Bleaching the African continent

As we all know the African continent is inhabited by a peoples with retardation IQ levels, how do we solve this problem?

I believe it is the White Man's burden to help bleach the African continent and raise their IQ's, various studies put the genetic inheritance of IQ at around 70% so this is very much possible under the right conditions.

Step 1: (Gen 1: years 0 - 20)
>get high IQ whites to donate lots of their semen for the great cause of helping Africa
>get willing African women pregnant with various incentives such as a one time payment of money or a crate of bananas
>promote an environment where halflings achieve higher stations in life, promoting the idea that whiteness will ensure a better life (this must be done in a way where animosity doesn't develop between lighter skin Africans and darker ones, or else the dumb nogs might genocide the lighties prematurely ending the project)

Step 2: (Gen 2: years 20 - 40)
>higher IQ half breeds can occupy positions in media and government (must avoid class stratification or else negative sentiments could grow between different colored peoples, focus on living harmoniously, with underlying tones of race mixing)
>promote Capitalism to create better governments and allocation of resources so that countries begin to thrive
>exploit media to promote the idea that whiteness is a good trait, the 1st Generation halfbreeds will be promoted to continue the experiment by having quadroon children
>promote the idea of halfbreeds having more children with various charitable incentives
>production of quadroons and more halflings continues as planned

Step 3: (Gen 3: years 40 - 60)
>Children of the first Generation will be predominantly white with only 1/4 and 1/8 being black blood
>the higher intelligence and capitalism will have positive effects across the continent producing African countries that are capable of utilizing their natural resources effectively

Wa la, Africa is white.

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that train left decades ago

It is the Chinese that are going to #CHINK the blackies

Personally, I have come to the conclusion that unless we develop gene therapies which can be used to raise the IQ of people who have already reached adulthood, we have no realistic hope of a non-genocidal outcome in Africa.

They will either do it to themselves or force the rest of the world to do it to them.

just cut foreign aid and christian charities, and their population will revert back to 100 million

the current 1 billion and half is forcefully pumped up by the West

Yeah, based Chinks already getting to it, we should help out though.

Worth a try user, imagine a continent of pic related


Just ignore it?

>Spend all this money, time and resources to basically outbreed one of the most populous races instead of just letting them inevitably die out from famine/ disease/ war in their irrelevant continet
This is why the Jews save/ use their money better than you.

Yes, we definitely need to quit that shit and promote real solution. I was on /biz/ and I saw a thread about Bill Gates pissing away his fortune after he dies to some shit charity that will help the Africans. Complete waste of money if it's true and they continue the same failed approach.

welcome to my world
I've been trying to get this board on it for months
even the masees realize its an awesome plan

>Die from famine/disease/war

That won't happen see foreign aid by cuck organizations won't stop, with our continued path towards leftism those shitty commercials with starving children are going to get more money from people with white guilt.

I don't think we should ignore it; I think we should try to do what could actually work. We should work on those gene therapies.

If we don't manage that - well, then it's going to end very badly.

Thank you greatest ally, cooperation with Chinks who are much less scrupulous about "racism" than us would be perfect.

Imagine a continent of pic related

African women can't resist the YUGE YELLOW COCK

> I don't think we should ignore it

why tho?

we may as well use gene therapy to make gorillas smart, it is just as pointless

Subsaharan africans are wild animals better left to their own means

The obvious solution is not genetic replacement, but cultural reeducation. Africa is rolling in natural rescouces and can thrive, Rhodesia proved that. If we are to become a colony it better not be to the soulless chinks

that does look like an improvement

>but cultural reeducation

Liberals have spend trillions trying to culturally "reducate" the simian-tier american blacks with nothing to show for. You can't fix stupid

I don't think the prospects of Africa are much better


the YUGE YELLOW COCK will dominate Africa

how can black men compete with the YYC?

Why not just bayonet them all? Cuck

Yeah, but I want you guys to be white, it's just an added bonus that you'd be successful as well, you've had the chance for years and your still fucked up.

>Africa is asking for Europe to colonize them again


> I want you guys to be white

why tho

it is as you want them all to die of skin cancer

africans are black and violent because Africa is a sun-irradiated shithole filled with crazy-ass viruses and animals

>The potatoes ain't growing
>Why not just bayonet them all? Cuck

We are looking for real solutions here Seamus.

>why tho

Why not, look at how well South Africa and Rhodesia were.

>such as a one time payment or a crate of bananas
>Crate of Bananas

... if you stayed out of the anarchic bantustans

Because I want the resources. I couldn't care less about the people - the minerals and the land are what I want. We can't make use of them if wild natives are going to attack our facilities and kill our workers.


Do you get a good signal level in the AIDS clinics?

I get a lot of ideas
I actually have an idea on how to solve half of the palestinian problem (basically make egypt take all of gaza into egypt while giving them half of our income from the Leviathan gas field in return)
also thinking about it more would help you realize that this is a perfect solution for both china and africa
chine - gets a huge reduction in population they always wanted, chinese man get a lot of yellow pussy instead of getting none, china gets control over africa.
africa gets higher IQ, better living standarts, education, toilets, the whole deal.

blasians are fucking hot


They don't call me wang for nothing!

Bleach? Why not kill them

The only way for Africa to improve its gene pool is to undergo hardships similar to what refined the gene pools of Eurasia.

Scarcity that requires forward planning and social codes to ensure survival and the genetic lineage of those unsuitable must be allowed to end.

