Other urls found in this thread:
The pro-immigration poem at the base of the statue was written by (((Emma Lazarus))).
I still can't work out if this was real to begin with or just some clever trolling. Either way it's hilarious.
I'm 23 years old and I have now lost any understanding I still had i my generation.
>waging a war against what are essentially air-quotes
Absolutely hilarious.
Meme warfare is surely of much use. Keep up the good work.
I dont think youve ever really ((((understood))))
Lurk "the merchant minute' on youtube. I think it was him who started it
((( BBC )))
Do they really think this will make me stop? If anything it's encouraging.
I'm sure we can meme magic some heeb into admitting he create the app.
Hell, that's likely the case anyway.
I've sworn to put nothing beyond those hook-nosed demons.
when these people get tired of their """trolling""" the coincidence detector will still be there
Jews are naming themselves. What a fucking year to be alive.
yea i love how people refer to that poem like it's part of our constitution or something. fuck france and that fucking statue.
Can we meme them into gassing themselves?
>natsoc belongs on twitter now
fuck off back to twitter you neo nazi tubs of shits
Umm guise?
"Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
>t. Emma Lazarus
Make the brackets golden in the extension. Problem solved.
Oh I guess you beat me to it
Wait, is the Jew ad-on where all the """"""massive amounts of quotes""""" meme came from? I never saw it done with ((())) here, only """"""""""""""
Someone should just reupload the exact same plugin and change the brackets to something else. Like
>Raise ((((((((((Awareness))))))))))
It's like if the third Reich jews had put on their stars voluntary
wew it removed my stars of david
Are they self-aware or just retards?
ok, I was off the internet for 2 days. I have no clue what this is about. Someone fill me in as to wtf is going on and how the fuck could anyone be triggered by this.
Kek wills it
>"Hey Avi, let's put the stars on voluntarily!"
Firefox/Chrome add-on that puts ((( ))) around known Jewish names, businesses, etc. The leftist world found out and are appalled, naturally.
Just tell them how to make pretty crystals that sell for a lot of shekels.
>two days
much new or just hanging around on Sup Forums aka the place were we test epistemic destruction methods
There was only
using the fucking chrome extension. It didn't draw from a database to "track jews", it just did an external call to a common list of names.
They're throwing a hissy fit over something mildly amusing that nobody cared about because it's proof that they're oppressed or something.
annuda shoah
They're self labeling themselves now.
>chosen people
Jews are like rats lmao
It's quite cute isn't it
>The world takes our shitposting seriously and moves accordingly
Sup Forums literally runs the world.
Why are (((kikes))) chimping out so hard about this?
It has to be somehow relate to Trump they are trying to defame him by associating him with evul "alt right" neo nazis or something
>Checked those quasi quad dubs
Pic one
>using the fucking chrome extension. It didn't draw from a database to "track jews", it just did an external call to a common list of names.
Now that they're naming themselves it's almost rude not to record it.
Because the jew is a parasite that thrives in the perpetual victimhood complex, aka the 6 gorillion
Holy fuck, did we just outjewed the jews? Shit's gettin real yo
So just a load of SJWs that can't handle the bants. Literally nothing happened since I left then.
So the Jews haven't abandoned the age-old tactic of feigning victimhood for sympathy.
There's only one problem.
It's so fucking overplayed at this point that it doesn't even work for Jesus anymore.
Jews are seriously like rats or roaches. Do you know how those animals most fear detection? You turn on the light and they scurry around frantically searching for cover. What a Jew most fears is being called a Jew publicly, yet ironically they're so proud and arrogant about their genetic curse that they can't help but flaunt the fact themselves. Basically, "do as I say, not as I do."
>remember that i'm a jew and we get chosen priveleges, but never call me a jew you shitlord
I used it. It was pretty helpful too.
Do they not realise we made them wear the star?
I'm Jewish and my Twitter name is JewBoy, this is fucking retarded victim complex faggotry
>I'm Jewish
What are you doing here?
Wait. That's what this ((())) bullshit is?
Yeah, good going, guys. Being sarcastic with parentheses online is definitely going to stop decades of malcontent in its tracks.
Pls no
Does changing my skype name as a joke count as (((working)))?
I'm redpilled to shit and I like Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general. Started at Sup Forums as an edgy eleventh grader and then migrated to /fit/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums
He's keeping up with the latest anti-semite trends, of course.
