Mainly for the Brits here.
Its hot it makes your scrotal sac sweaty, you get home from work and you need to shower again.
Why do we pretend we like hot weather? Its like we have to say "oh yes lovely boiling weather isn't it grand" Its not, it is fucking awful.
Why do we pretend we like hot weather?
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Only normies like it.
Liking hot weather is a meme. Winter/early spring are the best times of years.
Who cares? You're probably the type to complain about winter being too cold.
If you weren't overweight and used talc you wouldn't get sweaty balls, senpai
I'm skinny as fuck and talc gives you bollock cancer.
spring is the only pleasant part of the year desu.
>being this paranoid about cancer
Hot weather is perfect when you are not working and you can lay on the beach.
The biggest problem with english weather is that it's raining everyday, that's why english come to Spain, Greece or Italy.
That's women, the talc gets into the overies and stays there.
Nothing is getting stuck in you urethra, talc is fine
Our heat is different to yours, it is muggy and makes the air thick.
At least in Spain you lads can breath on hot days.
England doesn't have hit weather, you faggots think anything above 20°C is hot
I have no idea how you guys came over here and thought it was comfy to wear full suits in our weather. Good God.
Mate it's fucking 23 degrees here and I couldn't even sleep last night I've been awake all day
Autumn>Spring>Winter>Summer desu
Live in the deep south of the USA during summer. Trust me you won't like your "hot" weather when you finally see what real hot weather feels like. Especially on those days when its 98 degrees Fahrenheit and the humidity is over 90%. At that point literally standing outside for 5mins will make you pour sweat. It fucking sucks, i know
Hot weather is nice for a few weeks a year. I could never live some place that doesn't have seasons.
grey skies and a light drizzle = bliss m8
This. 85F (30C) is when it starts getting cool here in Texas.
Protip: central air-conditioning
he uses talc... lol
Enjoy your cancer you Victorian aged faggot.
Yeah I hate it when it's hot, I'd much rather live in a desolate tundra like alaska than somewhere like Spain. Sunny weather makes me feel depressed, give me cold and dark any day. It's much comfier.
*Sips tea in agreement*
And you cumstains don't know the definition of humidity
You are just not used to it right now. Imagine that suddenly it's 0 degrees. You would suffer 10 times more than if you were in winter and it was -10 degrees.
You are an obvious proxy faggot who listens to garbage right radio stations and thinks Russia is great or something to be proud of.
It's pretty cool that on days where I wouldn't even break a sweat, you cunts are getting heatstroke.
you are just like your old soviet union, entirely no class m8
I live in a clay soil area, I know all about humidity
how do you cunts do it, I'm thinking of immigrating to Straya
Yeah well at least we aren't australian
Because it's so rare in your country?
You should spend a summer in Australia you get 4 straight months of about 30°C plus every day, it's awesome
mate you are the decendant of a brit most likely....we would adapt to your climate within a month
I demand that the sun be binned, it is much too hot and I've heard that it's as dangerous as nuclear power.
>tfw have hayfever
>Couldn't enjoy Spring/Summer even if I tried
Utter suffering
Straya is leading in skin cancer
And that still doesn't outweigh the fact that you have to deal with Australians
We're not softcocks, that's it.
Kids are only kept inside at school when it's over 40 degrees.
>implying that's a bad thing
When all the others are leading in human cancer, who cares?
That's because faggots don't know how to use sun cream, or refuse too
It's ball soup.
It's the humidity. It's a fucking shitburger.
>TFW you live in the midwest surrounded by corn
This place is ridiculous. In the morning its cold and you need a jacket but not 2 hours later you are sweating your balls off and dying of an average of 80% humidity.
This is an all too commonly used word in Britistan.
I stopped off in Nebraksa once on a hot day in August and literally flattened myself like dog onto a stone bench in the shade while waiting for everybody else to get back into the car so we could start the air conditioning up or at least go fast with the windows open.
It was unexpectedly brutal.
are you legally allowed to wear shorts in your workplace
It's fucking miserable some days. I am glad I work nights but sometimes those fuckers leave the damn A/C off to save money.
I know that feel.
Highland Scot checking in here. Anything higher than 10c is inhumane. Fuck the Sun.
Yeah, in most places.
Half the jobs have shorts in the uniform, as an alternative to pants.
You'll rarely see a tradie in pants, unless it's winter and even then it's not guaranteed.
Seeing some faggot kid get arrested by a cop in shorts is fucking ace.
Summer rain is best rain though, Its like walking out into a hot shower. Only it smells like piss and shish kebob.
I've been enjoying it during the day because it's just comfy going around in shorts and t shirt, but fuuuuuuuuuuuuck trying to sleep at night.
How accurate is this?
Fuck the heat desu.
When the storm finally breaks on a hot and humid day I'm like one of those cartoon villains spurring it on and laughing.
Well that's all well and swell then, I shall be applying for my visa soon
>live in rural Scotland
>midges have finally decided to show themselves cause the weather was so lovely
Fuck summer.
Pretty much spot on.
