Warhammer, the last bastion, may be under attack
>tfw you haven't venerated the immortal Emperor in 10 minutes
>The outdated ideas about sex and sexuality – and they are outdated – that Slaanesh represents are simply not appropriate for the game any more. They’re not appropriate for younger gamers; they’re insulting to women, to trans and intersex people, as well as to any man whose sexuality extends beyond five quick pumps whilst thinking of England. The mature response would be to acknowledge this, and avoid the instinct to avoid change. Change terrifies people, especially members of the geek community, who loathe retcons with a passion that could eclipse suns.
>Obviously, this does nothing to overcome the inherent problems of sexist models, or the deeply embedded homophobic and transphobic imagery, but that’s something which can be looked at over time in Black Library books, Forge World supplements, and FFG RPG supplements.
They really are becoming everything that the puritanical christians were clamoring about 30 years ago... full circle.
fuck this feminist earth
id gladly become gay if every woman could leave
By the Emperor
What the actual fuck?!
What the fuck. Do these people have nothing of value in their life? How can you spend so much time on something so pointless?
>linking to Vox
>Slaanesh is not degenerate enough for this world
Really makes you think...
>change terrifies people
so, they're just tzeentch cultists conniving to pervert worship of the god of excess?
>beyond five quick pumps whilst thinking of England.
Nothing wrong about that lads.
>and avoid the instinct to avoid change.
Am I being rused here?
Slaanesh loves diversity.
I don't see what the problem is.
Maybe it's transphobic because they made Daemonettes ugly.
Bring back sexy daemonettes!
Jesus Christ.
I want off
>degeneracy incarnate
>we should be more tolerant of slaanesh and its practices
Yes you know it's true.
oh wow
i expect to see this screenshot and reposted
>a literal demon of pleasure and filth is being pushed as something we should be more tolerant of
if only the emperor still had a body
> mfw Warhammer 40k is our actual future
Why are they upset? GeeDubs gave their degenerate peversity a place in their fantasy universe.
Slaanesh is the god of this modern degenerate age. Slaanesh is them, an evil demonic god of peversity.
If he still had a body you know exactly what he'd do.
because slaanesh is evil and how dare anything representing sexuality and filth be evil
> Slaanesh is offensive to women and transsexuals
Warhammer 40k called it years ago thay excessive decadence is evil. Only in 2016, mental degeneracy should not be scorned.
Is this why slaanesh no longer exists in AoS?
they don't want to be demonized
Will Trump be our God Emperor? Or does he have to fuse with Putin first?
He does have a body. And from the looks of it is making up for lost time.
Fappable but doesn't she have a benis? Thats bonerkill if so.
It'd be hilarious if GW finally decides to listen to someone, and instead of their customers it's SJWs. It's about time they go down anyways.
Eh, I lost my hope with GW after they squatted all of Warhammer Fantasy in a bid for easy Space Marine shekels, so I personally wouldn't mind seeing them die.
I do feel for you guys though.
This is how the Eldar empire crumbled. Been saying for ages that The West is like pre fall Eldar.
Fucking disgusting. What next, ban films like Event Horizon because demonic orgies shouldn't be criticised?
>mfw FW is using social justice to slowly take over GW
they maybe they should change their behavior instead of stamping their feet and demanding everybody else change.
Lashing out at a nerd's board game just shows how much they hate themselves.
Original article cucks galore in comments
afaik the Emp was born by the greatest shamans fusing their psychic powers ...Trump was born by the greatest memesters fusing all meme magic in a single entity
memes = warp
Emperor = Trump
>Fappable but doesn't she have a benis?
Only if you want
>s well as to any man whose sexuality extends beyond five quick pumps whilst thinking of England
Where were you when straight sex was labeled degenerate?
That's tge point. SJW degeneracy can never be viewed as corrupt or evil.
Well then make up your own fanatsy world that isn't based upon Paradise Lost and a Christian moral sense of good and evil, where the sins of wroth (Khorne) and lust (Slaanesh) are not made incarnate.
i havent even read but i already know that
>/tg/ will defend this
Slaanesh IS SHIT
Slaanesh is best chaos god :)
so the liberals today are subscribing to chaos right?
they are violent psychos that revel in attacking conservatis
they rejoice over the decay of civilization and willingly go along with it
they are perverse and degenerate
they are controlled by higher powers who use them based on their own ideas not made privy to the masses and willfully cause chaos
is /tg/ aware of this
Nurgle girls have AIDS.
wouldnt work. itd be decried racist, sexist, etc. since apparently the people living today think Slaanesh is a good guy
I dont want. But will SHE want user?
it doesn't work that way with leftists. they want to control everything you do and think and force it down your throat
they're called the modern day fascists for a reason
If you purge them, they win.
