Why is suicide such a big problem in Europe? We are literally the best.
Why is suicide such a big problem in Europe? We are literally the best
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Money doesn't buy happiness, mountain jew.
Lack of religion. Y'all need Christ.
Because you know deep down that you're not the best
>tfw no gf
Because your countries are garbage.
Compare that with a ranking of those countries by religious believers, genuinely curious
Parents forcing everyone to go to university.
If this is the epitome of human culture
Humanity should be wiped
Because there is no freedom user, it's depressing, America might not be perfect, but they have guns and big cars that go fast, sure there are lots of fat people, but there is lots of space for all those fat people. Germany is like 1/3 the size of Texas and has the population and has like 1/4 of the US population, it is crammed full and now we are going to have millions of shitskin babies to make the country even fuller.
Also this, atheism is on the rise, and thus nihilism.
>See the future in Europe
>Lose hope
>Kill yourself
People are soft in Europe
Even my shithole is better than yours
lack of warrior culture.
also very little sun in the north.
wow mustafa im not going to give you tip for that
you ukries have hope...
of getting accepted for migration to poland
>Why is suicide such a big problem in Europe?
Pic related
Because you let the ragheads take over your once fine countries you faggot. Europe is nothing more than a toilet and a cheap whore for towel heads. And you let it happen. Fucking degenerates
True, Uruguay have alot of atheism, in fact is the only one in Latin America and they have a pretty big suicides rate.
Atheism confirmed to kil people.
it is boring, big project when?
>Greece cant afford guns
Naturalist/materialist worldviews don't provide meaning. "Ummm...I don't need God for meaning or to be a good person" *jumps off bridge*
>of getting accepted for migration to poland
It's not really easy, gotta admit.
white man's burden
It's hard being on the top
>western Europe
Who makes these charts?
Why be a drain on society, take one for the team.
This is actually true.
Lithuanians to hide the fact their suicide rate is 2x higher than Finns
Orthodox Christian have the lowest.
The highest are usually secular countries.
> Lithuanians made it
If it was then Lithuania would be in the chart. Atleast we win at something..
We also are the biggest drunktards in EU
>Heavy drinkers
Well maybe we wouldn't be losing if we started drinking more
> almost 2pm
> he's sober
disgrace. We need to step it up. Fuck basketball, focus on our strengths.
Suicide is not a problem here, we're just hardcore and many old bastards feel like ending it all with viina perkele.
Naw man only those Bulbašai and Moldova beat us.
But even so suicide rates are still high.
Greece 3.8 ( 98% Orthodox 1.3% Islam )
Moldova 13.7 ( 93.3 % Orthodox )
Serbia 12.4 ( 85.59 % Orthodox )
Georgia 3.2 ( 83.4 % Orthodox 10.7 % Islam )
Romania 10.5 ( 81 % Orthodox 7.6 % Greek-Catholic 6.2 % Protestant )
Cyprus 4.7 ( 78 % Orthodox 18 % Islam )
Ukraine 16.8 ( 72 % orthodox 15 % Catholics )
Montenegro 15.3 ( 72 % Orthodox 19.11 % Islam )
Macedonia 5.2 ( 64.8 % Orthodox 33.3 % Islam )
Bulgaria 10.8 ( 59 % Orthodox 7.4% Islam 31.1 % atheist )
Belarus 18.3 ( 42 % Orthodox 31.1% atheist 20 % catholic )
Russia 19.5 ( 41 % Orthodox 13 % Atheist 6.5 % Islam )
I've sorted them by the % of declared Orthodox Christians.
something to do with the weather i think
The best at sucking dick.
But why are you sucking dick my hohol friend?
Do you guys want me to also collect data about the top atheist countries in Europe ( suicide data and sort them ) ?
The reason is party because things are "too good" here so people become a lot more vulnerable against social pressure and social exclusion that cause all sorts of insecurities in people. It's not uncommon to find a person in Finland who has no partner, friends or meaningful social contacts and spends most of his time just surfing the web to gain at least some form of comfort.
