Did anyone in Oslo just hear those sirens?
They were war sirens I am 100% sure.
Source: lived through the 1999 bombing of Serbia.
They were so loud that my ear drums are buzzing.
Did anyone in Oslo just hear those sirens?
They were war sirens I am 100% sure.
Source: lived through the 1999 bombing of Serbia.
They were so loud that my ear drums are buzzing.
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Just testing the systems mate, making sure they work. They do this from time to time.
It was just the muezzin ahmed
Happened in my town too. I think it's a rolling check of our systems
I went out with a pool table cue to fuck someone up because I thought it was a guy standing in front of my window and honking
Holy shit why, it's so fucking loud man
op just exposed himself as a rapefugee who haven't lived in a first-world country for more than a year. They test the air raid sirens every year in every country
>They test the air raid sirens every year in every country
Here in Paris it's the first wednesday of every month...
mate we had them over here too
It's just prolly the annual russian nuke tests as always
Just glad we aren't forced into dem bunkers anymoar like in ussr times
Well I ain't really a refugee, I'm finishing my Masters degree here.
I'm serbian.
But these weren't far-away-don't-care sirens
They were literally outside of my motherfucking window
War sirens, is this a legit thing for non nuclear armed countries?
And in Poland just the other day.
I get they're all tests, but why now?
What awaits us over the horizon, anons? ;_;
I swear to fucking everything, if it wakes me up one more time, I will wreck it
No point having air raid sirens if you can't hear them.
Im glad i live far away from oslo
Must be sick of it by now huh. Why do they have to test it so much?
Dude, like us they have sweden as neighbours, We are preparing for the worst
To remind them when to run.
Heard them here in Tonsberg. Assumed it was a test, kept being comfy with sour milk, pünsch cakes and power metal.
that was just the morning call to prayer
Same in Stockholm although I think ours are on Mondays.
They don't test the sirens in the UK.
No one would be that stupid to challenge the Queen's RAF again
Heard them in Trondheim aswell, it's just standard testing shit. They always go off at 12:00.
First thursdays here in Skåne
So should they send their invasion force at that time?
Hva faen sover du i 12 tiden for? Står at det er en test på flere aviser for faen.
Skaff deg en jobb taper
note to enemies
>attack France on first Wednesday of every month.
>that way they think it was just a test :^)
>Why doesnt everyone work from 8 to 16 like me?
Someone has to sell you shit in the store when you get home, right?
Going out for a beer at 23pm ?
Filling gas at 0500 ?
These people are the ones sleeping at 12 in the morning.
Hvor jævla tilbakestående går det ann å bli?
>Going out for a beer at 23pm ?
hahaha, illegal to sell at that time unless it's a bar.
not being awake at 12 is NOT an argument! As our night clubs close at 2:30AM
If he's working in healthcare, sure, they have work 24/7
>first world country
I live in a first world country my entire life and I've never heard an air-raid siren... You shouldn't even need them in a first world country unless you're being over run by rapefugees... oh wait
You do realize they have civilian purpose aswell?
But are you sure you don't have any sirens in your town?
Göteborg = first monday on the month atleast.
Also it is the call to return to the cuckshed.
Shit nigger I came home from work at 6am after a 14 hour shift
I work nights as an apprentice engineer at a bakery.
Fuck off faggot, and use English on an English board.
American's aren't in the air raid zone.
That's the glory of living sea to shining sea.
We have tornado sirens go off every first tuesday of every month. Always fun to listen to
You have sirens for wind?
What a faggotland
Yeah it was just a poor attempt at humor. We use them for tornadoes etc.
>You shouldn't even need them in a first world country unless you're being over run by rapefugees
You shouldn't even need them in a first world country unless you're having aircraft hijackings.. oh wait
get an 8 to 4 job then retard
Haha i thought it was fun so you had some succes hehe.
Ours are for everything such as war, Nuclearplant failure, Chemical plant failure etc..
i fucking told you untermench
some people HAVE to do those jobs
>when you wake up sick
Not everyone got a 8-16 job. I work at the local gas station from 10PM-6 PM.
Same senpai. That place is the stinkhole of Norge.
Why the shit would I?
I hate waking up
I hate jobs where people bother me
My job is giving me future experience that I really need
My job involves occasionally pressing some buttons and eating fresh bread for free without human interaction for more than 30 mins a day..
Perffekkt jobb
well that will spike civillian casulties
That was orchestrated by our own government in order to invade another nation... lol so you know no that which you speak of. This would never happen without the government knowing about it. At worst we get shootings etc which is good for fear mongering and pop control. Keeps people on their toes.
