A friend of mine just used this picture in an argument as to why we should take refugees. Anyone has that info pic that showed how this was all a lie?
A friend of mine just used this picture in an argument as to why we should take refugees...
Tell them that if they didn't immigrate, they wouldn't drown crossing the Mediterranean. Also tell them they aren't refugees, they are cowards that should be fighting for their country, not fleeing to yours.
That child did not die because he was turned away from a country. Had he made it alive he would most likely have been accepted as a refugee by a European nation, much like hundres of thousands (millions?) of people have.
Save your Sup Forums shit and link them this foreignpolicy.com
Daddy couldve stayed in Turkey but wanted some gibs instead
A better argument than >muh conspiracy is that this dead child is a direct result of Germany taking in refugees.
Germany said they would take in syrians and as a result millions of people from all over the middle east and Africa have swarmed towards Germany. Germany gave a huge incentive for people to attempt dangerous crossings of the mediterranean. As a result of merkels actions and #refugeeswelcome that kid is dead.
scumbag photags posing the kid in a better spot
he had shit loot though
>They weren't refugees
They were Kurds living as permanent residents in Turkish Kurdistan. They were safe and not dying or threatened.
>They could have went to Canada
The aunt of the child wanted to sponsor them in Canada, but Canada's dental wouldn't have covered what the father wanted.
>The baby died because the father wanted new teeth
The aunt told them to go to Europe because Europe is where dad could get new teeth.
>The picture of a dead baby that died because his daddy wanted new teeth in Europe to guilt trip Europeans into turning Europe into Eurarabia.
If that's what his argument is then just show pictures of people who have been victimized by refugees. Then ask him to choose a loved one to take their place, since he's so #empathetic
Thanks for the fuel so far guys:
Yeah, but if I can save a life by not going on holiday I'll gladly do so.
awwwe. Sleeping so comfortably and blissfully.
why do you guys mock this kids death? Its not like it was his fault
his scumbag parents brought him there
Ask him if he would make his mother be raped and discarded like garbage if it would bring that baby back to life
Why do we have to care about noncitizens and waste our money on people we are not responsible for? Thousands of people die each day, better invite all of africa and asia into europe, amirite?
Also, the vast majority are economic migrants and aren't even from Syria or Iraq.
I don't have the info pic, sorry. But you could point out to your friend that if EU turned all boats away and harshly punished people for illegal immigration, they would eventually get the message and stop trying to cross the sea. The fact that we reward them with asylum means that more and more people will keep trying to come here. We're enabling men who abuse the system and evade their responsibility to fight ISIS, while ignoring all the women and children stuck in refugee camps. And we're encouraging people to risk their children's lives and take them to the dangerous voyage, because they've realized they can use kids as a passport and sympathy card that lets them in.
TL;DR if we take these people in out of misguided naivety, more people will try to come here in the future, the casualty toll will rise, and "open borders" people will be guilty of these deaths.
Be sure to praise him for his altruism when he's willing to let his neighbors suffer, because they have the same skin color as him and it's statistically unlikely that he will suffer directly. Such self sacrifice
I posted that video to a libtard forum and most people just said "well even if it only helps a little it's worth it".
It's just not worth the time or energy dealing with these people.
People hate countries fucking around in other countries business right?. This is what happens. Their problem eventually becomes your problem. That's why smart motherfuckers STAY in other faggots business so dead bodies don't come floating onto their beaches and shit.
We only have one planet and borders aren't literal walls. You can't isolate some things.
With parents like that the kid would also have eventually grown up to be an angry rapist. Do you support violence towards the native population?
What does he mean by that?
Ask him who he is going to blame when he trades likes and shares today for an unstable world that causes a million times more suffering than what's on that beach
Would it be a good argument if it was true?
>Europe is going to be destroyed because of one little shit and his criminal father
Absolutely this
The moment those first boats started sinking last year and the response was to bring them to Europe and not bring them back to Africa was the killing point
Said this to him, thank you.
That kid and his family weren't even refugees. They were economic migrants from Turkey, taking advantage of the situation. When people turn up on your border with no passport. You have no way of telling where they are from.
>borders aren't literal walls.
Soon, paco.
I think I have it. It's a little drawing of two native americans commenting on how a "paleface child" wahsed up on the beach, and that means they have to give up all their land and accept destruction
Just tell her that it's her and the leftist party she votes for's fault Peter, the only way to beat lefties is by beating them at their own game of shaming and blaming.
