How do we solve the fat women problem?
How do we solve the fat women problem?
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Kill them.
By accepting their beauty
import mexicans
trust me
Woah what are you implying you fucking bigot?
Its just niggers and spics that are this fat theyre driving up the numbers white women still lookin good
>more than 4 in 10
is that per head or by unit of body mass?
>liberals want you to pay for her lifestyle
Public shaming.
>According to a new report from the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, the United States is no longer the world's fattest developed nation―Mexico is.
Why are Mexicans so fat?
And why does Sup Forums think that with the link it's spam?
Just google then.
no, kill the jews pushing fat-positivism as part of their marxist agenda.
Seriously imagine fucking that.
Her riding your cock cowboy as the vertebrae in your lower spine fuse
The only upside she gets puffed after 30 seconds so you don't end up a quadrapedic
Shaming them
There is a reason why shame exists, it exists to correct bad behavior
whatever happened to old habits
There comes a point where you have to say white people are stupid, user. At least, a noticeable minority are. I mean, if some dude tried to tell me chugging 2 liters of soda every day was cool, and I fell for it, I'm retarded. He's not some evil mastermind, he's just an asshole, and I'm just retarded.
I can never understand how people can get fat. How they can even live with themselves.
Do they fucking teach that on every american universities? WHAT THEFUCK
have sex with them
By subsidizing corn and scooters even more. Obesity is literally evolution in action, i don't understand why you would want to fight it. Instead of predators behind every other bush that culls the herd we have a McDonalds at every corner that does the same thing.
Can a woman like this even produce a viable offspring?
Thank you based globalists for making all the low iq plebs eating themselves to death.
I honestly think we should tax the obese and send the revenue to every American citizen with a normal BMI in the form of a stimulus check.
I fucking hate fat people. I despise them. They're making this country into a laughing stock and they're a burden on our society.
>not knowing that 99% of everyone are blind followers
The same people got into smoking because it was cool and pushed onto them.
The same people also now follow racemixing and not having white kids because it's pushed.
They can't help being the blind followers they are, it's in their DNA and it's being abused and exploited by the jews right now. They would just as well be following Hitler to the grave if he was the most pushed ideal. These people have zero integrity and must be led and thought for all the way through their lives.
This is basic propaganda, and with enough money (through usury) the jews can fund their anti-white campaigns until we are no more, unless we stop them forever by killing them all.
Coming our way after TTIP is finalized in the fall.
Depends on what you consider fat; Slightly obese or landwhale?
Probably either some HR conference or a women's studies course.
STEMfag here and we've never had to see something like that. I did attend a discussion on women in the 2nd world once for extra credit, though, and someone mentioned the wage gap. I'm a bit beta, so I argued it didn't exist, but there were literally no male professors there, so I wasn't about to get a tongue-lashing from all sides, so I left it open that I wasn't 100% certain.
I'd rather not.
See: These low-IQ plebs could just as well be following a healthy regime and be more fit if it was what they got exposed to the most. It won't change their intelligence but at least physically they'd be better people.
>slightly obese
No such thing.
This is what will happen with the west.
The unproductive meat mountain that is welfare recipients* will crash the system and then everything will go to shit and every one who isn't either healthy or rich will die. The sooner this happens and the harder the fall is the better the end result will be.
*mainly fat people in the west and migrants in the EU.
Golden age soon brother.
well 1, stop giving them attention
and 2, stop fucking them, as we all know there are plenty of men who will fuck any woman who spreads her legs
What is the minimum weight for being obese in the US (for the median height of women)? I'm sure they are big but at least they might not all be three chairs wide big.
Most of those fatties are minorities and obesity is one of the best forms of population control. No need to "fix" anything.
To me, fat is 200lbs+, maybe 170+ for women.
Unless you're all muscle, at which point you're obviously not fat.