It sure is.
I wish we could have a referendum on throwing Oslo out of Norway and relocate the capital to Bergen or Trondheim (but open for other solutions on capital location).
That actually sounds pretty comfy
>Be at school
>Share School with retards
>Sirens go off
>Retards go batshit crazy and wreck everything.
>Rest of the school can go home
Today was a good day
Air raid sirens are used as flood alarms where I live.
They're tested once a year in the middle of August.
We just have these big gay signs.
Tonsberg should be the new capital. Rebuild slottsfjellet.
we have simliar crap but for fake terror attacks...
The civil defense sirens are tested twice each year, this is the last test this year.
In my city two out of six systems had to be repaired after the first test in january .
The civil defense systems and emergency communication is generally old and outdated. Some of the battery backup systems is made up of parts without the proper documentation and regular car batteries used in airtight containers as backup batteries.
Holy shit OP I heard 'em!
Bor på Lokka... Har du lyst til å mote meg på mcdonalds i thorvald meyers gate?
We have sirens tests only close to chemical plants.
kek! Same
Not so bad when you're on work and it goes off before lunch, but god damnit when you are there in your bed sleeping and that crap goes off....
Time to move to the fucking hills
it's like how the british have this when it snows.
You know get that 1cm of snow on the ground that sticks and the whole british society goes to a halt.
Tornadoes can be excused though...
Based serb bro. You are always welcome in my country
You haven't seen halt until you see america... These fools hear Rain on the weather station and loot the local grocery store for milk and bread... If you say snow it causes national emergencies... And i'm not joking.
Faen dra hue ut av rævva og gjor jobben din, i steden for å forsoke å arrestere folk for å shitposte her.
Tilhelvete med deg grisefaen... Hva med å kanskje gjore en litt bedre jobb ... vel i det hele tatt en jobb med å screene alle de terroristene dere har slept inn... spesielt på storskog og spesielt shia hue kuttere...
åå neii....
la oss gå på Sup Forums shitposte og forsoke på så idiotisk politivis å arrestere folk...
Ja det er jo ikke så langt til kammeret...
Jeg sverger, neste gang dere kommer så er det en kule rett i panna deres. Fokk off jævla pakkis kukk sugere
En god gris er en dau gris
Fuck of Paki cock sucking police faggot, you will get your day of the rope.. we will kill you all with your children and any offspring sprung out off that subhuman flesh of yours
Ole Landaas
Ole Andreas Landaas
32 82 14 81
Dalegårdsveien 95
3028 Drammen
Next time we open the service with all your family pictures....
To bad you have arrested and harrased all good programmers in this country... for your case I mean..
again DIE PIG
What's going on here?
A Norwegian guy wants to eat ShitDonald's, another guy answer him with a shitty written norwegian pasta
That place went down the drain as soon as you changed the name from Christiania.
The norfag police have been lurking here since before xmas...
This minister a retard even though he is from the anti immigrant party... anyways.. he wants to be "preemptive" and be in the the news.. so he read about some schoolshootings in the US and Sup Forums... .So now Sup Forums is filled with schoolshooters..even though we don't do that here....
Just for him to make headlines... to appear doing something... wasting resources with police even shitposting here..
Always trying to bait personal information out of people, not knowing to post, not knowing they won't get any personal information here.
They are going to have a rather nice surprise if this keeps up. They are to dumb to even use proxy... Police is extremely stupid here, as the text up there shows. He tried to twist it a bit this time.. Earlier it has been outright "What is your name, Where do you live"
That's the fucking retard. For gods sake someone remove this man before he destroys the 51% FRP win coming next election
It's like he is a a plant
There is actually an newspaper article, well several about this. From +- nov,dec 15 - feb or something
Sorry I don't remember where I saved it.
Headline basically
"Expect many school shootings cuz ... kids writing shit on the internet"
... like as if we didn't post anything but shit when irc came along..... and the internet was ours, and these retards didn't know what it even was
Are you seriously too retarded to read Norwegian? It's basically the same as Swedish you nigger.
Apparently so mate, I've never heard them. Then again I'm fairly rural.
Any Brit Cityfags get siren tests?
Why would a cop meet me?
Sure I can meet you, but you gotta tell me why.
I know every fucking norwegian law there is.
I'm OP btw
Different ID because I'm on 4g
Yes I heard them, they woke me up infact. Some wedensdays they test the sirens mate, nothing to worry about.