Relocating in Syria using friendly armed forces available in Syria and some of ours in a safezone to jumpstart a mini-economy in Syria while we direct trades in and out of that area would be a lot less expensive and benefitial to all Syrians and Europeans at the same time.
It would also be a lot less risky for us because ISIS cant come in hiding between the refugees and a lot less social risks from natives.
The blood of that child is on her hands because she just wants those people to take that extremely dangerous trip across the mediterrean sea in barely floating boats to possibly make it and roach off us for a while and then fuck off back to a wartorn country in poverty.
So she would rather put both her own people and Syrians at risk while forcing people to pay millions for a cause they didnt subscribe to than to truly rehabilitate Syrians for a better future.
She cares more about short term personal gratification than reasonable solutions ensuring Syrians a future.
1) If they were actually refugees, they didn't adhere to the Dublin Act, which states that refugees escaping a war torn nation must stay at the first non-war torn nation they reach.
2) Ask them if the body had been floating in the sea for hours, why is it so pink? Water saps heat from anything incapable of generating its own, his body would have been blue/purple.
It's one of the reason's Trudeau got elected
>implying every border will be a literal wall soon
Stab yourself in the mouth
One kid died, so that makes it okay for a whole continent to suffer? The women being raped in cologne?
you have to go back
The whole point of comedy is that you can make fun of anything. Especially dead kids.. What does madeline mccann and a submarine have in common? They are both at the bottom of the ocean and full of seamen.
A quick google search should bring it up.
These cunts were safe in Turkey, but wanted some gibs from Canada since some other sandnigger relative of his lived there.
this. The blood of this kid and all the others who drowned is on leftists' hands.
Thats the problem with humor, it must always be at the expense of the majority nowadays.
I remember a generation of people laughing at the islamic faith, africans, gays, trannies, white trash and the middle-eastern war.
Now everyone laughs at people sceptic of things like immigration, generation of fucking pussies I tell you.
I can't find it anymore, does anyone else know the one I'm talking about?
he's nothing but a piece of meat now, what does he care if we mock him?
>boat capsized, just one body neatly washes up
>no luggage, clothes, garbage or other bodies
>man moves body behind rock before attempting CPR
>child quite obviously much younger than 3
It was all fake as shit.
Mockery suspends empathy, empathy suspends reason.
>why do you guys make light of what myself and others see as a serious issue?
>Sup Forums
Its funny, our right winged politicians have actually told leftist parties a million times to pick these people up on the ocean and give them better boats to travel back with, ofcourse it was met with an outcry of racism and nazi idelogies.
This country's beliefs in taking care of everyone together by working hard is going to kill it one day, Im afraid its going to happen very soon.
fucking kek
that kid hit the shore dead, accepting these parasites isn't going to prevent them to hitting shore more or less.
Blame the parents who brought him in a flimsy boat. Blame the liberals who spread propaganda in their countries to incite migratory tendencies.
That is assuming this is actually real. My 2 cents.
Just send him this. And say #notanargument.
You see it as mockery I see it as humor. Humor is healthy. If you choose to stay sad and depressed then you are doing yourself a disservice.
Sup Forums is the place for this kind of freedom. If you want to limit yourself to politically correct speech and conversations go to Dailymail or some other forum where they ban you. You'll find everything you find here except the funny stupid shit.
If you can't handle it then don't come here. I"m telling you that for your own good. Don't make yourself mad by forcing yourself to read shit you can't handle.
This. At that point, he was no longer a refugee.
Fun fact: He wanted to get to Canada but first wanted to stop in Europe to get his teeth fixed at the expense of the taxpayers.
that's not an argument either, that's strawman, mohammed
Are you currently in an online chat with him or something?
Ask him what does he think of ISIS; whether he believes that they follow pure islam, or if they're "not true muslims" or something like that. He probably doesn't believe the former, because in that case he should understand that islam is a corruptive force and Europe shouldn't accept any muslims. So if he most likely believes the latter, point him out that all able-bodied Syrian men should be fighting ISIS instead of fleeing. By escaping their countries, they are leaving all their citizens helpless and guaranteeing ISIS victory. And if they're not loyal even to their own home nation, their people, their families, then what on earth do they have to offer to their new homes in Europe? In the event of a possible military conflict, how can we be sure they would have any loyalty for us either?
