Was Han China stronger than the Roman Empire ?

Was Han China stronger than the Roman Empire ?

Some leftists say Han China was more relevant than the Roman Empire.

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Han China was probably more relevant to the Chinese and other Asian nations than the Roman Empire. As for which was stronger, well that's hard to say.

No. how can china even compete?

>relevant outside of its own borders as anything more than a trade partner

Roman empire was stronger, it had more disciplined troops and superior leadership




Pax Romana. Not Pax...Sinoa? I don't know.

Well one of the civilisations today ain't being conquered by shitskins or being destroyed my multiculturalism

Although both of them are inhabited by tanned skin manlets


You're fucking retarded

There were probably some areas in which the Romans were superior, but in terms of manpower and nominal GDP, the Chinese were probably stronger.

>han china
meh. cultural and technological stagnation while the west steamed ahead

the mongols however, that's the asian culture that could arguably be said to be more relevant than the roman empire

Okay, while the west shot ahead in terms of technology during the later middle ages and early modern period, this map seems to be entirely ignoring all contributions from the east during their history, and equating modern periods of poor .

I mean, the Chinese invented the Blast furnace in the 1st century ad, gunpowder, paper, printing, the wheelbarrow, boat rudder, compass, and others. There were plenty of eastern mathematicians during the middle and dark ages, I mean, the idea of there being a 0 arose in India, while the Arabs and developed algebra as a separate pursuit. The base 10 system, and decimal system, and numerical system we use today came from India and the Middle East. The cradles of civilization were in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, along the Indus river, and in China. These places all have ancient history, and a lot of it was probably destroyed during the invasions of Mongol, Timur, and other later conquerors.

Sure, maybe western innovation, especially today, has shot ahead of that from other cultures, but you can't just ignore the fact when it doesn't suit you.

This board may be about being politically incorrect, but that doesn't excuse you from being factually incorrect.

> lefties
> more like chinks

I doubt so, in the end a consecuense of the Roman empire was the western powers which conquered basically everything

The chinks almost got into the industrial age 3 or 4 times (almost a thousand years earlier), but got fucked everytime before doing it

The chinese history is more alike that dreamworld of the fiction stories with elfs and shit (more enjoyable to study), but also isolated

>Was Han China stronger than the Roman Empire ?
I don't know and it doesn't matter
>Some leftists say Han China was more relevant than the Roman Empire.
Absolutely not, Roman stuff and stuff stolen by Romans are much more relevant than whatever chink invention from Han China

More relevant to the world, but not more relevant to Europe. We owe so much of what we have to the Romans, whereas much of Europe wasn't directly touched in such a way by the Mongols.

Actually, how much was history changed simply by the Mongol invasions?

I can think of Baghdad, one of, if not the greatest cultural and scientific cites of that era, when it was sacked by the Mongols. That city was rekt so bad it still hasn't fully recovered 800+ years later.


some think that without the mongol invasion of the middle east, the muslim conquest of Europa would have been unstoppable

This thread belongs in /his/ not fucking Sup Forums

you're right of course, the romans and the mongols were important in their respective spheres of the world. I brought them up more because the mongols are more or less the only ancient Asian culture that had an empire on the ridiculously powerful/large level/expansive/encompassing level as the romans. the han chinese more kept to their own area from what I remember about them

although, you could say the Mongols were pretty relevant to Europe. they BTFO Rus and started to invade Poland a little bit. or something like that, not really an expert on that, I just know the bare basics

Yes, the Mongols were one of the most destructive forces in history. They paved the way for many things to happen. Whether their direct influence was overall destructive or constructive is difficult to decide. Among other things, I believe they allowed the rise of the Ottomans, Muscovy, sped up the spread of the bubonic plague, brought knowledge and trade from China, and ended up creating the conditions that caused a revolt in China, leading to them becoming very backwards and isolationist.

Yes, but not as relevant to Europe as the Romans.

Too bad the same people burned down the Library of Alexandria

The legacy of Rome is seen everywhere in western culture. The Roman Empire was the beginning of European hegemony. The Chinks have never cared about anything but themselves. Their dynasties came and went, but made no real impact on the rest of the world.

Rome during its zenith controlled over 20% of the world's population, which was around 60 million people. They invented shit that took us over a thousand years to rediscover. Like Roman concrete and the Lycurgus Cup (literally nanotechnology).

As for power, it depends on what kind. Military wise? China was pretty big on cavalry and massed arrow volleys, while they focused less on the infantry. The opposite with Rome.

