webm related: what would have /pol done?
Hitting women: acceptable in certain situations or always chimping no matter what??
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He looks drunk?
Not taken all those hits like a fag
First time the bitch hit me its ogre knocking her ass out le cant hit women is a meme you want equality here it is
he looks autistic as fuck. you could dodge the strike and put her into submission position and teach her a lesson or too. probably raep in the process as well.
She would probably kick my ass desu
"Act like a man, get threated like a man"
This is something all woman should learn..
I probably wouldnt hit but show my power grabing her arms, waiting for her to calm, then pushing her back a bit, not too harsh.
If she doesnt calm down, then maybe slap her face and tell her and get the fuck out.
Notice how she kicks him when she notices he isn't going to hit back. What a dumb fucking slag. I would have kicked her teeth out
He should have just walked away
Then the woman would not have learned anythng...
>Used Bide
>bide x99999
>Machamp unleashed energy!
>Critical Hit!
>It's Super Effective!
Just wrestle and keep her down until she calms down.
you don't need to strike a women to subdue her unless she's some sort of beast
>White men let their women beat them
Hahaha this is why we're conquering you
if women want to be equal then a man has the right to defend himself. i got hit one time by my last girlfriend and she never hit me again since i slammed her ass on the ground. dont say youre equal to me and dont expect consequences when you hit me
She didn't need to hit you in the first place you fucking cuck white bitch
Beat a shit out of her. Kill her and burn the corpse.
Womyn wants equality. Give it to them.
I would handle it this way
first hit
ask her why she is hiting
(sometimes geting hit by a woman is actually justifiable for example when you cheated on her) then I would take a single hit
when the second hit comes you should try to block it and then subdue her (without hiting her) she will come to her sense soon enough.
Honestly I don't see the reason to hit a woman not because it is moraly wrong, but simply because it is not necessary.
repeated knocks to the head will do that to you
A nice backhand would have done the trick, kept the bitch down
>doesnt limit
huh, interdersting:
Thats because our woman are over the age of 7 Abdul.
Play with the bull, get the horns.
Grab right arm, then left, bring up leg to block nutshot, then a non-painful hold to wait for her to calm down. Perhaps escalate to submission hold if she proves completely unreasonable. No need to hurt the weaker sex lads, we know we are stronger, but women sometimes don't.
I wouldn't beat a twiggy beta to unconsciousness, I would likely just put them in an RNC at most. Women are even weaker than that typically. I don't see a reason to beat a woman like that unless she had a weapon or had beaten my kid or some shit.
Smart thing: Block punches, walk away.
Right thing: Punch her back twice as hard.
If I know myself right I'd probably do exactly what that dude did, expect the ass to the asphalt thing would happen a lot sooner.
He doesn't even to try to dodge or block her pussy ass hits at first, what the heck? If he thinks hitting women is bad, surely not letting her hit him should be acceptable?
He did good, fuck off fags.
Dont be such a pussy, pizza nigger. Thats just foreplay.
holy mother of keks
Not for me
> he should have walked away.
Best part is missing - when he gets arrested.
Slide thread
Equal rights
Equal lefts
why did he stand there :(
just like with any aggressive (but not immediately threatening) behavior, he should have walked away, give the attacker the last chance to save themselves from their own stupid decisions
Pretty uneccessary desu
He has got nearly a foot and over 30 kgs on her. Just a two hand shove with enough force for her to fall flat on her on ass and smack or her on the ground would of been enough.
No man should ever feel the need to have to keep striking a women until she falls, not even drunk. Only niggers and subhumans behave like this
kill yourself faggot
>that swinging hit
>not hitting her with sudden short in jaw
Is that cuck drunk?
>ITT: degenerates justify chimping out
Real woman does not act like men...
He was giving her plenty of opportunity to realise what a cunt she was being and stop while her nose remained unbroken
Well, he could have easily subdued her without causing any harm. Unarmed women aren't really physically threatening to men, he should have taken it up with her father or husband.
>with sudden short hit
Story behind this? News link if possible pls
note how the other woman rushes for the cunt
>he could have easily subdued her without causing any harm
and she could have easily restricted herself to shrieking and crying about whatever she was angry about, like 99% of women are smart enough to do against a man
So this is how a civilized race acts when there's no black people looking.
literally just drive off without the bitch instead of taking hits for that long and then snapping
>pink id
>beating each other unconscious is just foreplay
>mfw there are Maori posting with NZ flags
What if she calls for help or even the police when you start walking away? No, knocking the cunt out is the only correct way.
>Australian flag
>being a soft beta cunt
Fucking Victorians
nah lad a coon would have laid the boot into her while on the ground
Whatever you say achmed
Kek I wish, give me those sweet sweet treaty of waitangi treats~muh land ow!
Women are like children in many ways and should be treated appropriately. I wouldn't knock a little kid out no matter how annoying it was.
fuck I wish a bitch would beat the shit outta me like that
>he wouldn't beat up a kid who kicked him in the nuts
I'd rather be an achmed then a white bitch like you
fuckin oath cunt
smash her face into the bonnet
That bitch had it coming.
