>Your son is going to be a rapist, shame them

Other urls found in this thread:

>Brock was drunk
>Woman 3 years his superior was drunk
>Both make a stupid decision
>Brock is punished

>That's who should be reading this letter. Give it to your sons, your brothers and your mates.
If anything is going to change the culture of rape in our society, it will be a turnaround led by men like the two guys who stopped it that night and the Santa Clara county district attorney, Jeff Rosen, who called the sentence "unjust."
Stanford rape survivor's letter to her attacker

>Rosen added that "the fact that the defendant preyed upon an intoxicated stranger on a college campus should not be viewed as less serious than if he assaulted an intoxicated stranger in downtown Palo Alto... Campus rape is no different than off-campus rape. Rape is rape."
>We women know all too well about victim blaming, alcohol as an excuse for assault. It's not alcohol that's raping women; it is men.

>both drunk
>have sex
>guy is punished
This will never not make my blood boil

>girl passes out
>guy takes her behind dumpster and fucks her
>considering this rape makes my blood boil
Are you Bill Cosby?

Alright I'll tell my wife's son not the go after dumpster sluts

Preparing for Clinton presidency
Nothing to see here

Captain Sweden saved the day

She was unconscious, he was not.

False equivalence is prevalent on Sup Forums, and you are stupid.

I read all about this last night and the guy was 100% in the wrong

when he was caught in the act, the two guys yelled at him and said the girl was unconscious and asked what he was doing and he got up and ran

Being black out drunk in public is also wrong.

I don't drink the alcoholic jew, but could he be so drunk he would not have known she was passed out and when people told him what was up he freaked out?

>'Hey son, what do you want to be when you grow up'
>"A rapist"
>'Read this letter first'

She shouldn't drink if she can't handle it. More so if she doesn't desire to be raped. Booze is degenerate anyway.

how can it be rape if he was drunk and not in control of his actions? Why did she get drunk and pass out around other drunk people? she has no self control.

>le teach men not to rape

the hilarious thing about this is it's actually excusing rapists by assuming they don't know they're doing anything wrong

>We should ruin this guy's life because of 20 minutes of "pain" she felt.

She didn't even know she was raped until the 2 guys told her. She felt nothing.

Is it safe to fuck drunk bitches or we men are in danger of being charged with """"""rape"""""?

Serious question

Because only white males are held responsible for their actions in this society. Goddamn we need Trump so bad, every man is NOT equal under the law right now.

If you are drunk, and she is drunk and you fuck her even though when she was drunk it was consensual. She can still say it was rape if you weren't attractive, or had a lot of money.

tl;dr if she regrets it you're fucked.

nigga you live in mexico you're fine
Unless feminism has infected Mexico too?

If he was being sucked off while passed out, the whole case would be thrown out.

If women cant be responsible enough to take care of themselves they shouldnt be afforded the rights that everyone else has, they just simply are responsible and mature enough, like children, they need an adult to watch them so they dont run off with strangers.

so I can sneak into your house and stick my dick in your mouth and its ok if you only realize it when you taste the cum in the morning?

They'd just argue that he wanted it or that "Men can't get raped."

They think that all men want to fuck every single thing that moves like we're fucking animals.

"What they don't know won't hurt them."

If you fuck me in the ass and I don't realize it I can't complain. I'll just wonder why my ass hurts.

The problem is not the libtard gender rape culture bullshit. From my perspective the problem is that he got an inordinately short sentence despite being found guilty in the court of law, due to him being a spoiled rich kid. Either you enforce the law or you don't, rule of law is of absolute importance. Otherwise we turn into Sweden, where depending on hour race and class you can rape someone new every day and get off with a slap on the wrist.

Kill yourself you stupid canadian faggot

I wouldn't risk it.

>If he was being sucked off while passed out, the whole case would be thrown out.

Not only thrown out, user.

but she does know you dumb retard

>They'd just argue that he wanted it or that "Men can't get raped."

Depends on the country.

No not the case
>girl gets drunk fools around with frat boy
>makes out and grinds with him multiple witnesses confirm
>guy makes out with girls sister
>girl goes to the dumpster to fool around with the guy
>she passes out mid foreplay
>guy fingers her anyway not noticing
>2 swedes come up and call the cops telling them she was raped as they cry
>she wakes up in the hospital gets told she was raped spins this crazy narrative via letter to excuse her cheating on her bf
>this is what happens when you tell dumb women 1/4 will be raped in college
>full abandonment of responsibility goes total sjw writes things like why would i get naked for a guy i didnt even know his name im not a slut, vm left to her bf shows she was insatiably horny that night.
>no signs of the body being dragged
>alcohol dries up natural vagina lube leading to abrasions on her vag
>guy was successful athlete and student woman was dumb slut who cheated on her bf
>they were both too drunk to give consent

They don't allow comments to their articles too.

of course


Location: Mexico

Just pay the cop $100 and he'll fuck off

>Both make a stupid decision


Fuck the edgelords on this site. We're not doing about a girl having drunken sex and regretting it. We're talking about fucking someone whilst they're unconscious.