Its 23degs here, I just hoovered up the creepy long leg spiders and now am sitting down feeling clammy.
underrated bants desu
>can't feel clean
>it's toooo hot waaahh waaah waahhh its too-oo..oo hot waaaah
Where do all these hot women come from though?
Hot women everywhere in gym wear.
We rarely get 0 degree days in most places, but we can handle the cold pretty fucking well when it does.
Ski trips up to mount Bulla and the like are nice, some cunts even wear their shorts.
It's a matter of not being a softcock.
>Where do all these hot women come from though?
>Hot women everywhere in gym wear.
Any excuse to parade themselves, the dirty floozies.
My hayfever is awful lads
It's true. As soon as the weather turns, all the chads and stacies toss their clothes off and start the mating dances.
>tfw you've got shades on and act like they don't know you're looking
>but they know
Scruton takes issue with the dancing witnessed in the nation’s clubs and pubs, in which participants “jerk on to the floor in obedience to the puppet master at the desk”
I hate hot weather.
I have to take my daily walk at night now that it's so hot.
I might move to Alaska.
Heat isn't all that bad
*licks paw*
Also degenerates.
>Such nice weather let's go to the beach and get semi naked the whole day and then do drugs at the closest club and suck some dicks for drinks.
>Hey, I got another idea! Let's sleep under the soon until we look like niggers!
Same lad, I want Autumn to hurry up I never get to enjoy summer to the full
Well, if they're not going to go to church or the ho-down anymore, then I guess it's not so bad if they're out for a run, or playing sports, or doing something else appropriate for the state of dress.
I almost had thoughts inappropriate for my age last time I chanced to walk by a field of young women playing soccer in skirts.
>dem thighs
We Brits will try anything to cool off.
the horror. you goys get swarmed up there.
We cant handle the heat
Its to fucking hot
I need to find my air conditioner tube
>ac sweaty, you get home from work and you need to shower again.
>Why do we pretend we like hot weather? Its like
It's nice for a day or two, but I agree 30c+ temperature is awful after a few days.
>Not Autumn
Spring is okay. Winter is good. Autumn is best. Summer is shit. It's literal Jew season.
humidity is the real killer
dry heat is great, but when it's humid it's terrible
unfortunately we only ever get humid heat
Why is autumn so good? We get plagues of larvaes in autumn. They can leave you blind or cause severe burns with their acid or whatever they spit.
Winter is best. It kills all the pesky insects.
Im welsh, anything above -2 and im sweating. I wear t-shirts year round. Even on that odd day where it snows in february
Here we get quite a lot of vomitive days with 24-25 ºC, sky completely covered with thin clouds so that you can still feel the sun, and almost total humidity. The balls are never dry.
I'd take 30ºC of dry heat anytime over that shit.
Still, can't complain considering how horrendously hot it gets in most of spain.
It gets humid here and can stop you sleeping but can confirm thr south is hell. Went to st louis a few years ago to six flags and the city. Was great but holy shit i was sweating more than a catholic priest in an orphanage
In fall the insects like crickets get really loud and irritating, but otherwise it's beautiful clear skies and trees turning colors. And then you just piss your pants all day long knowing it's about to be winter snow funtimes.
>it's an autist with no friends feels resentment towards everyone else having fun in the sun episode
I wish there was a place that was eternally like autumn. Brisk, sometimes breezy and windy but never too hot or too cold, edges on the cold side.
There are places of eternal heat, eternal cold, eternal rain... where is eternal autumn?
Because in Australia you get a dry heat, so you can still breath.
Hot weather in Britain usually makes it like being in a sauna because the air is so humid.
follow autumn around the world moving from nation to nation, like a nomad.
that's the only way I can see to do it.
>Not spring and autumn
But you can't enjoy it unless it only comes once a year. Just like a horrible heat wave a few times a year or a horrible freeze a few times a year gets the need for it out of your system.
I could happily follow spring round the world, if I ever get rich enough to retire early it is what I'd like to do.
The only people who like shit rainy boring english weather are shut in failures that browse r9k and haven't ever met a girl or smelt fresh air
If I get rich enough, I'd rather go to the moon and then be like, "holy shit, I'm on the moon."
what if I like both?
>St. Louis
>the south
You don't even know what hell is.
People are like plants, some like hot sunny sites others don't.
Maybe not i did start in the midwest in omaha and that was bad as well but omaha was awesome. Fuck the "fly over state" mentality. Midwest america is real america not the east coast or LA
How is some rain more boring than shit sweaty weather?
You do know I meant "hell" as in temperature, right?
St. Louis is hardly "the south", as far as weather goes.
My parents used to vacation in Britain every winter. They had a wood burning stove on their broads cruiser. It was great but the Brits thought they were crazy.
Which state has the worst climate in the US? Louisiana or something?
>tfw you can't wear a jumper and all your 'Summer' clothes make you look chav.
Should i wear bright green sunglasses and a boba fett cap? My fashion sense goes from 7-9/10 to 1-3/10 in summer.
>can't stand this heat much longer...
>i was sweating more than a catholic priest in an orphanage
Thank you.
Have you been to Indianapolis?
trainers, jeans and a t-shirt innit? not that hard.