Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums

My friend and I have been traveling through Sweden and sharing pics/recordings of our impressions. Maybe you've seen a thread on the subject by now.

Here is the first recording on Stockholm and our first impressions of Sweden:soundcloud.com/gregory-ritter-594331905/red-dawn-16-swpl-swede-down

The second, grimmer podcast about Sweden and our first day in Malmo:soundcloud.com/gregory-ritter-594331905/red-dawn-17-the-eternal-swede

We're going to dump some pics ITT. We have some really interesting videos of Muzzies holding up traffic and flying Iraqi/Palestinian flags in the center of town. But the internet is really slow, so maybe next thread for those.

>got robbed on the beach
>got accosted by a black and his friends asking us what we were doing walking around Malmo
>gypsies everywhere (with Iphones)
>about 60% muzzie 40% white(ish)
>dirty with grafitti everywhere
>locals told us about a shooting at the mall a day before our arrival
>people say that the situation is fucked and planning to leave the country
>antifa signs everywhere
>saw a white swede in a dress with a baseball bat
>couple of trannies
>loads of tottering shell-shocked looking older people

Copenhagen so far has been a little better, but we've only been in the tourist downtown.

Other urls found in this thread:


Can't wait for pics of your Sweden Safari

>People going on safaris to sweden

The church had its clocks shattered and missing windowpanes. Hajettes sleeping on the lawn, with dread-locked hippies, and blue-haired students.

I'm an American vacationing in Croatia now, I have seen tons of Swedish couples and all of them are mixed race couples.
> this is not a joke anymore

antifa stickers everywhere, no patriotic stuff whatsoever

Bumping for great thread. I am swedish but I live in the UK and the only parts I visit in Sweden are the most fancy upper class parts.

hadjettes just graduated. wearing hijab with swedish-student hat on top. a disgusting bastard hybrid if i ever saw one. they were also wearing iraqi flags. so much for assimilation

just everywhere

gypsies at every atm and grocery store. its a thing now

last one of antifa propaganda (but there was tons)

that's what happened here when we let Romania and Hungary partake in Schengen

>victory day
>never again fascism


>Traveling to one of Sweden's shitholes
>not expecting mudslimes and niggers everywhere

Oh gee I wonder.

I hope you had some fun atleast even though this country is mostly shit.

nasty begger. a real bombay special. bet it was self inflicted

Would it be ok for me to go racemix with a qt sweede? i swear I will treat her well and will raise our mixed children as Catholics, while respecting their past culture.

>bet it was self inflicted

if he was a gypsy it was done by his parents when he was a kid

The biggest and saddest joke is that you can't fix it anymore.

I can't stop you.
Personally I'm against race mixing. But if two people are genuinely happy with each other, then I shouldnt see a reason why it can't happen. But it becomes a problem when too many people do it.
So there's got to be some social order to keep it Limited. I'm not a social Engineers so i have no way of knowing how it could be possible to achieve this

the Iraqis were driving around everywhere like they owned the place. honking their hornes like this was fucking ramadi

lol probs i bet they would cut their own kids limbs off for more cash

and a tragic fate

You're a slav and your genes have absolutely no value to anyone on this planet.

Of course you like race mixing, Sergei.

video file too big, won't upload....

yeah they do, break legs, cut ears, cut fingers, cut feet, pierce the eyes, break the eardrums, it's fucking crazy, and all that just for maybe a couple 1€ coins a day

>flying Palestinian flags in the center of town
well, they are the indigenous people of earth, and are being massacred daily by israil (expected go extinct in 5 years), so shut your mouth and respect

>throwing rocks in a glass house, eh Dane-friend?

Lmao, just heard a few days ago that my ex-gf who lives in Stockholm is moving to northern Sweden to get away from all of that

the kebabettes at their favorite passtime-- loitering around h and m

shopping district was still nice, about a 50-50 ratio of whites to non-whites. not just muslims mind.

Are you implying slavs and nordics are equals?

Is that a tracksuit you're wearing, Ivan?

not sure if you're kebab or jew. Either way, get off my Sup Forums


here before you, why?

How can they even compete, they look like toads

This looks exactly like Toronto.


they actually wear a lot of make up and expensive hijabs

stop trying to D&C, kike

Why do you think their men go apeshit over white women?

