What a world we live in. Sad, I loved that movie.
What a world we live in. Sad, I loved that movie.
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Don't worry. Their efforts will only backfire, and make Trump stronger.
we already had this thread, it was full of ((( Cohen ))) posts
>baawwwww they b implying trump isn't the meme God emperor I thought he was, better boycott them asap
Trumpfags are the most anal sensitive group in existence, even more so than liberals
>Don't worry. Their efforts will only backfire, and make Trump stronger.
I thought Mike Judge was redpilled?
Really disappointing.
I hate the fact that they had to make this. Wouldn't an intelligent, fact-based argument by a scholar work? I know SJWs try to do that on Youtube but it ends up becoming self-absorbed video that tries to look too cute and talks down to their audience.
>(((Etan Cohen)))
Just a coincidence I'm sure
>that flag
>anti trump
wew lad :^) you know what to do
and they lack the self-awareness to see how it's just the opposite
they should focus on making a movie that isn't shit
Exactly, Bernie would be the Idiocracy vote
>write movie about how stupid people breed too much, and how they might breed intelligent people out of existence
>be a leftist and believe people who dont contribute to the genepool or society should thrive and reproduce at the expense of the rest of us
How do you be so self contradictory and wrong
>secure borders, having jobs, reducing trade deficits, keeping the country out of wars, and stopping drug crime is now considered "stupid"
>electing a felon that wants to shoot down Russian planes and strip constitutional rights while their husband gets away with rape is considered the right thing to do
I think what I love most about this generation's Left is that for every single thing they've bitched about that 'America needs to do' to make them happy, along comes a guy who will actually make those things happen and they fucking hate him. Every Occupy Wall Street protester should literally kill themselves for wasting everyone's time. "You're going to get me a job, put the banks in their place, and tax the highest brackets that exploited me in the first place, just like I demanded eight years ago?! FUCK YOU I HATE YOU!! RACIST!!!"
What's stupid is everyone thinks they will work because of how Trump puts a spin on it. Any retard can say he's going to fix everything.
What about my flag? And what does it have to do with my argument?
Are you implying people from all around the world, including so called 'white countries' don't have a majority that is 'anti-trump' out of sheer trumpfag butthurt?
Lol I posted it again xD
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... no.
Youth unemployment sky-high? Can't get a job? Cut off the supply of unneeded foreign labor and that problem fixes itself. This has been proven too many times to count, as the illegals directly compete with the youth for employment at every single level.
Any young Leftist that is pro-open borders is also pro-being unemployed.
When will they learn?
Terry Crews should run for president as Camacho.
>Trump/Camacho ticket
That would be some shit right there
Anyone who kicks off the press conference with machine gun fire has my vote
So this is post-ironic, right? They're going to make an ad about "le stupid celebrity trump", people will praise it in droves, and then they'll say just as keikaku.
Mike judge is a closet cuck anyway. Look at the his movies especially extract. What a fucking shit of a film promoting cucking. Shame too i used to like him.
Kind of surprising. I think Mike Judge is a libertarian though. I know he's not a Hillary supporter.
It's all about getting what you want the way you want it. Look at the GOPe, Trump represents that broad appeal that they've been saying they need for years, and because he's not one of them they reject him.
The fact nobody is making fun of Hillary at a time when she most definitely needs to be made fun of just proves the whole entertainment apparatus is made up of cowards. They're afraid of her because she has a cunt and they don't want to be called sexist. It's that simple.
So they'll just tacitly support a woman who probably committed espionage and whom has been proven to trade political favors of office to foreign powers in exchange for money—the highest form of government graft.
When did everyone in this country become such weak faggots
what do you think.. are the avarage jews redpilled about that zionist movement that tries to fuck everyone and everthing up beyond cuck status?
>proven too many times to count
Like where?
Ignoring the fact that these are fruit picking and doll stuffing jobs, migration has a net benefit on the economy because everyone is a net producer. Even in North Korea. Your GDP per captia might lower but it's an illusionary effect.
Didn't you get the memo? 10 million illegals in a population of 330+ mil are to blame for every problem ranging from the small to the large ones.
He's based and he's going to make America great again, that I can tell you.
2 things come from Texas .
You're arguing against common knowledge. The people pushing for amnesty don't care if the youth are employed, by the way. They just want votes/a cheap labor force.
My thoughts as well.. KOTH was based. Same with Sillicon Valley .
The cucks are coming out of the shed in droves
I don't think Judge is involved in this.
Only the director and actors.
key thing to note is that Mike Judge isn't involved. hes too based
Nice meme buddy
>Director: Mike Judge
I haven't seen Idiocracy, nor do I know anyone who has. Is it just a movie for smug liberals to feel superior to middle America?
My bad, thought that movie was directed by ((( Cohen )))
Still, i'm pretty sure Judge isn't involved in this commercial. Do we have any evidence that he is?
I watched it because it's often mentioned on Sup Forums. It's a very low quality movie. The actors are mediocre, the dialogues are bad.
Americans like it because the basic idea of the movie strikes close to home. My advice is don't watch it if you're not American, it's a waste of time.
>herf derf
>the movie has a president that is totally inappropriate candidate
>my opinion is that Trump is inappropriate
>its just like the movie!!!!
The movie was making fun at the population for being stupid.... didn't anyone pick up on this? The writers are literally saying the population is stupid for voting trump.
Why the fuck hasn't anyone picked up on this...