However he could of easily walked away, and he didn't need to hit her in the face and so many times, all you need to do is get heaps angry and scream in her face and she would of backed down, or just pushed her over.
When men (real men) get angry, it's pretty fucking scary lad.
they have the right to one slap
after that you just hold their weak arms
they get extremely pissed off before giving up, you can laugh your ass off and you don't pass as a pussy nor a savage
No different than a Muslim
She could have gotten permanent brain damage from those punches. That was obviously excessive force and beyond the scope of self-defense.
Women are generally smart enough to understand relatively direct action -> consequence, they just cry and try to convince people that it isn't fair for them to suffer like this, or that it isn't their fault
I think he's fine. I saw it more as a man whose will was being tested. he restrained himself at first, believing he was better than that. the more it dragged on he went into a minor stupor, then finally accepted his will was not strong enough and let it out knowingly dishonorably at the end as he stumbled toward her.
this isn't judging whether he was right or wrong, just the inner battle within him and what he probably thought about it.
Yeah and who are the Muslims? The ones that are conquering your lands
Ha man you people have changed so much
>crazy ex-gf used to flip out and hit me
>I always pinned her to the ground/bed/couch
>she got turned on by being dominated
>I either fucked her or denied her sex and called her a pyscho whore.
Sometimes I miss that crazy bitch, she was a 3/10 but loved the dick.
>my gender doesn't limit my athletic abilities
Oh really?
Just like a woman, a child can be easily overpowered without causing it much harm.
Let's not fall into the leftist fallacy of treating women as if they were equal to men.
ok boys
lets make a twist here
what would you guys do when a tranny slaped you like in OP his webm?
>probably raep in the process as well.
Get a load of this cuck.
They need to be taught a lesson not subdued faggot oterwise they will keep doing the same shit again
had an ex that would get me worked up then deny me sex because she wanted me to force myself
That shit loses its novelty real quick
hang her off a bridge for everyone to see
>Kill her and burn the corpse.
that escalated quickly
It's an adult feral woman, not much can be done at this point and, more importantly, it should be the responsibility of her parents/husband.
Note that I'm not condemning the man in the OP video, he had every right to do what he did.
are you afraid of touching a woman?
even the dumbest cunt will have to realise some time that what she does is retarded.
Not hiting a stranger that you might never see again in your life is even smarter.
Go back to Pakistan Abdul
>when he gets arrested
he then grab her and put her back into the car and flew
Get rekt!
different versions
>guy and his wife came from Ukraine to Russia 3 or 4 years ago. He was working really hard and became somewhat successfull. All this time he was trying to get a baby with her. Recently he found out that his wife was on a pills, she was lying to him. In the beginning he was trying to save a family, was asking her to drop the pills, get a baby, create a real family with him. She refused, attacked him. And got some justice in the end.
White male used bide
White male unleashed energy
It's super effective!
When a kid acts up, you don't let them hit you and yell at you for five minutes then knock them the fuck out. When your dog starts demolishing your best jacket, you don't wait for him to realise he's being a cunt.
What do you do? You immediately take verbal or physical control of the situation using appropriate force, or you GTFO. You tell your dog off and throw him outside. You warn your kid, then take away her pocket money or smack her. Similarly, you don't stand there while some obnoxious bitch punches you in the head, you either catch the first hit on your arm and ask what the fuck she's doing, you walk away and do something productive, or you stop that shit before it starts.
Adults deal with little problems before they become big problems. This is not a difficult concept to understand.
>if I was the man
>if I was the woman
Teleported behind the man, decapitated him with a katana, and told him it was nothing personnel.
>if I was the guy taking the video
Opened the window and yelled "Worldstar nigga"
>if I was the phone
Told the jackass holding me to fucking turn me sideways. I swear to god this entire generation was born with brain damage.
fucking kek at the dailymail cuckos
the video speaks for itself dude it is pretty hard to defend the woman without being a huge hypocrite
Women are expected to be more intelligent than dogs
>inb4 " lol edgy, women are just holes and should be gassed"
lol edgy, women are just holes and should be gassed
Provided I would not be charged I would've done the same a lot sooner. In the real world just grab their arms and push them off
the most metalbands per capita everyone
stop classifying people by their biological gender, shitlord
If I were that guy and you were the phone I would've told you to fuck off, phone manufacturers invest millions into R&D and have each come out with like at least 6 phones and every single human walking the earth realized after the first smart phone that it's more comfortable to hold the phone upright instead of landscape so if they STILL haven't accounted for that in their design then it's their fucking fault.
Slapping a woman is ok if she's acting crazy and you can't calm her down otherwise. Hitting a woman is nigger tier and only acceptable if you are in serious danger.
Oh look a preview of what will happen in Rio.
I would have made the decision to walk or fight a lot sooner, I also wouldn't have let an interlude occur between being hit and hitting back. Hitting back is self defense if its while you are being hit. Going for revenge, even a few seconds later is a big difference in the eyes of the law