Yeah all this is common knowledge but their reaction to this is extreme even by (((kike))) standards. The entire (((kike))) establishment is having an anaphylactic shock this reaction must be related to the rise of Trump and populism. They are afraid
>Realise we made them were the stars
Apparently No
Next step First time I've read this on my jewgle news feed in the "meme" category, I thought is it was a joke, now I just can't stop laughing when going to Twitter and see lefties, jews and sheeps marking themself.
Even had put the echo on 50 to see the difference
Can someone explain what this is supposed to mean?
>that pic with the quote
How is it leaching off a soon-to-be former white nation?
TRS goys must be keking so hard right now.
Same reason there were in the nazi army.
They need to change to
>卐卐卐 Shekelstein 卐卐卐
Will these idiots still put them on their names then?
Read the thread moron
Civil War NOW
I don't really leech. My dad was a 37 year military veteran, my mom an attorney from a poor family who waitressed her way through college and law school. I don't associate with Judaism or the Jewish community and only went to the Hillel house at my university to find qts one time and am voting for Trump. I don't know how much I'm leeching.
I don't think they're that tsun-tsun. but don't let it stop you
a plugin was made which would put lots of ( and ) around Jewish names on websites
it used a long list
the plugin was released on Sup Forums as a "coincidence detector" and it never flat out explained what it did on the chrome plugin page, so chrome allowed it to stay there for awhile
now the normies know about it due to screenshots and finding the actual plugin
so of course they are trying to "combat" it
Is this the power of meme-magic?
>to get back at the evil Alt-right racists and to show support for jews, gas yourself!
Kikes are renowned for making mountains out of mole hills.
They're a very histrionic race who teach their kikelets to be paranoid. They actually teach their children in hebe school to be afraid, that every non-jew is out to get them.
These are the same morons who believe that the physical pain of those who died in the holohoax can be passed down through DNA.
also add that it involved into a meme where people just manually type ( & ) around the names
>My dad was a 37 year military veteran,
I remember a scene from a movie were a jewish WWI veteran claimed, the Nazis will treat him good because he fought for Germany.
Just go to Israel and be a jew there
>my wife's son
Jesus this is great!
Any typical secular jewish things you believe in?
>anti-White nationalism
>anti-White identity
>affirmative action
Nobody actually planned for this to happen.
But pic related is the general idea.
>fun fact
>Sup Forums is the most powerful board IN THE WORLD
The massive amount of quotes just indicate sarcasm
The ((())) is from TRS
JIDF is getting clever
Trying to build up that reputation so they can say #NotAllJews
How do you explain all the evil committed by jews?
>Far right
>anti semitic
>that stereotypical Jew laugh/smile
I will protect you Israel-kun
Wouldn't it be easier to just appeal to their mercantile nature and start selling Zyklon B at discount prices?
>Zyklon B 20% off only this week!
>All you can breathe!
Hint: our philosophy is the current Zeitgeist, but the elites and liberals are desperately trying to ignore and downplay that fact
Is JIDF even real? Looks like a troll to me.
>banned for "hate speech" for simply pointing out Jews
>by a company run almost entirely by Jews
Wow, what a coincidence!
CBS confirmed jew
our meme magic is getting reported on in the press all the time now we truely became the (((nose)))
I agree with none of those. Feminism and this retarded empowerment movement has ruined women, affirmative action is unfair and has no place in modern-day America or the world. SJWs drive me up a wall and I get really upset that more and more these libcuck Jews make us look bad. My mom is somewhat liberal but does agree with a lot of the things I believe in such as fat hate and the modern feminist movement sucking. She thought Occupy Wall Street was retarded and the accompanying SJW movements and thinks refugees are a cancer for the most part.
JIDF here
pls no bully israel
Fuck off schlomo
How is point out (((coincidences))) "far right"? I'm an extreme centrist, thank you very much.
Why would you assume memes arent real?
So you agree with permanently removing the disproportional Jewish leftist influence in the Media, Banks and Corporations?
Would you collaborate if such an action would be undertaken?
And do you have any tips regarding the best ways to attack the jewish psyche?
Why don't we use JIDF jackets to secretly identify ourselves?
Right under their (generously proportioned) noses