Hey guys. I need your help a friend of mine came out as a huge John Oliver supporter so i need clips that best show him as the rotten teeth soulless demagogue scum that he is.
Hey guys...
The donald drumpf episode wasn't enough?
well that was bad sure but i need something thats more relevant as far as the world goes and not only america
>came out as a huge supporter
look at this fucking queer
''waa be my friend Sup Forums'' get a life loser.
If you cant give one solid reason why you dont like john oliver, then you don't actually dislike him. you just think you do because Sup Forums and Sup Forums made him a meme.
form your own opinions asswipse then come here with those ideas and we can add to them, abuse and manipulate them and then you can go tell your friend he is a fuck head. why you want to call your friend a retard is beyond me, you sound like a pussy, who thinks he knows everything, yet hangs around people who have opposite opinions yet you go along with it because youre too much of a pussy to go make new friends.
wow mr. phd in psychology you sure got my number. i did explain to my friend whats bad about him but it would be nice to have some clips that would illustrate the point even more, because i sure as fuck wont browse his content. fucking australian shitposters
seriously OP we're not going to make you a fucking video let alone give you arguments. If you can't synthesize an argument on why John Oliver is a liberal attack dog, then either you should
1. lurk moar
2. leave Sup Forums because you are a faggot and have a faggot friend. get some redpilled friends and your life will be easier
3. leave Sup Forums because people on Sup Forums are actually intelligent enough to make good arguments and hide it by the ruse of trolling
fuck you go put on the libshit gasmask yourself you cuck
If you can't deal with the "moderates" like John Oliver how the fuck do you expect to deal with the far left trigglypuffs
listen to the yank serb scum.
or just go to Sup Forums and say ''fuck you virgin fagots, you only dislike him because he gets more pussy than you'' and youll get your reasons to hate him.
honestly youre a fagot if you cant figure out ways to get Sup Forums to work
>want to know why people hate somthing, post somthing positive about it
>want to know why people like something, post something bad about it.
>want to get a raid going, post a link or some shit and ask for advice on how to improve your video/ website or some shit.
this desu fampai
>implying trigglypuff is harder to deal with than john oliver
Not the hurray for France getting their citizens killed by terrorists thanks to the whole you must racemix or die
>John Oliver supporter
Get that shipatri out of your life asap.
okay it seems i constructed that sentence poorly. my friend gave me this clip youtube.com
give him this, if this doesnt change his mind then drop him.
cmon man, form your own opinions
Got you, just a poor brother falling for the jewery.
Tell him, that linking such important political issues with ""comedy"" is counter productive as people start to link the comedy with the issue and laugh it off, instead of researching more and get into the roots of the problem.
Against Oliver add, that it multiplies the effect if pseudo intellectuals present the narrative.
tnx. it is also apparent that when he talks against cnn which is owned by time warner just like hbo he is trying to corrupt young minds with his filthy rhetoric because hbo and cnn have the same boss just a different demographics
GREAT Counter Propaganda
Could maybe cut to 3:20, would bring higher audience
Yes good strategy. Presenting Networks of individuals and companies and let people alone get, that mostly jews sit at the nods.
this is what i was aiming for too bad it has cheap repetition tnx :)
yes i love the zog propaganda machine it literally keeps americans in an information bubble that they cant burst no matter what, they are completly oblivious to whats happening in the rest of the world and they have no idea that wars in the middle east are fought for oil and pure world wide domination
Guess you caught Sup Forums at a bad time, when full of lefties and i don't care about him.
Why is your friend a "supporter" of John Oliver?
Why is John Oliver even relevant? What does he say that has any meaning to anything in real life?
> Those are questions FOR you.
Here you go
this post explains it. just for an argument sake i wanted to completly ravage his stance on john oliver by no means is he relevant
>ZOG Bubble
There is so much to learn from them in a methodological way. Really like how they managed to bias highly complex issues and on the other hand overcomplex minor issues like gender or which (((promi))) is cheating on who
bit off topic, any Sup Forumsacks have a link to Göbbels Diarys, preferably the Fröhlich version.
yes they sure know how to run business, too bad americans are too gulible and easy to manage i mean fuck me one governement in charge of 50 states no wonder they decided to use them as a client state in their new world order scheme
>implying only people living on the north american continent are easy to control
Iam sure you know this isn't the whole truth
>Central gov in charge of 50 states
Imo it is not as bad as Brussels in pillar 1 or 2 policies. They still have a lot of competencies and budget relevant power to GTOW and have a scape goat in addition.
Also the federal committee governance and in this regard especially the senate are one hell of a state tool, which you only find on continental europe maybe in the czech republic (even if irrelevant regarding cz pol sys)
The root of what we call for simplification reasons (((the jews))) is a network of what I would call "New liberals", people who again do the same mistake as before WWI, assuming that an interdepend equalist global society will bring the eternal peace.
Unfortunately, those in charge really believe it and build their narratives on it.
I think the only thing non conformists may do is ridicule the shit out of their narrative and become the jew, like Oliver.
okay okay :) you sure are a clever one. people in general are easy to control there is no denying that. yes to be honest i love the american model of governance its too bad they are being used by crooked people and yes brusseles is far worse. yes i also find that troubling that people like to generalize that jews are responsible for all the problems in the world when its the zionists who are to blame, there is alot of jews who openly speak against the zog and not all jews are politically motivated.new liberals- neo cons but its not about peace its about domination. and its not like they are making the same mistakes its the only way they know how to operate
>Its about dominating
Sure, everyone likes to have what he believes is the norm the norm FOR that everyone can live peaceful and pursue what ever they like. Even the goal of war is peace as Clausewitz states.
For my WW I argument, I would suggest this piece from Norman Angell, about the Balkan wars of 1912/13 ia600200.us.archive.org
btw, I think you doing great work trying to show your friend a different perspective, just don't go full/pol/ on him ;^)
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