>euhrgh i cant believe they're breaking da rules and not talking about politics
fuck off autist, its an interesting thread

ancient russia was invaded by the mongols, they also started to invade hungary/poland too I think.

its fucking hilarious becuase the Mongol empire changed the world, now Mongolia is one of the most pitiful backwater countries ever

they subjugated Russia and started invading central-eastern Europe (mostly Hungary, they were more relevant than Poland back then I think) but internal problems stopped them from fucking shit up in EE as much as they did in muslim world

Pretty sure that was Byzantine Christian Iconoclasts, not Arabs. Also, it had been burned down at least once before that, during a siege by Julius Caesar. A tragedy to be sure, as who knows how much knowledge of the ancient world was lost in one fell swoop?

Anyway, it wasn't an irrecoverable loss to human knowledge and learning.

of course famalampai

Do you think they would have any chance in mountanious countries like the alps, Norway, Spain...?

All great powers rise and fall. Not really a funny thing. One day, the US, Russia, and Europe might be backwater shitholes compared to Mongolia and the East. I mean, compare countries like France, Germany and the UK to what they once were.

As Carthage fell, Rome too fell. As the Seleucids fell, so too did the Parthians, and then the Arabs fell to the Mongols, and then the Mongols fell to themselves, and the various nations they had conquered, and Europeans.

That's why our leaders are fanatically obsessed with GDP, nigga. As much as we perceive ourselves to be in decline, the West still controls like half the world's wealth

I don't know, probably yes altough I wouldn't expect them to care about Scandinavia. Persia has a lot of mountains and it didn't stop the Mongols.

Where did China go wrong

the problem is gdp is only one aspect of a successful civilization and if you sacrifice every other aspect you wont have the basis in place that allowed you to get such high gdp in the first place. its like building a tower higher and higher while the bottom levels rot and degrade


the destroyers of civilization my friend

top retardation
the roman empire influenced the people which would later set out and conquer the whole world.
the han empire influenced the gooks that make our electronics

Another thing to consider is the large number of superior military fortifications, and what seemed to be a relatively high level of militarism in Europe at the time due to warring feudal states.

Also moisture may have affected the Mongol bows, making them useless.

mfw we had defeated Mongols.

They dindu jackshit relative to Europe.
Anything they discovered (blackpowder, guns, paper), we mastered and made it much much better.
The "lol dude whites weren't even that significant :D:DDD" is just a meme.
Pretty easy to disprove.


>le Dark Ages + Islamic Golden Age meme
Go back you faggot

>defeated by moisture
still not as embarrasing as the emus though

where is your face


now you need to defeat the kebabs

Well we stopped the Alexander from reaching China.

Why do you ask?

We already are #1 Kebab remover.

>can think of Baghdad, one of, if not the greatest cultural and scientific cites of that era, when it was sacked by the Mongols. That city was rekt so bad it still hasn't fully recovered 800+ years later.
Hello John Greene, how's your wife's date going with Jamal?
Pretty strange that a city and a culture that was "the greatest cultural and scientific cities of an era" could not recover in 800, that is, EIGHT HUNDRED years. Hmmm... really makes you think

mfws without faces trigger me

thats because the quality of a society is defined by its ethnic make up


kicking 14% of population = more toilets per capita

you know what to do friend

I think somebody broke you Poland, because you are not making any sense.

lurk moar


Shit-posting etiquette requires that you post a face when you write "mfw"

>poos stopped Alexander
Those people living in Northern-India were Aryans back then, your shitskinned type were all slaves working on plantations.
And India didn't stop Alexander. They inflicted great blows on his army, yes. But his original soldiers from Macedonia wanted to turn back and go home, and he didn't want to go along with only the Persians and the other nations and mercenaries.

>virtually no shitskins in country
>little intermarriage
>highest IQ beside EuroJoos

Give China a hundred years. If the technocrat oligarchy can figure a way to peacefully usher in representative democracy to a population twice the size of the western world, there'll be no keeping up.

What the fuck are you on about? Are you claiming that there wasn't a massive loss of knowledge during the Barbarian invasions of the Roman Empire, and during fanatic christian uprisings?

Okay, they discovered gunpowder and paper. That fact alone just proves their influence, because the west would have never been able to improve those things if they weren't invented.

Also, are you claiming that the work of various Islamic and Indian mathematicians didn't happen? Well, have fun trying to do maths with Roman Numerals, and no concept of 0, and and no algebra as we know it today, and no negative numbers.

