborn" when going into battle. Remember those same feels when going to a rugby tournament as a kid that 9/10 times we won. Again, like Stannis, underneath it all his is morally good within the system his born.
Jamie. Chad loses a hand realises the world for what it is and becomes a better person for it.
Mfw bronn is back!
More hype than cleganebowl.
>Rob died because he strayed from his father's teachings and broke an oath. Symbolism and all that.
But see His army was weakened because he alienated Karstark bannermen which was the result of his inflexible adherence to Ned's teachings.
hmmm rly maeg u tnk
>Of course Ned is also an awesome character but we didn't see enough of him.
Bran can time travel now though so D&D will bring him back and make him gay.
Eddard Stark 4 lyfe.
Died trying to expose the incestious jew.
based character so glad he is back
>"Edd" Stark
Book Stannis is way worse and even more hated. He is cold, unloving, uncharismatic, and even those closest to him don't like him.
Show Stannis was actually portayed better than book Stannis and he came off as kind of just and had a small but devoted following.
Book Stannis is probably the single most hated character in the GoT universe (by the other characters, not the fans).
But yes, the show has been diving since season 4 ended and peaked at the end of season 2 with the Blackwater/White Walker ending.
>Wife is raped by your King
>Wife dies giving birth to a deformity
>Only true son taken into King's Guard so he may not inherit
>Aforementioned deformity kills you on the shitter
Yeah, real based.
best guy coming through (books ofcourse)
>inflexible adherence to Ned's teachings
he didn't need to shop his head of only send to dungeon
This guy is pretty fucking based.
Fuck the kike writers for giving him a shitty death and rationale.
Those are things that happen to him. A man's worth is measured by his deeds and character, how he reacts to the things around him.
I would like Bolton because of his resemblance to Tywin but he is too slimy and too much of a sociopath to make him likeable. Tywin's only fault was he hated his own deformed son irrationally.
Why no Victarion? Why is the show suddenly feminist bullshit?
His army was not weakened with the Karstark incident, it was saved with Rob doing his duty, like Ned. If he hadn't done what he did the other nobleman would have started to rebel one by one. This was covered well in the book, not so much in the show.
Basically they would have taken him for a joke and pushover and started rebelling. Remember in the book he is about 16 at the time.
Betraying his family's honor and breaking a promise was the forshadowing of his death, Ned mentions the importance of doing one's duty even if they don't want to a bunch of times in the show and book.
Stannis is GOAT tier in the books, and he was a badass in the show until the jews made him burn his daughter. RIP sweet prince. Stephen Dillane really portrayed him extremely well.
Every time he appears in the books his power level increases.
That last Aeron TWOW chapter was incredible. Euron really could be up there with the Others as the ASOIAF chief antagonists.
Is he Cthulhu tier?
After Tywin, this is the most based character.
He had it coming, Ramsay is a psychopath, and you cannot control psychopaths. Well, at least Ramsay isn't a SJW or strong wymynn. But I bet he will get killed by that guy with breasts in plate armour, i can't remember his name, he looks like a woman.
Theres another God Emperor you can serve
Lmao get a load of this guy. Your autistic gibberish didn't sound smart, mate. Talking about the pseudo-philosophic themes in your anime just made you look like a sperg.
Did you even read the books?
Yeah, book Roose is a different beast entirely. You get the sense that unlike Ramsey he has went to lv10 sociopath levels already, on the quiet, which just makes him seem more menacing then anyone in ASOIAF.
Yeah, did you?
i don't think Euron is into some supernatural plot he seems to me like the classic super ambitious and able guy
This goddess
She out of all the people in the series/books has the most character development. She goes from petulant child to a woman who's well on the way of becoming Little Finger tier of manipulation.
I have a lot of respect for Little Finger as well purely because he's such a schemer. However, I can tell that in using Sansa Stark as his tool will back fire on him horribly. She's the only person who can stop him now from achieving his aims.
I like Jon Snow because he's a good warrior and has the making of a good tactician/strategist. It was the reason I liked Robb Stark so much until he started acting like a fuckwit.
Sansa Stark
Eddard Stark
Jon Snow
Little Finger
bernie sanders is literally based
Victarion is a literal cuck brate