Obama wasn't a bad president

Obama wasn't a bad president

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Let's just stick to he's better than the president before and after his term.

>You have to pay for health care even as a fit and healthy young man with no family
This is just subsidizing the old who are richer than the young.


Yeah, I haven't bothered getting health insurance for the past 5 years. I've been living healthily and hardly ever get sick aside from an annual cold.

Why would you?

After the age of 5, people statistically do not get sick in the west. Its not till your 40s that risk of illness starts to climb into the realm of possibility.

Forcing young healthy people to buy insurance is just to make it cheaper for the old. Who has all the money? The old. Fuck this world. They are trying to do the same thing here.

>even as a fit and healthy young man with no family
That was me and I randomly started having seizures when I was 18, had to get all sorts of medical testing and neurologist appointments, and last summer I had temporal lobe surgery which removed a tumor and damaged brain tissue.
I was on my high school hockey team and very physically fit and had never broke a bone.
All of my care was covered by provincial health insurance. My surgery and hospital care would have been over $75,000 CAD
>HURRR healthy young people don't need healthcare

Some would say that we will be old some day too but that is 40 years away for me. In 40 years there is zero guarantee that we will see any benefit from this.

Countries rise and fall in 40 years. 35 years ago Germany was split in 2 with half of it under the soviet union.

then you arent healthy are you

Sorry that they couldn't prevent your brain damage.

I am aware that I am taking a risk. The odds of me as an individual having any problems is negligible.


My point being, I was healthy before and had no way of knowing this would happen to me. Without provincial health insurance I would have been out of pocket a ton of money

Why cant you understand that for the vast majority of people its a risk worth taking?

>sorry that they couldn't prevent your brain damage

> wtf is an annal cold!

Goodon you user. That is how it is supposed to be.
Reckon America has lost the concept of rugged individualism that was key to its character, sad.

The fuck are you going on about frog poster

In addition to that the risk spread among a family brings the cash price of your treatment down to a manageable amount and is less than each will pay over the span of their healthy lives.

This is the most expensive health care system possible since its designed to over charge the healthy and young and provide health care to the reckless, poor and old.

If there was a concrete guarantee that I would benefit in my old age I would agree with it but there is no guarantee.

In a world with an aging population in the west the likelihood is that the current old will benefit from our money and when we are old there will be a much narrower base on the demographics pyramid and our health care will be stripped.

I never said that
Most injuries and illnesses requiring medical attention are unpredictable though. Even if you take good care of yourself

State subsidized medical insurance was a bit of a cop out.

Really he should have nationalized the entire American health service and dismantled the medical insurance industry.

>In a world with an aging population in the west the likelihood is that the current old will benefit from our money and when we are old there will be a much narrower base on the demographics pyramid and our health care will be stripped.
Canada recently legalized doctor assisted dying

Good bye baby boomers!

To be honest, I think my immune system stays strong because I still pick my nose at 27.

That wasn't a tumor. That was the part of your brain that can comprehend the acceptance of risk.

I am aware what I am advocating comes with risk. I find the level of risk acceptable since the benefits of not taking the risk come with even greater risk. The risk that in 40 years time when my risk of disease increases, I will not have large numbers of young people to pay for my health care with their taxes.

I think Sup Forums gave me a brain tumour

I have a pic of y MRI somewhere it's actually pretty scary

Cool story bro, get an insurance next time

Brain tumors are scary. I know I am being a dick. Must have been hard for you.

He would have went down as simply "okay" in my book if he hadn't pushed the TPP. Downgraded even further after I heard him mouthing off about some gender equality shit.

This is it
It doesn't seem like much I guess but that's my brain

I have looked at a few MRI. I only really know pituitary tumors. Your case doesn't make what is being pushed now any less of a rip off for the young.

We are being asked to pay money with no guarantees.

desu I don't understand the hate on the TPP

I understand stand your point, but I'm offering my personal scenario

Anyway I'm going to Dublin next weekend then Galway on Monday

What do?

If you are into history check out locations associated with the Easter Rising and Kilmainham Gaol. Go to Trinity College and look at the book of Kells and the Old Library.
Guinness Store house is shite in my opinion.
The South Side of the city is richer and nicer.

Do you you plan on doing much drinking or partying?

>Do you you plan on doing much drinking or partying?
I'm staying at generator in Dublin
Also Cork or Kilkenny or other? I have one extra night I haven booked yet

I dont really know about Cork or Kilkenny. Galway never seems to let people down.

As for partying in Dublin forget about doing any drugs. They are poor quality and expensive here. Police dont really care what state you are in as long as you dont bother people so feel free to get really drunk or smoke weed.

Bad news is you missed one of the best stretches of weather we have had in a long time. You are in for heavy rain.

Dublin has great night life around Georges st and Camden st.

This is a nice spot in the Phoenix park. Largest walled park in Europe if that is still true. Probably weather dependent.

Go to Coppers nightclub on Harcourt St if you want to get off with very drunk Irish girls.

Fuck that tranny loving faggot. I had to pay a $2000 fine for not having insurance last year

Can we just call Obamacare what it is? Romneycare.

Only by invoking DUDE REPUBLICANS LMAO will libcucks admit Obama is nothing but a pandering cronyist.

You didn't deserve to live if you couldn't pay for it.

In the past you would have died and that was that.

Now you leech off other people to save your life so you can waste your time some more on Chinese cartoon board instead of using your second chance at life.

Thanks for the info senpai

Also this may be retarded but if I go as a French Canadian instead of Anglo Canadian will Irish girls find me more interesting? My french accent is horribly Quebecois though

hello animalo

They will be very drunk. As long as you arnt horrible looking and they dont give you any negative signals, just walk up and throw the lips on them.

Being "French" might help with sealing the deal but I have never been French or female. Im just guessing.



hello orangutano


hello orangutano

Multinational corporations founded in America already have factories all over Asia because of the cheap cost of labor and virtually no environmental laws. These companies get taxed when they import their goods made in Asia to the USA. It's still profitable for them because the workers get paid $3 a week

TPP comes in and removes the import tariffs on goods coming from Asia

Result?: it's now even more profitable to move your factory out of the USA to Asia and take away potential American jobs

Oh so it's a protectionism anti globalization thing

The old and the fat and the degenerates.