Also, if your friend argues in favor of accepting economic migrants rather than just genuine refugees, tell him that the asylum system was created for people who flee persecution. Those who come to Europe as asylum seekers while seeking just better economic opportunities are selfish liars, and they're taking Western resources away from those who actually need and appreciate help.
Furthermore, when people leave a country seeking better personal opportunities somewhere else, it's called "brain drain". If we take in all of the most educated people from African or Middle-Eastern nations, we are hurting those countries' chances of ever rising out of poverty.
wasn't the father the actual smuggler and he basicly killed his own child?
Who let this kid wear shoes and a shirt at the beach
How is that a strawman?
Exactly, you don't counter non-arguments with arguments.
Kom thuis witte man
The picture is staged, so if anything it's a good expamle of why emotion and emotional photos shouldn't be allowed to influence political decisions too much. There are several billions of people who'd surely have touching and tragic personal stories, but Europe can't house and provide for them all with tax money.
Also, it's the fault of his parents that they decided to take their kids to a rickety overfilled boat for a crossing they knew was dangerous and gave him no life vest, not Europeans
how many kids drown every fucking day and noone gives a fuck, anyone pretending to care for this child is a hypocrite
Here's what you tell him: "Why do I have such a white genocide enabling rape enabling cuck for a friend in current year?"
The week before, 40 dead migrant kids were found in a truck and no-one gave a shit. One kid washes up on the beach and everyone goes wild.
guys we need to kil the leftists
if we kill the sand niggers first they can just substitute more of them
we need to stat making lists of people who voted for leftist parties in the last election despite the rapes crisis, and we need to start killing as many of them as we can
good luck replacing those guys.
>tfw no mutagen
Underrated post. kek
The coward argument won't work because cowardice is a good thing in leftist terms. You're right, the only thing you can tell people like that is that the best way to support the most vulnerable is to bring the aid to them. Not just wait for the healthy to get here without dying and give them a fucking house
>ctrl f dentist
>no results
You know why that kid die right? the family migrated to denmark for free dental care.
Thats about it, They were perfectly safe and okay here but no, why spend money when you can get it for free.
Family is retarded, at least for this case, but I don't blame the average syrian who wants to escape turkey
Ask yourself woudl you like to live in a place where everyone despises you? when they charge x3 of rent give you 1/2 of the minimum wage? Or would you rather be in refugeeswelcomeistan with free eu bux?
I already live in a place where everyone hates me. I live in a mexican part of california
I don't blame people that want to nuke your country for making shitty excuses, either
you can die by a nuke or sarin gas. I'll leave it up to you
edgy, but I'm already accepted into brown for phd famalam, so I'll be safe for a while.
It'd be a strawman under normal circumstances, but in this case it is pretty much their actual argument.
Does the average Turk hate the refugees or are they #refugeeswelcome
they are threatening to flood europe with them if the EU doesn't give free gibsmedats so what do you think?
This is more an argument that your friend should pool all his or her money and fly down to Syria and buy every refugee a plane ticket to Europe.
Is he fucking stupid? That kid died BECAUSE europe was saying we'd take everyone who could get here.
He was safe in Greece but the parents wanted more welfare money and benefits so they tried to swim the med. Low and behold the little kid drowns... all over his parents greed
Anti erdoğan folk hate them, as they are mostly conservative-religiou bunch (those who weren't gtfo'ed already)
Ironically even erdogan supporters hate them, most of erdogans voting base is in poor areas and most syrian refugees live in poor areas. Hence they increase the crime rate, increase rent, decrease sallaries etc.
Had a retarded erdogan voter interview who said "erdogan is good but syrians can fuck off"
actually that deal is more about erdogan getting its money, he desperately needs it to fix the economy, as his vote is very dependant on the economical boom.
If his constituency cannot put bread on the table, or cannot pay off his credit card debt, his fate will be like qaddafi, he knows that. There is no ideological support for him, people vote for him because of their economical interest.
The father just wanted gibsmedat for his teeth
Just think of all the bombs which will never go off
All of the sexual assaults that will not happen
More importantly social services saving money
Good Morning America!
Because I can laugh at whatever I want.
Your virtue signal of what is or isn't funny need not apply. Take your offense elsewhere or just shut the fuck up.
What's brown, silver and red and crawls into walls while crying a lot?
I nigger's baby with forks crammed in its eyes!
how is it a strawman? It's their exact argument. They see an emotional picture and they let their emotions cloud their judgement.
Nah dead babies could be real
actually a good argument to use
So if you have mockery you have reason, and if you don't have mockery you don't have reason.