The fucking irony is that stupid people have over populated whilst the smart are now extinct. The reality is immigration is bringing the IQ down due to their very high birth rates.
The movie is in fact coming true, ironically they have missed which parts of it.
>leftists idealize a future "caramel" race with far less white genetic material contributed to the end product simply because shitskins have too many kids and spill over into white countries
They should remake the whole fucking movie with niggers, chicanos and mudslime instead of redneck trailer trash.
When they get to the future instead of seeing a shitty mismanaged civilization with garbage everywhere, everyone is just dead and it looks like Mars.
Everything I saw for it implied that he's involved, but it's jewboy doing all the interviews.
No, seriously.
Why the fuck hasn't anyone picked up on this?!
It's like the retardedness has come full circle in their desperation to defeat trump.
Common sense and a logical thought process are the ultimate enemies of the modern liberal
I think their point was that Trump specifically targets the dumb part of population.
That film was about smart people not breeding enough and all but going extinct whereas dumb people bred non stop and the devolution of humanity began through lack of intelligence where a frozen white man with a slightly below IQ average ends up being the smartest man alive.
Do they even remember their own film?
Here's the great opening for those that never watched it:
Whites don't breed like that though(which is why we're dying off, different topic though) so race change the rapid breeding white with a sub saharan african or arab. Replace intelligent people with European/White. It's identical to whats shifted over the last couple decades.
I believe Trump will do a fantastic job *if* he surrounds himself with the right people. His bluntness and lack of communist political correctness is exactly what the west needs and we need more leaders with that attitude. For too long have our alleged leaders pandered and bowed to usurpers of our nations. I cannot wait to see all the butthurt from the scum that tried to ban him from the UK.
I would say it's sad because any other candidate with their followers are the epitome of what that movie implied the direction groups like them would take the world, but honestly Trump himself is a pretty dumb guy who fits the theme of that movie.
either way he was always the best choice, so still sad they can't realize their own irony after making Idiocracy
Except Trump is picking up support from every facet of society that feels run down and unrepresented not just in the US but globally unlike the others who only get certain types to pander to the SJW agenda and look good for the camera.
His comedy has always been the way he delivers his redpills. I can't remember him saying anything really concrete about his political opinions. It's all in his writing.
He works in showbiz and currently has a successful HBO show so I'm sure he's not going to say anything directly critical of anti-Trump media frenzy but if he is actually involved in this project then I'd guess there will be more to it than "LOL DRUMPF REPUBLICUNT = STOOPID".
My thoughts exactly, I hope it is just the writers and not Mike Judge himself. Would be really disappointed
Thats possible, the guy goes against the establishment, bringing together all kind of folks who dont like the rails they ride. But I am ignorant on the subject and from the little I've seen, he indeed acted like a cheap salesmen.
But I would welcome if a Trumparian educate me on the subject. Do you have some speech or preferably an interview, when Trump is speaking in a lets say "intelectual" manner?
>when the trumpnigger rage stronk but you don't have any arguments at hand to reply with
This. I was actually happy after reading the OP
You are aware trump is the complete opposite of "Red pilled" sold his daughter to a kike ffs
>trump is the complete opposite of "Red pilled"
Yes but he is still the nucleus around which the broader redpilled movement is forming.
It's still the opposite of redpilled to make idiocracy-themed ads targeting him specifically while ignoring other candidates.
>you realize why he is on media so much is because he sold his daughter to jews
Trump and his family have been Jewish ballfondlers since they arrived to this world
How do you think Donny the hebrew cuck managed to succeed in a real estate market literally owned by Jews?
Oh yeah, because Bernie's policies are so much more better
>Hurr Dur rich people bad
>Hurr dur free college for everyone
>Dur let's just reform immigration and open our boarders to everyone what's the worse that can happen
>I think their point was that Trump specifically targets the dumb part of population.
but most of the spics and blacks vote democrats.
What about Bernie? I even know Berniefags who admit that Bernie has a lot degenerate fans. Kinda weird to see Leftists actually use the word degenerate but it's really the only word that could be used to describe a large portion of Bernie's following. Well that, and reprobate but most atheists wouldn't use that word.
Trump attracts red necks, but at least those dumb fucks are pro-American. It's just for some reason Shitlibs love La Raza & Black Lives Matter even though both groups just want to steal everything that Whitey has.
Truth, but for some reason the media only focuses on uneducated White red necks. The media claims that niggs N spics have a right to act the way they do to White supremacy or some bullshit.
The real reason is because the media can't control the heavily armed red necks or at least not on the same level that they do with niggers & spics.
Hey Carlos thanks for the west coast.
Then they picked the wrong side the right thrives on personal improvement and competition which prevents the world of idocracy. The left seeks to remove personal responsibility and bring about state control which will create the world of idiocracy.
I am not arguing about Trump being stupid, I just want to know more about him.
>What about Bernie
I am not denying that Bernie might attract "white-phobic" people and the pretentious ones. I personally knew a guy who was pretty much your average racist hating modern art, drugs, spirituality etc. and was ridiculed for it by his peers. Then he moved to California and bam! he became your stereotypical Berniebro comparing Trump to Hitler, fightin' dem corporation and having a deep spirituality.
>actually use the word degenerate
Thats because you belong to a subculture who got the word from Fallout NV, while normal people use it in a sense that your genes became worse. For example it is a common insult for inbred Aristocrats.
It happened to Depp, let the actors fall to their career doom.