>tfw the normies(eldar) all get killed by the rape demons(gays/trannys) and the dark eldar(SJW) run off to some dark side of a moon
Meanwhile, a non-cucked /tg/ tier game where the purpose of the game is to kill niggers:
Definitely Sup Forums worthy
Oh shit i think we're onto something here.
Only if you want.
This thread lacks battle nuns.
My car.
>giving a shit about a bunch of whiny SJWs.
Top fucking kek.
>reading this after a couple weeks ago someone posted "Warhammer will never be targeted by sjws"
don't fucking listen to them, they are not buying your shit
This thread is for Slaanesh.
Welp. I know what faction im joining.
Nah im just kidding. Ill take a wholesome qt instead.
>wtf is this, I don't like it, I'm gonna change it for everyone
Women, fuck off
The objective of the purge is to make them shut their fucking mouths for good, but if that makes me the loser then I guess I'm glad there wouldn't be any around to gloat about it, or to stop me from writing them into history books as evil and destructive demons that rightfully got what was coming to them.
A grim dark future based on medieval knights where everyone is constantly ripping and tearing each others guts out and soldiers are executed for losing a Zippo that belongs to the Imperium is ok for kids - but BOOBS? and SEX?
Oh in that case, based Calamaris.
70 years ago we were throwing our kids onto nazi controlled beaches
Now we need safe spaces to protect them from fictional universes that have any sort of violence.
Progress ...
didn't they already remove Slaanesh after watering Slaanesh down for years? to cater to their customers, who are generally young
No, Trump will have to make ass babies with Putin to create the God Emperor
Slaanesh is literally the faggiest god fluffwise and crunchwise was the only good mark/upgrades in the past 2 CSM codices
I don't mind xir being removed if the other 3 relevant gods get actually useful and inexpensive upgrades
You know we have more fun.
Yeah, but that wasn't because of SJW whining.
And slaaneshi models are still being produced. There is no sign of Slaanesh being removed from 40k.
Yes. Also because they were never any good at writing Slanneshi characters anyway. The only good character they had was Sigvald in WHFB.
Where were you when SJWs finally realized the fact that they're literally a Slaaneshi cult?
Of course they're going to try to decry Slaanesh as sexist and transphobic; the goyim know, shut it down.
SJW purge when?
>the goyim know, shut it down
The craziest thing is, at least with the puritanical christians you were definitely getting into heaven. Now these feminists'll take you straight to Hell, and somehow they still have a voice.
Its reckless hate, they hate men and seek to attack everything that glorifies masculinity. The end game is to set up a system of matriarchy that keeps men down. Basically a world ruled by the most bile filled fat hog of a woman possible where men will be slaves and servants.
Can't wait for the God Emperor to become manifest and start a worldwide purge of leftists and other degenerates and instill the Imperium of Man in all His glory.
I really wish He would come to us and save us from this hell.
I'd gladly die for the Emperor.
May the Emperor guide us.
BAHAHHAHHAAHAHHA. That's a funny joke user. They can rule over my dead corpse after they've put AK rounds in my chest.
These people don't go away though, they get you with a "win-win" exactly like you said then continue on down the path of righting all perceived "misogyny" in the Warhammer 40k universe with no understanding of why anything exists or the logic - just that it does and it needs to end.
they only hate beta men
the real feminist endgame is a worldwide harem ruled by select few super chads
user where have you been this past election?
>to cater to their customers, who are generally young
You fell for meme m8, young people dosnt have 40$ for box of models when you need 6 of the some paint and sutuff plus another 4-5 vehicles that goses around 60-80$ and thats just beggining.
40k is played by guys with jobs and disposable incom.
>didn't they already remove Slaanesh after watering Slaanesh down for years?
No they just covered up the daemonettes' nipples and gave them hideous faces.
can she be a cute waifu if I want?
If she can, why the fuck are all just sexy demons?
What is this game about always looked interesting to me
Warhammer 40K, the greatest game on the planet.
I suggest playing Dawn of War.
Fucking immature SJW cunts aren't happy with anything and are too lazy / have no talent to make anything for themselves, so they have to change everything to suit their delicate sensibilities
3D or 2D?
> be a total n00b to 40K lore about a year ago
> reading about Papa Nurgle
> the part where he kidnapped a qt elven god of health and fertility and to this day keeps her chained up in his garden of putrefaction