Pretty sure Alexander's own troops stopped him, more so than the Indians. I mean, he defeated the Indians at the Hydaspes.

they forever tore Russia and Russian Identity away from the west, affecting Geo-politics to this day.

Define "stronger"

are we forgetting the Mughals? Pakistan exists for a reason poo

>comparing a raping, pillaging, animal fucking, full of STDs so called "empire" to based China

China exists, has nukes and a space program, and a billion of higher IQ men and women

Roman Empire doesn't exist anymore

You can't kill 172 million mudslims in a day without getting any attention. We are working on it.

oh, okay. Now I get it. Sorry.

You know Alexander's army was disheartened but you know why it was dishartened? Because after fighting so many wars there was a huge fucking ganges river in front of them and accross that river Dhananda (Hindu Nanda empire in India) was waiting for him for with 80,000 horsemen, 200,000 footmen, 8,000 chariots, and 6,000 fighting elephants.


AMERICA is more relevant than both of them combined

>tfw I'm alive to se the greatest Empire of our history


their whole Golden Age of science was based on Greek, Persian and Indian knowledge

the only Islamic science that existed was Al Ghazali and he was a retard

so where the slavs on the map?

I'm curious of Sup Forumsacs mind where we are

Imagine there is only romans and han China and no other countries.They border each other.Han china decides to make an invasion on romans.Launches an invasion operation, romans fuck the shit of first expeditionary forces up, invasion continues.Rome resists, though outnumbered, China randomly splits to smaller states.The end.

if they ever fought id say rome would win easily.

china's only chance would be throwing millions of bodies at the problem, like they do with every problem. and I reckon rome could just hold that off for years, wear china down and eventually crush them

Pulling the great fleet back and becoming isolationist

>Han China
>Propelled the world forward

Pick one and only one

Mughals accepted our culture in the reign of Akbar but we would be way more fucked if mongols had conquered us.

You are reading the truth, not the Sup Forumstard version of butthurt cumskins.

the Roman Empire and Ancient Greece were the most depraved entities to ever exist

rampant peadophilia and sodomy, the rape of millions of Greek preteens, STDs in almost 50% of Roman population, rape and murder and enslavement of the indigenous Europeans by the Romans and the Greeks only to stole Indigenous people's invention and claim it to be "Roman" or "Greek"

look it up

The army was not interested in marching into India, too much smell you see.


cool story, moor rapebaby

>american detected

Not because of smell but because they were fucking scared the shit out of them ->

>Are you claiming that there wasn't a massive loss of knowledge during the Barbarian invasions of the Roman Empire, and during fanatic christian uprisings?
Certainly not massive and not as much as the meme series on History Channel and National Geographic and so would like you to believe.
Those "Barbarians" all looked up to Rome and its culture, not just its wealth.
They picked up Roman customs. That is why we are still civilized and not on the level of ooga boogas like arabs and blacks. Why do you think the Holy Roman Empire bore the name "Roman"? Everyone looked up to Rome. No one wanted to destroy it, they wanted their wealth to themselves.
Compare this to muslims who want to destroy everything that is not muslim, because they are butthurt jelly as fuck (e.g. blowing up Palmyra, iconoclasms, etc).
Did I mention these so called barbarians were all white? What's more, they were Indo-Europeans, aka Aryans.

What is papyrus?
Do you believe paper didn't exist before the Chinese "discovered" it?
Papyri were widely used by the whole Hellenized world and the Roman Empire.
The Chinese just found a better and cheaper way to make paper.
We would have discovered that too, given time. It wasn't something revolutionary, it was evolutionary.

Yes, they discovered it, great achievment, now compare what they did with it to what we did with it. When whites went into China we could exterminate every Chinese to the last people by our superior technology.

I approve that they discovered these things, it is really a great thing, but compare this to what we have discovered and achieved, when we had far fewer people and GDP than them all throughout history.


More important in what why? Demand leftists to specify their understanding of importance.
Other than that they are always welcome to leave for China, finally they can join their comrades.

Greeks stole everything from Mesopotamians and Persians were muslims

then the cumskins stole ancient people's achievements and claimed them as their own

If chinks were so smart how come they didn't discover glass?
Fucking Spastics

>Arabs developed 0
No that was the Assyrians before they were raped by the Arabs. Arabs have done fuck all in history

He defeated a smaller Indian kingdom, his army chickened out when they heard about the army of Dhananda ->

>What is Mughal Empire
>Who is Babur

Chinks invented a few things 1000 years ago and have been hanging their hats on it ever since. What has China accomplished in the past 300 years? NOTHING.

