/slav/e general

Turkish Men are superior to us edition

invited: slavshits
not invited: h*man beings

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Heдaвнo дoвeлocь cecть зa кoмпьютep, нa кoтopoм ycтaнoвлeнa xp виндa. Taк cpaзy пoчeмy-тo вcпoмнилocь, кaк cидeл в acькe, квипe, мэйл aгeнтe в былыe вpeмeнa; вpoдe вeдь oбщaлcя c кeм-тo, в oпpeдeлeннoй cтeпeни был cчacтлив и paдoвaлcя жизни. Toгдa eщe нe знaл кaким yнылым гoвнoм oбepнeтcя мoя жизнь. Я, кoнeчнo, вceгдa знaл, чтo я нищий и нecимпaтичный, нo тoгдa вce этo нe тaк ocтpo oщyщaлocь.
Eбaнaя жизнь.

i will be slave only and ONLY to a qt hispanic powerlifter qt a no one else

a spanish girl would never date or even kiss on cheek a filthy slavshit degenerate.
just accept it we are scum

slavic >>> hispanic

poles are the worst slavs on Sup Forums

slavic women prefer Turkish Guys.
pic - belorussian girl with her Man

>males from my country fuck females from your country
virgin neckbeard detected

no wonder why they do cuz Russians are the most feminine slav men


post more russian whores getting browned, blacked and riced

i wonder what do they find attractive in turkish men? i guess they us because we are aggressive in terms of flirting since it's really hard to get laid in Turkey? or is it like bbc fantasy thing?


they like* oops forgot to close proxy :p



we russian "'men"' are boring and generally ugly, unattractive and undesirable.
Turkish Males are basically the opposite. You are so energetic, flirty, charismatic, handsome and etc.
when '"our"' women come to Turkish beaches and see You they just can't tasting and enjoying Your glorious Turkish Penis.
thank You for making '"our"' women so happy!


terrible thread. and erdogan is not turk he's georgian (may allah forgive me for uttering this word)

This OPs cucklevels is so high, I don't even think he is Russian

well maybe he's Russian but mentally ill

regards from poland

looks photoshopped

>mentally ill

>being in so much denial

Gayropean girls

I honestly wish I had slavic roots so I could claim muh heritage but it turns out I'm Alberto Barbosa

How do I cope with this feel?