I remember being a fat kid in middle school and hating myself every fucking day. Now Im fit and all that shit. Honestly how have these fat adults not killed themselves yet?
purge them!
Let them eat themselfes to death.
Well there was a year of my life when I was slightly overweight because I drank too much juice every day to the point my skin even turned yellow. Stopped drinking them and became a hungry skeleton.
Won't work anymore. Now we have online support groups for every brand of self destructive lifestyle.
This is simply a good way to visually advertise mental illness.
If they were put on an island and starved to a reasonable weight, you'd just have a crazy skinny person.
Who needs that kind of trickery?
Let them be obese.
>If they were put on an island and starved to a reasonable weight, you'd just have a crazy skinny person.
This is my solutions to fat fucks who claim "muh genetics" "muh thyroid". We didn't have fat fucking cavemen
Fat is just overweight, I think. People say skinnyfat but it's just fat.
Yeah they would, then you would have lots and lots of fit Coming our way after TTIP is finalized in the fall.
Yep, all planned. The food, the water, the pesticides, the herbicides, the estrogen mimickers in the plastics. All designed to softly kill all those who cannot see while they are quietly being lulled back into sleep by the super bowl, nascar and the latest reality show.
>tfw PE becomes against human rights
>tfw when it is replaced with a course where you are forced to eat 10 burgers
>passing criteria is having at least 35% fat bodyweight by the end of the year
>less than 25% will get you on probation
>you are diagnosed with anorexia if less than 15%
We still classify obesity using the body-mass index scale. Look it up.
>Kill them.
Why? They are all ready killing themselves.
You can't. Fat women spend more money on healthcare and food and neither are willing to give that up.
>Honestly how have these fat adults not killed themselves yet?
They're working on it.
June 7, 2016
JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association
The prevalence of obesity in 2013- 2014 was 35 percent among men and 40 percent among women, and between 2005 and 2014, there was an increase in prevalence among women, but not men, according to an American study.
>the way she's looking at me
By not giving them sexual attention and making fun of them
what the actual fuck senpaitachi
Make them work hard. Cut benefits for mothers, ESPECIALLY single mothers. Make it so that they only survive, nothing more. No fun, no overeating.
Being a mother is a privilege, not something that women should be able to do to live off benefits.
yes lists and summary notes are everywhere about fucking everything
10 key points about kidneys
5 premises of hard determinism
Cut the sugar and fructose syrup in half in all food.
Have you ever had Mexican food? Lard is in everything, and it's full of carbs, with very little protein. I fucking love Mexican food, but you shouldn't eat it every day.
You're out of your mind. There are a shitload of fat white bitches
Biggest problems considering the size of US women imo:
1) lack of exercise, they drive fucking everywhere, in suburbia it's impossible to walk around or walk to work or the shops etc, you have to specifically schedule to exercise and go to a gym if you want to move around
2) unhealthy food everywhere in large portions
3) the culture of constant snacking, drive-ins, donuts at coffeerooms in offices, what have you
4) the culture that it's okay to deal with feelings through eating, like the image of a heartbroken woman crying on the sofa in comfy fat pant pyjamas eating shit tons of ice cream straight out of the tub; it's "normal" to reward or comfort yourself through "treats", and if your life is stressful you end up comforting yourself with treats erryday
5) fat acceptance HAES bullshit, being fat and claiming to be okay with it now a progressive feminist standpoint instead of an illness and deludes people into thinking that it's okay to be fat
Give them free food and expensive medical attention, the problem takes care of itself.
How many obese people over 50 do you see everyday? the problem is that we keep them alive for too long.
>170+ for women
This chick is 5'9" (tall for a woman) and weighs 130.
A woman weighing anywhere near 170 is fucking obese.
BMI over 25 is overweight, over 30 obese, over 40 morbidly obese
Mexico doesn't have any of this yet is even fatter.
It's the additives. The additives we'll soon see overe here in TTIP exports.
