Bernie sign down

24 hours ago i posted a thread with the bernie signs. I finally took the sign. Quads decides what I do with it.


Are you stealing signs? Stop acting like a nigger.


Public property shithead.

Put it back.

That will hurt them most of all.

this, don't be a fucking nigger

you make us look bad asshole

grow up kiddo

seconded, OP stop acting like some anti trump libshit

who the fuck cares. we dont want people like you. you have to go back you stupid Bernie faggot. YOU HAVE TO GO BACK.

>stealing political signs

Very niggardly of you. Also I'm fairly certain that theft of a political sign is classified as a federal offense.

Put it back.

I don't like Sanders either, but free speech trumps all. Let others show off their shit opinions, just as you have the right to show off yours.

Public property. I can take it off any lightpost I want.

You're no better than the same dumb niggers who steal Trump signs, either put them back or end your life, senpai.

Fuck these faggots, go to your cabinet and grab all the neat chemicals you can and pour them all over it and really let them soak in. Actually no, you need to frame this on shillary Fags so write Hillary 2016 on it with spray paint or what the fuck ever and then do the above, then cover it in honey and fruit loops

Put it back you fucking nig-nog. It doesn't belong to you so don't touch. You're almost as bad as the shitskin mexidirts attacking people for wearing MAGA hats.

Not if it's on private property, you degenerate. Put it back.

This to be honest. Don't give us a bad name.

Then put it back , I mean if you don't want to then keep it but the point is to get attention

Roll it up and insert it into your anus





Cross off Bernie and write Hillary on it

>Put it back.
Put it back to remind them that they are losers.

>Public property.

Not a valid legal defense, unless you believe you have the right to take a park bench because it's public property and your taxes paid for it. Or a road sign, for the same reason. Or books or other materials from your local school.

Put it back OP.
Disagreeing with someone is no excuse to steal or damage their property, even if they left it in a public place.

We win by being right.

>ITT: a liberal retard tries to get Sup Forums on board with its jewish schemes

Whatcha doin, rabbi?

you are either a Nigger, a filthy Mexican or both
get the fuck out of here.

Go back to Hillary or Bernie circle jerk or wherever you came from. WE DON'T WANT YOUR KIND. fuck off

>Stealing other people's stuff
>'oh but it's public property XDXD'
>Implying this won't just come around to bite us in the ass later

You're either a top tier idiot or a false flag. Drop the name. Leave the sign alone. Maybe even go back to >>>/reddit/

Bretty gud. If they can false-flag against Trump, we can false-flag against Hillary. Redirect the asspain of the bernouts against Hillary.

Put it back and never come back to this site you unworthy fuck

Give them back Jamal