Yfw Brexit fails

>yfw Brexit fails

Other urls found in this thread:




>Brexit fails
>Hillary wins
>Syria falls
>hiroyuki starts moderating Sup Forums
>SJW laws pass in USA and EU
>user, its not you, its me. I feel we should just take a break, start seeing other people.
>Son, I am calling you to tell you that your mother... she... I hope you can come next monday for the funeral. I love you.
>I'm sorry sir, its colon cancer. The good news is, with treatment you can live another 3 to 7 years.
>Bannerlord delayed til 2020

ahhahahahahah :D:D




>all those other things happening

i'd be glad for the cancer





Eh, after the cancer I'd probably just pump myself full of heroin and hang myself.

Hopefully we Vote Leave and Farage and UKIP get nuked and all their voters go over to the Tories so we can get a strong majority Tory government for the next few decades.

If you aren't a Tory you aren't British.

Becomes heavily racist because I live in Londonistan.

or pretty much this


Nuke Scotland now before its to late


You probably can't even afford to be Tory..



>>Bannerlord delayed til 2020
Too far bro, too far





I cry for every non mudslime Brit

It probably will fail. all my female cousins are posting fear mongering remain shit on facebook. Women vote more than men and women are retarded.

When I expressed an opposing position to one of them they said "but it they vote leave you will to be able to migrate to england without a visa."

I was shocked that they would think that I would put my personal selfishness above that of the sovereignty of an entire nation.

The longer I live the more disgusted I get by women.


>Brexit fails
Nothing extraordinary



>Supporting the ConSocialist Workers Party

I'd seriously love to genocide Scots, such worthless nation of humans.



Ironically thinking the Tories are anything worth preserving if you believe in conservatism
>earn more than you do
>more blue-blooded than you are

What an ugly inhumane stain of lard arse.




>mfw a couple of years after failed Brexit




So we just wait a decade for it to implode.
The EU are putting a band-aid on a cancer growth.

It's a terrible reality that the right wing populist leaders such as Nigel or Trump that the left screech about so much about are the last 'tough' solution that still maintains peace and decorum.

The Left are creating the perfect environment for the very thing they are so terrified and haunted by.
Because in their ignorance and selfish virtue signalling they have made the Hate Speech laws that will be used by the next tyrant, the broken and deplorable media that will be used by the next tyrant, the censorship of the internet which has become acceptable will be used by the next tyrant.

And wew lad it will be us running in to bail you out again.

>Bannerlord delayed til 2020
This is fucked up.

The fuck happened to Scotland man? Home of Whisky and throwing trees for sport, reduced to..... this.

>UK stays in the EU because it would be intolerant not to.

>Turkey joins EU

>Millions of Muslims immigrate to UK overnight

>Britfags are executed by hordes of Muslims

>British women are raped and beaten into submission.

>Britfags are bred out of existence

At least you were tolerant though, right?

we're suppose to believe that you have a gf?

I'm pretty hopeless now and would lose what little hope I had left. I will move to Asia and just try to live as happily as I can, which includes never coming back to this depressing place.

I've already convinced my parents and elderly grandmother, all of whom were originally against leaving, to vote out.

Every self respecting Briton here owes it to himself to convince others to vote. Do some research and practice to make sure you know your facts and figures beforehand; the Brexit the Movie Youtube video is a good place to start.

Debate, discuss, explain and educate. Be fair, polite and articulate. Convince people that their vote really matters, and that voting apathy is a danger to our democracy and our well-being. Remember that some people are too set in their ways, but that others will respond to a well laid-out argument backed up by evidence.

We can do it, lads.


Stupid fucking bennie lovers and cucks in our government happened. The post Thatcher propaganda machine happened. The modern Tories happened (who aren't conservative so much as pro rich. The CSU used to be quite popular in Scotland.)

I honestly feel really ashamed whenever I go on Sup Forums. But we're not all like that - there are still a few of us with brains.

>Brexit fails
>Hillary wins

I would legit panic and start making plan, because in a decade Europe will be in the midst of a civil war with America not far behind.

Whether it be the Migrants or the economic Ponzi Scheme that backs them, something has got to give. The Left will have to see the MASSIVE conflict in interests and divorce Islam, only too little too late, they are outnumbered and aren't sentences by the Westminster System anymore.

At the end of this year if the above two options have become grimdark reality, I'll enroll in the reserves.

If the West is going down, Aussies are going down swinging.

Don't go out like a faggot.
Be an hero. Rather snort a shitload of coke and take out some kebabs.

>EU in a civil war with America

Thats not what civil war means.

pic gets me every time
fucking hilarious

I want the Brexit to happen and for the Brits to be forced to accept 90% of the EU stuff to join the EEA including freedom of movement.

Then my keks will reign supreme.

Should have been a comma there lads, it's late and the pessimism in me is rising.

>That webm

Bannerlord fucking never

fuck me




Thats probably only to derail The Racist argument of the leftists. And even if not, leave is still better option since EU is becoming socialist totalitarian SJW insanity anyway.



Fucking hell m8.
You realize Nige is a politician trying to clamp down on immigration.

In today's bat-shit society, it is seen that anyone asking for sensible restriction on Immigration is a racist. And can only be a racist. It could not be that there are serious nation threatening problems that the current rate of immigration without end can bring.

Learn to realpolitik, christ lad.



That picture

Got anymore of it or source?

>wanting to be in the EU

wew lad. He wants out but cant publicly say it because it would rip Lelbour apart

Sadly not, but I have some Brit anime from the old Brit/pol/ threads.

>>Bannerlord delayed til 2020

You son of a bitch


Convinced 4 of my coworkers and grandparents in Spain to vote remain. I don't want to live off praying the Tories scrape up a deal that's marginally worse than what we have going on right now

i hope the brexit happens but honestly even if it does. the EU will keep on truckin. Germany doesnt need Britain.





>it's rigged if more people vote because fuck democracy, btw we're voting for this because the british people want to leave and take back democracy

look at the past when pound was bigger than any other currency by huge margin, everything was better back then.

Fucking traitor

>dat pepe

Never heard of that universe before what's the story?
Beta rebellion suceeded? But why is wojak cloned then?

>Bannerlord delayed til 2020

You sick fuck.

The deadline exists for a reason. People who couldn't even be fucked to register before the deadline shouldn't be voting, and they'll skew heavily towards remain. This is just making allowances for one side of the discussion to get an edge.


the pound's gonna go plummeting for a while if we leave and we've either got a financial mess because we'll go WTO for trade and most likely have to re-negotiate a very one-sided deal for providing financial services that'll most likely involve free movement of workers (the EU is adamant on not budging about this, as we've seen with Switzerland, and any other deal like the Korean services access would be incredibly subpar), or they'll have us remain in the EEA, and why the fuck are we voting to leave if we're gonna stay in the EEA

should have waited with this referendum, planned it ahead and done it when corbyn tears up labour in 2020, feels rushed now desu

what's the point of voting registration anyway? Shoudln't people just be on the electoral roll to begin with

also who gives a shit, they still tried to register within the deadline, the system fucked up on its own



Bet her minge fucking reeks

>bongs making fun of ugly women

Glass houses lads.



if the UK leaves but keeps the millions upon millions of non-EU pajeets and nigerians they're the worst hypocrites ever

They will riot

not they wont. stay delusional though


Right. Now get registered you lazy bastards. Literally takes two minutes. All you need is last years address history an NI number.