Islam is truly cancer

HAHAHAHA you're serious? I thought you were just shitposting because of how fucking retarded that post was

>roman empire doesn't exist anymore
>china exists
jesus just end your retarded life

>Before Mohammed
>Before Christ
You are a fucking idiot. Also, Ancient Greek mathematicians, historians and philosophers, look them up, Jamal.

They were descendant of Mongols but independent from the Mongol empire. Almost 1/3 of world has mongolian ancestry.

>They picked up Roman customs. That is why we are still civilized and not on the level of ooga boogas like arabs and blacks. Why do you think the Holy Roman Empire bore the name "Roman"? Everyone looked up to Rome. No one wanted to destroy it, they wanted their wealth to themselves.

>austrian colonial logic

so the murdered southern gooks and the japanese choose western culture because it looked superior, not because it was forcefully imposed on them after the wars ?

look at this retarded austrian colonial and laugh

Well, considering Persia was Islamic at the time, pretty sure that counts.

Ibn al-Banna' al-Marrakushi and Abū al-Ḥasan ibn ʿAlī al-Qalaṣādī, Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, Omar Khayyám, I don't know, some other fucking ones. To dismiss it so
offhandedly just because it supports your world view is quite ignorant. Really, even if the Islamic golden age acted only as a pathway of sorts for knowledge to pass to the west, that still counts, especially in a time where the west was quite backwards compared to the east.

India was fucked over and mostly ruled by Muslims at one point.

As for Alexander, he had smashed his opposition in India up until that point, he had smashed his opposition all the way. The reason his men were disheartened wasn't because of some Indian army, but because of internal struggle, unhappiness with Alexander's views towards the Persians, and the fact that at that point, they had been campaigning for 11 years and had conquered more land than anyone before them in human history.

m8 plox

the persians where white
the hindus were white
the arabs were white
the egyptians were white
the accient greeks and romans were white

I bet you are going to say that the africans were white

even the ethiopians were arabs and this white

>Persians were forced to be muslim

and are you legit saying it was Islam that made the Persians scientific power houses and not the other way around?

But they are all Caucasian Pedro.

>Jamal posts again
>so the murdered southern gooks and the japanese choose western culture because it looked superior

also let me clarify. obv. the roman empire doesnt exist anymore, because its been broken into countries ruled by their respective cultures/ethnicities

the han chinese empire doesnt exist anymore, its become another country based around the various chinese culture/ethnicities

saying that Han China is better because China exists and that the roman empire isn't an entity is fucking retarded because all of the European countries descended from the Roman empire have all achieved technological levels modern China hasn't been able to reach yet.

They own your ass by debt.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but your Romans and Greeks were nothing but child rapists and sodomites on a massive scale, they just happen to be worshipped by cumskins but to other normal people they're nothing but murderers and degenerates.

Al Khawarizmi was a Persian muslim, kill yourself half-Austrian half-Ottoman rapebaby

Han Dynasty was still transitioning from bronze to iron

Romans would win

> Islamic mathematicians
What the hell is Islamic? If there was a so called "Islamic Golden Age", when was the Christian Golden Age? The Buddhist one? The Zoroasthrian one? The Shinto one?
This word itself proves that they had to make up such a thing, based on their RELIGION, because arabs were dumb as hell.
Al-Khwarizmi was Persian, an Indo-European, an Aryan.
Do you really think the Greeks didn't know algorhythms? Just because a Persian wrote a book about it, and went deep into it, doesn't mean he discovered it. Greeks have been using it and knowing it. And even civilizations before the Greeks, do you think the Egyptians were cretens before they got to know the majesty of "islamic mathematics"? How did they build the pyramids then?

Other famous "Islamic Golden Age" scientists: Maimonides, a Jew of Jewish faith living in Hispania. Avicenna, a Persian, again, an Indo-European.

Indian mathemathics: All from the North of India, right? The North was Aryan, and were much less mixed with the Dravidian browns back then.

Wow, I start to see a pattern here: Everyone was Aryan who did something other than ooga booga (minus that 1 jew). Hmmm. Really makes you think.

>Misquoting me as the Arabs developed 0

Nice try, I said the Indians developed the concept of 0. Besides, the Mesopotamian 0 was more of a placeholder than a decimal place 0 that we know today.

Really? To say the Arabs did nothing for humanity is an extreme thing to say however. Sure, Islam is a despicable ideology that ruined the once flourishing middle east, but my points still stand in spite of that. The Arabs were once a world power.