It will take a long time, but any alternative that requires coercion is likely to have unforeseen consequences. While your asymmetrical race mixing idea would undoubtable speed up the process, I don't know how it would be voluntary, especially the men losing their women and the black ending up in a lower class of society; you'd probably get a Rhodesia/Zimbabwe problem.

Yeah, it can be. Sup Forums doesn't realize that the colonists were tough and had to be tough to survive. Turning the Africans into aspie neets isn't suited for their environment.

Bleaching is not the answer and it takes genertion.

Genocide on the other hand..

You seem to be mistaking a moral problem for a biological problem

You can take the resources without the wild natives attacking you. Just protect yourself with a militia and make sure no one sells weapons to the natives

The problem is finding people to do step 1.

Notice that other hominids can live in Africa without any problem

Increasing the pressure would likely make Africans evolve the other way, towards gorillas and chimps

Spending money and resources to do your plan is even more retarded though.

We could also promote Jungle fever via dating sites for blacks wanting to meet Asians and vice versa.

I would, I literally worship black pussy.




Whiteness is not a good trait.

White skin burns easily.

What we need to do is create a smart african race. The skin color is not important. Africans will need sperm from asians and whites to get the genes for intelligence, but after that, they can be as black as coal for all I care. The goal is to boost their IQ above 110 at least.

It would be very easy from a technical standpoint to wipe out virtually the entire population of Africa within a modest period of years if we were to use all of the technology and weapons, including NCBR weapons, at our disposal.

I have no idea, however, how we would sell that to the public at home, and it could never happen without the overwhelming support of the western population.

Many of whom, unfortunately, are Africans.

That's the problem; there's high natural abundance in Africa so there were never the same pressures that existed elsewhere.

I didn't say how scarcity would come about, just that it would be the mechanism.

Even getting into the mid-90s would be massively beneficial. Then we'd be working with eastern-europe tier people.

At the moment, it's like dealing with an entire continent of 8-year-olds.

>Wanting a generation of smart nogs

a little sample of what an all black africa is like

White skin is an adaptation to allow greater vitamin D production in lower sunlight intensities.

It's not suitable for Africa, but it's highly suitable for pre-history Europe.

wittle bwack boi no he cant compete

Yes, but the plan requires white seed, Italy.

the only thing that can achieve a drastic change is a drastic measure.
just try to push all the male chinese you can get into africa by giving them financial incentives and let nature takes it's course

You mean Jewish shekels, traitor.

pretty much this. Europe would need a populational boom to allow for this

It's obvious you just a beta male with a love of nigger women. Gas the blacks race war now!

What if we've been taking the wrong approach to gentrifying Africa? Maybe the African's shouldn't be our target, but the Gorilla population. Considerably more empathetic, and with proper training they top out at around a 95 IQ, a full 25 points higher then the higher scoring African nations. Plus, people love Gorilla's.


Please just let me fuck those monkeys I'm tired of my white girlfriend. Yeah the jews fucked me badly I know but I just can't help it.

Here this average Chinese farmer is bringing his pigs to market

Wittle bwack bois dont even have one pig

Chink man feed African women, bwack man let starve

notice that if this populational boom were to happen, a far more accessible objetive would be Latin America

the job was 50 % done when suddenly the French Revolution cut it short

I think that you may even find local popular support for that

Well, we have inventions such as sun cream to avoid burns, it's not that hard to figure out a solution to that.

Yeah, maybe the commies over there will promote it for us.




Africans will flood europe if they remain the low IQ, high birth rate savages they are today.

The only sensible way to stop the mass migration, is to make Africans smarter, so their societies are better, and Africans won't feel the need to leave (in fact we might move there, instead).

Importing sperm from intelligent donors and offering it to africans is a simple way to do this. Africans desperately need people with an IQ above room temperature, because even the simplest tasks are quiet difficult for africans.

>t try to push all the male chinese you can get into africa

that actually one solve the chinese problem of lack of pussy


That is a bizarre claim

You will get popular support for a Fortress Europe way before you get support for something like bleaching all of Africa


Holy fucking shit

Don't mind me, I'm jst here for the pictures.

Post more btw.

I believe this plan might actually work, thanks based chinks.




that one is still kinda ugly

needs more #chinked


>White skin is an adaptation to allow greater vitamin D production in lower sunlight intensities.

white skin came about from sex selection. Women with pale skin are more desirable. The sun is weak in northern Europe, so pale skinned people flourished.

it does have to do with vitamin D tho

Stupid can't fix stupid. If the people stop electing socialists and allowing coups and open the resources to better exploitation then the modernization process can begin. The chinks know how much potential is here and they will suck us dry and give nothing back

ill tap taht

Anyway Germanon have you checked out Sup Forums's plan to settle Namibia? You would like it


dats better







Shit that's a winning combination. Want.


the vitamin d thing is a myth. when humans were developing pale skin, they were outside all the time and so no matter how dark your skin was, you'd get plenty of vit d from the sun.

But how do we keep exploiting their resources if they become smarter?

It's a long term solution. Soon there will be more people in africa than the rest of the world combined.

>population of 2.1 Million

Perfect place to start, small local population, we just have to relay the message to the Chinese

Fortress Europe is a long term solution too

Just sink the damn boats and they will stop coming



There are 30 million tfw no gf excess men in China. If the Chinese government would support them they could easily colonize Africa. Pay money to the Namibian government for permission, send in tens of millions of eager businessmen to exploit the local resources, take women.

that's what I said


Think about all the money we would save by cutting off foreign aid, and various charities that could direct their efforts on our local populations.

>Chinese businessmen

I'm sure local government would love new businesses, let the Chinkening begin!

>Not posing superior Lu