Oh how I hope for a shooter in there which takes puts scum on the ground one by one.

that's why all the male niggers and arabs come here desu, their women look like animals

>dane knows all about hijab fashion
shut the fuck up faggot
shut the fuck up faggot
shut the fuck up faggottttttttt

>takes puts

O shit better not repoduce

oh no arabs are making a mess in europe looooooooooooooooooooooooool

reminder to not trust the eternal dane: he reeks of week old pastry, stale bacon and flat beer. hey mogens, why not have a beer for breakfast? heck, have one for lunch, dinner and in between meals as well! have some hotdogs too, why not?

>€0.09 has been deposited to your account
will you and everyone else like you just shut the fuck up? I want to try and enjoy a thread for once in my life without reading paid shills.

you are too harsh if you really thought that just now. and also dont masturbate to the martyristic feeling that someone is there to instantly hit you for any mistake you make

also believe or not i wont allow you to skip reproduction or any other finn to that matter. i come to your house and kick you until you come to your senses, we need soldiers for the wars the finns are going to have in the future


Fuck off heeb, this is all your doing.

>sweden yes

antifa shit all over the place too

absolutely swedish

thank you EU, we finally got rid of so many gipsies. Have fun with them.

there were a lot of older boomer types

once they're gone..

more kebabettes than in the bed of a saudi goatherd's pickup

gonna have to get going soon desu senpai

no pls moar. I can't afford all the vaccines to see Sweden myself

>yfw they're not inmigrants

going to the ghetto later this evening

should be interesting

downtown already looks pretty bad

Do you guys carry any form of self-defence when you go out?

Should have made a YouTube vid if you're rich enough to go gallivanting around Scandinavia with your friends.

My favorite part of these threads is there's always Swedes that come in and try to deny reality. I think that's the major talent of the Swede-denial.

It's like watching a man dying of lung cancer telling you that smoking isn't bad for you.

There are loads of youtubers who just roam around the world and vlog everything. With a little bit of work you can make your travels quite cheap.

and in 24 hours that place is clean in civilized countries

>There are loads of youtubers who just roam around the world and vlog everything.
Not many of them make videos from a racial perspective, investigating countries population and cultural changes.

Paraphrase that and make it a tweet. Use the proper hashtags and I guarantee you'll get some retweets from other nationalists.

If you want to be enriched, drive around the ghetto in an old car and stare at the local wildlife.

Then drive off and park next to the police station and wave at them.

Laughs guaranteed(if you dont get shot)

wow she's really cute

Go to Norrebro st if you wanna se the real immigration of Denmark.

go to sweden to take pictures of niggers, muslims and gispies.....
that's called being obsessed or in love


Why is everyone looking at you?

first time they see a white person

He's taking photos of them.
Take a wild guess.

That's heartbreaking, seeing a beautiful country destroyed like that. Luckily for me, I'm in Northern Ireland so the hordes haven't come yet.

>a swedish woman who probably always though of herself as a feminist started to wear a veil the momen a real man KEBABD her

>experts argue sweden to be 3rd poophole by 2030

lmao, try by 2020.

I'd pay to go on one of those congo style safaris where they put you in an IED/Bullet Proof bus to watch the local natives in their natural habitat.

>got robbed
What the fuck? Cucks

Didn't know it was that bad desu. I have never been too either Stockholm or malmo tho...

yeah. but situational awareness is prime. and not showing fear. the hadji smells infidel sweat

some more pics for flavor


I'm so glad I turned down a job offer to be a software engineer in Malmo.

Also don't forget the blastproof armored tank you need to travel through Sweden it would cost you alot.

I often see elders just sitting like this somewhere in their lonesome observing their surroundings with a defeated expression, probably just wondering "What happened to the society I grew up in? Where did it go?".


Sweden is a shit hole. What's new?

a trannie. i really should have more pics of these specimens given how plentiful they are



it's sad. and he's too old to do anything about it. but most of the old people seem to be living it up in the cafes, oblivious to what they've wrought for their children

Same, Espescially elders who are older than the boomers.
Boomers are retarded.


Literally the worst part of the entire country.

What else is there to take pictures of in New Somalia?

Alot actually, But we on Sup Forums want to see nogs and sandnogs

thanks EU. They are your problem now.

You saw Swedish couple in Croatia or somewhere else?

Also a friendly tip for when you encounter these vermin at ATM machines, just step on their paper cub and kick it away, cops won't give you any shit whatsoever, infact outside of cherrypicked examples they are very lenient when it comes to citizens dealing with gypsies in Malmö.

Also next time you are in Malmö please come put me out of my misery.

I can't take living in this shithole much longer and I'm too poor to move away.

Hahaha this.
There is alot you can with them, Cops don't really give a fuck actually hehe

>tfw Im forced to move to Norrebro in a week or two
I'm going to get enriched

There is alot you can do*