CIA has proof that hitler never commited suicide!
>CIA agent CIMELODY-3 came in contact with a friend
>Friend knew a former SS Trooper named Phillip Citroen
>Citroen admited confidentially to the friend that Hitler was alive.
>Citroen had met Hitler in Colombia bebore he left for Argentina in January 1955
>Citroen had taken a pic with Hitler. He is the guy on the left. Pic absolutely related
History is rewriting right now
Links from the CIA archives:
Why wouldn't he at least shave off his moustache?
The picture it thr vack of the original picture. You can see written: Adolf Schutellmayer Columbia Tunga June 1954
>Even CIA mispelled Hitler's new alias so there are not much info across the internet
It's already a well known fact that he died in Argentina. There was also tonnes of Nazi cutlery and weaponry found in Argentina.
Brand recognition.
Who cares now? Look at Germany, you think these documents will help them?
We all know that our governments lie, even rewrite histories. Big fuckingd eal...
>wait ten years then couldn't be prosecuted
Der fuhrer, how I miss you so...
Or shoot down planes.
Ohhh fug I require more proofs
Do you think that simple illiterate peasants without TV and newspapers from Colombia would recognise him ?
Also during his extraction from Germany without any official papers how could he convinve the Nazi members that it was still him. His moustache was something more than icon. It was his identity and a passage to a new life
Maybe. It could be anyone. This whole war is a fucking meme. People die for no reason
>yet another circlejerk of stormniggers speculating on inconsequential bullshit regarding a failed personality cult
Keep on guzzling down that natsoc jizz jug stormfags, if your dear leaders was alive I'm sure that you wouldn't be part of the dregs of society today.
Just go to the CIA links! Why the fuck do you pay them anyway?
>still looks 50
>he would be in his 80s
You know these claims happen all the time?
Probably chatted shit about anschluss and made the Argies invade the Falklands
I m not even Nazi actually. I hate right wings. But you can't resist the ugre to find the truth!!
Can I save this pdf w/o being v&?
Word is Adolph Hitler shaved off the mustache on the way to South America and never grew it back.
In 1945.
pic is related
-40.715338, -71.700950
Just read the report!
1963 was the date the report was released
Meine Eltern kamen aus Dusseldorf.
In 1935 Hitler had an operation in his throat by Prof Carl von Eioken,"the ear,nose and throat specialist of Berlin University"
It's too late now,
would be pretty cool to run away from the Mossad in the uni library tho, tonnage of pussy guaranteed
Just imagine the threads he would just move to get to safety and past all these secret agencies!
I aint mad! I'm impressed
Holy shit, it's a super touristy area, I've been there
Ofcourse Hitler didn't die in Germany. Look how many antisemites still exist today. His divisive and evil message still resounds even now.
Hitler is not a person anymore but an idea. The CIA and American tax payers once again wasted millions of dollars, time, and labour on another frivolous pursuit.
In a weird way I hope he did kill himself, or died some other way.
I cant imagine how horrible it must have been for him to see the results of his loss.
>My friends friend told me Hitler is still alive
Really makes you think...
Go get him Simon!
I thought leafs were worse shitposters than you!
In report it claims that agent CIMELODY-3 actually met Citroen who met Hitler one month ago! He could risk Hitler's safety so he met him some time later. His friend was just the liaison
>his mom's name was Schittelgruber
top kek adolf, really creative there
Didn't know that. Thanks Germanbro
Why not? It's public.
I thought you hated reddit
I do
Makes no sense
Flavor saver
Yea, shitler's with full mustache is gonna have his pic made with some cat he just met. Or it's some look a like was gunning for attention. This is bullshit. Probably some nitwit presenting this because he's about to release a book or documentary.