He is seriously one of the most retarded people in norway, fuck him, and fuck his batshit fact disproven retarded ideologies.
There will be absolutely nothing to worry about when they go off the next time because I'll wreck the fucking thing.
I don't give a shit that they're incapable of producing equipment that can work for more than five minutes.
It's literally a fucking horn. How can you fuck up a horn if it stands hidden somewhere and only turns on twice a year?
am i if i learn the language?
There are kiwis here that don't speak the language.
You'll get away with it due to your accent. You'll survive if you're likable
I seriously do not know what they want to achieve by this, being cops and being very very retarded, so they could not make it into a normal university or college.. They prolly think they can arrest one, and get that user to sqeel on all other anons.... yeah.. they are this stupid
No it will only be speculation on my part, I just took notice that a lot of this shit happened after I got busted and they started looking here..
Just be careful mate, these days they arrest you on "pre-emtive" charges, take your driving license, for no other reason that they feel like it.... So get jailed for being a potential school shooter. The law no longer applies to anything if you have some knowledge on what's going out there.
Like me, you'll loose your job, they will try taking your home.. it will drag out for ever.. you will loose your gf.. then they will send you a letter where it says you haven't done anything wrong and the case is dismissed.....
This is how it works now, they also systematicly goes after your friends, coworkers, coresearchers.. wrecking them forever in the process, as they are not used to the police and such harassment and injustice...
Norway Yes..
Exactly, it happens once in a while they test it to make sure it works.
You have to go back achmed.
desu while I could get away with it, I think it's pretty disrespectful.
when you say because of my accent, it's probably because our vowels all sound the same, whilst you guys actually make a fucking effort - we'd butcher the fuck out of it.
You also have them in France.
nice, now we know exactly when to bomb you!
Holy shit, busted for what?
The cops here are ultimate faggots, true.
In Serbia they most often let you go, unless you give them attitude. Then you're done for it.
But, they can't charge me for dick because I'm breaking literally zero laws.
Oh and, in 2011 when I was 18 and finishing IB in Ålesund, the school administration called the cops on me because they thought I might he related to Serbian Muslim Terrorism
I am still shocked from that, there was like 5 cops, my coordinator and the school principal in the office asking me questions about my hobbies, friends etc.
That has never existed and that will never exist. They are cunts.
You would change your mind very fast.
Little to no things/people here deserve respect. Sorry to say norgebros, but it's true.
Of course the biggest problem are the niggies and muslies, but the life here isn't as satisfying as you were lead to believe.
>Holy shit, busted for what?
I can't say directly as it will ID me.
But I can say it involved me sleeping drunk in my bed, car snowed down and not used for days... Then arrested without them saying or actually knowing why... Spent too much time in the cell without getting to know why I was there... Lawyer got me out, they snuck him out, then suddenly came some made up charges....
DL revoked... cuz.. drunk people sometimes drive drunk.. I have never driven intoxicated in my lyfe.
This country is very very corrupt to it's core. It's just that we are not niggers, so it's done cleverly.
Tons of charges... Dragged out over a year... Job lost.. Had to say no to job offers because I could go to jail for nothing(this isn't dindu shit seriously, preemtive == police do what the fuck they feel like)
worst of one the persons targeted just for knowing me, she was so destroyed by this whole harasment, got sick for a fucking year and is now soon a fucking junkie... she was clean... she had her whole life ahead of her... could most likely have become one of the best scientists within her field...
had a mate move to [[[Sweden]]], and it was much the same in his experience. I was mostly just shitposting out of curiosity how kiwis integrated well, anyway. I'm content here.
also kek @ the though of serbian islamism
I was just confused by what I perceived as an overreaction to some random meet-up invitation
yeah charges actually involved shitposting, I am not kidding you. Drunk shitposting, but not here.
That's why ACAB
whoever gets involved with the cops/military to work for them is a collosal cucky cunt that was bullied his whole life and now wants revenge.
cops, no fucking doubt. I just saw one chick that got bullied by the other chicks in my class back and jun. high.... She's a cop now.
The assholes nobody liked.
The ones always telling the teacher
The ones everyone ignored
The ones everyone mocked
Yeah these gets to become cops often, complexes prolly.
Mil is dif though, we all have to do it, some make a career out of it. Some take their eng degree there, jorstadmoen is actually pretty good.
>East-European scum
Get the fuck out of Scandinavia you Turkish rapebaby parasite.
Why would you have this hatred for me? Have I done anything to you?
I love you, my white bro, go kill whales and be happy