I want summer to end
It just begun.
>tfw failed as human being
Sure, go ahead. Might be interesting
Hot girls are always welcome
>grandfather was Genghis Khan
>still be no gf beta robot
feels bad man
Oткyдa cтoлькo вpaжды лoл?
Haбeг c двaчa чтo ли?
No idea. My cousin's half brother committed suicide, my classmate's brother committed suicide, and my friend killed himself just two weeks ago. Fuck this.
Monitoring this thread, unfortunately muh Jesus always seems to always be Sup Forums's solution even though no one really seems to explain why.
I'm not actually a snow monkey I don't know what that means.
I honestly believe that 90% of depression cases are the result of massive boredom over a long period of time. When all you have to do today is fill out some excel sheets and go home and shitpost @Sup Forums.org then you are bound to want to end it at some point.
Why so hostile?
In order of atheist % relative to population.
Czech Republic 12.5
Estonia 13.6
Sweden 11.1
Norway 9.1
France 12.3
Denmark 8.8
Netherlands 8.2
Iceland 14.0
Slovenia 12.4
Finland 14.8
Seems like suicide might not be related to religion at all - it's something else.
Social alienation.
Your government doesn't reflect its people wants and needs and people are struggling for the things they want and need.
Now the government shouldn't be answer to these things but they sure as hell shouldn't work against it by slowly crippling their future.
>Download PSPP
>Collect data
>Analyze data
>Post results, correlations, charts, etc...
rat paradise experiment
Ok it will take time. Will post results at the end probably in a new thread.
What made Switzerland such a risk in the 1980's?
I guess the Muslim invasion will be good in the long run.
How can you idiots call yourself "redpilled" when you don't even know about vitamin D3 defeciency?
It's a major cause of depression.
>Don't use sunblock, you can't synthesise D3 with that on your skin, plus skin cancer rates has gone up along the use of sunblock
>Get out in the fucking sun during summer, expose your body
>Eat fish and cod lvier oil during winter, like people used to. Or take a good D3 supplement.
>Remember to eat healthy saturated fats, like grassfed butter. Your body needs the cholesterol to synthesise D3.
Because material wealth =/= a fulfilling life.
Because you have no group cohesion / sense of cultural belonging. Secular, humanist individualism makes people free, prosperous, and open-minded, but also leaves them feeling alone and alienated.
Also, notice how the curve correlates with sun exposure; more sun = less suicide, less sun = more suicide
>We are literally the best.
usually ignorance is bliss, but apparently if you stay ignorant too long you might realize the lie you've been living all along and end up killing yourself.
Listen here ma nancesters didnt die in no viat-nam for me to be talking any snow monkey jibberdy-do.
Not hostile, but if you want any semblance of communication with me, English is your only choice unfortunately. We learn English (poorly) and at best get a couple of years of bastardizing a Latin based language.
Polar bears
Do you really think it's better to be American than Swiss?
when you litterally have nothing to fight for you start getting depressed, you can see it in the fucking graph, italy and greece are fucked up and people fight for their shit, when swedes per say don't do shit, they have everything in given to them.
Stop bragging you fucking nigger. You don't make friends with being a fucking douche
Can someone graph suicide with national incidents of cuckoldry? Does being a cuck cause you an hero?
Being a cuck, is probably the easiest fetish to have.
It will take you less than a minute to find someone to fuck your wife while you watch.
Sun gives me a migraine and im allergic to fish.
Where's Lithuania?
Germany doesnt only have europe's biggest concealed suicide rate but also a lower birthrate than japan (including all the arabs in germany who shit out 5 kids per litter) .
Europe is literally on the way to self destruction.
send help
You can still supplement
The poorer the country the happier the people
The realization that an entire country who cucked itself into thinking material wealth is now foregoing even that is the ultimate goal is very depressing
No gf and rheumatism do it for me
Only thing keeping me alive is family and friends and the hope to go lifting again someday.
>all those nigger states
I thought suicide is a first world problem
Why the fuck would a swiss kill himself?