>the culture that it's okay to deal with feelings through eating, like the image of a heartbroken woman crying on the sofa in comfy fat pant pyjamas eating shit tons of ice cream straight out of the tub; it's "normal" to reward or comfort yourself through "treats", and if your life is stressful you end up comforting yourself with treats erryday
stop describing my daily eating habits.
Not quickly enough. And usually, they consume a ton of health care and government resources on the way out.
Make anyone over, say 40 BMI into Soylent Green or soap or something.
Burn them
Either that or state-sponsored liposuction
After all, the West is too cucked to impose mandatory training regimes for weak-willed deluded obese fucks.
you're talking with an american, fellow bong
170lb is pretty good there
stop letting beaner women in
>Make anyone over, say 40 BMI into Soylent Green or soap or something.
bit weird thinking one of your fat neighbors is with you every time you take a bath
My girl is 6'3 175lbs and she is in really good shape.
>Why are Mexicans so fat?
Prodigious intake of corn and beans. But also middle eastern skanks are fat as fuck and we import tons of them too.
Get rid of niggers and spics.
I think female obesity is the result of prostitution being either outlawed and/or socially unacceptable in most places.
Most guys won't hire a hooker which means they're thirsty as fuck and would literally put their dick in anything. That's why men answer BBW/cocksucking faggot ads on Craigslist.
Because they for some reason think that's less shameful or otherwise better than hiring someone attractive to do it.
>tfw you went from 30 BMI to 25 BMI
feels good man.
>Why are Mexicans so fat?
Soda and lard.
>this 'theory'
Are you 14 or just a master wizard?
What the fuck are you talking about gook?
>stress eating
Fuck, I am all too aware of this very bad feel.
>For the first time more than 4/10 US women are obese
In other news IQ rates are dropping.
Most guys don't have to hire hookers, you fucking weeaboo shut-in.
To be fair I don't like either one of them. Women shouldn't have abs imho.
There's so much wrong with this image I don't even know where to start. Maybe the most obvious
>Fatness has little to nothing to do with health
Which is it? Does it have nothing to do with health, or does it maybe have a teeny tiny itsy bitsy effect on your overall wellbeing?
Obese people are at a (much) higher risk of developing heart problems, bone and joint problems, type 2 diabetes, a wide variety of organ problems, cancer, and multiple kinds of respiratory issues, among other things. This isn't even including the negative mental effects of being obese, which any ex-fatass will admit are severe.
It should be illegal to push shit like that. The amount of taxpayer money that goes toward paying for obesity-related issues is astronomical. Stop giving them handicapped spots. Stop letting them ride mobility scooters. This shit is just enabling their porkiness.
Mandatory end-of-the-lot parking WHEN?
For example, here in Korea prostitution is illegal, but still like 1/2 guys do it.
This means that fat women and women who are 30+ get way, way less attention than in the West. Which means that there is more pressure on women to stay thin if they want a relationship than there is in the West.
Because there are a lot of dudes who figure that hookers are better than dating unattractive women, which is far less true in the West.
No; of course they don't have to, that's my whole point. The point is that many of the less attractive guys here would choose hookers OVER dating the sort of unattractive women in their league. Which means that unattractive women get much less attention here, putting more pressure on women to shape up.
So how did she make it out the store?
Execution or rationing supplies
Like, every female spic and nigger is obease.
Congrats! I broke my leg and put on weight. Gotta get that shit off quick, work clothes are getting tight.
>For example, here in Korea prostitution is illegal, but still like 1/2 guys do it.
Well, that does explain this.
That explains why they look so different in old movies compared to now. Those slimey little shits
That girl on the bottom-right actually looked pretty qt in the before picture...
Hah, you wish
>go to Korea
>end up with Korean qt
>have kids believing she has good genetics
>kids come out looking like fucking monsters
>not even once
Just South Koreans
what cartoon is that even from...
>those high heels
Billy and mandy fagget