We must be careful not to defend the guilty just because it runs counter to the narrative. From all sources I've seen this is a pretty cut and dry rape case.

Corruption stops government encroachment, user.

Just imagine if every government that ever existed had its wishes 100% fulfilled.

Has he even been found guilty yet?

>mfw I've never consumed alcohol
>mfw I've never had sex
>mfw I've never gone to a party
>mfw I've never been alone in a room with a woman
Enjoy going to jail for the rest of your lives, cucks

>She was unconscious, he was not.

The better, so it was less of a rape. Rape is mainly a mental issue, if she was knocked out, she suffered less, if at all.

These guys are like the Mexican version of that American athlete who ""raped" a drunk bitch. They are being arrested for raping a drunk girl

No, Mexico is not a safe place to rape anymore

just did last saturday and I must admit that after seeing all this "rape" here I was a bit nervious, but then I realized I was in México and none of that bullshit aplies here, godspeed brother, we are safe here

The woman was passed out and there's witnesses, this isn't the average "rape" case

Amen to that tacobro

>she passes out mid foreplay
That is the defining moment. Then it's rape. He should have stopped.

The Bill Cosby reference is key here. I'm not sure he ever had consensual sex and if it started that way, he made it into rape.

When a girl or guy:
>Passes out
>Says "no"
>Says "stop"
>Says "please don't"
or any other permutation, STOP FUCKING THEM OR YOU'RE A RAPIST.

Yeah, this girl was totally lying by being passed out. She was obviously faking it.

The witnesses and medical personnel were all all duped so she can feel special about being a rape victim. It's a conspiracy.

CNN knows they're a dying organization so they've stooped to click-bait levels.

They'll be Salon-tier within five years.

>That is the defining moment. Then it's rape. He should have stopped.

The problem is that he was so drunk he didn't notice.

Technically, IMO, he did not have the mens rea required for the rape conviction.

>The problem is that he was so drunk he didn't notice.
too fucking bad. People are held liable for their actions when drunk driving all the same

"I was so drunk I didn't know I ran over that family" is not a defense.

>he did not have the mens rea required for the rape conviction.
lol, then what's the problem? He got a bullshit sentence and you idiots are appalled by that.

>People are held liable for their actions when drunk
Yes, I know the woman was partly at fault for being a drunk whore.

>He got a bullshit sentence
His sentence was appropriate considering the fact that the drunk slutty cunt was partly to blame for the whole situation.

>Bill Cosby

Also did nothing wrong

I love how many "Traditionalists" chug the feminist koolaid by the gallon

>Yes, I know the woman was partly at fault for being a drunk whore.
Not against the law. Is this what feminists call a "rape apologist"?

>Bill Cosby
>Also did nothing wrong
Ho do you figure? I don't think the man can cum unless the women is being raped. It's dozens and dozens of women at this point. He admitted drugging them.

It's not rape, it's sexual assault.

He admitted to taking drugs with a women and then having sex, not drugging somebody against their will. Degenerate yes Rape No

she's still a whore. if you are blacked out behind a dumpster you deserve to be raped

>Not against the law
Public intoxication is a law. Look it up.

>Public intoxication is a law. Look it up.
He moved her outside.

>Teach Men not to rape

Where is the article on teaching Black people not to steal?

why trump supporters always defend rapists

He fucked them unconscious. That's rape.

What the fuck is your problem Sup Forums? Would you really accept it if you woke up from a drugged stupor and BILL FUCKING COSBY was dressing himself while your asshole throbbed in pain?

Would you really go "Oh Bill, you're so funny! Can I have a puddin' cup to make me feel better and one of your classic sweaters to soak up all this blood and cum in my ass? Golly, I'm still so star struck!"

Yeah, but let's face it... 90% of the shitposters in here are convicted sex offenders.

Is Sup Forums actually defending a guy who fucked a chick who was passed out by a dumpster?

I thought you guys hated degenerates? Both parties involved here are at fault and represent nearly everything wrong with society today.

I would punish everyone involved, even the rape victim, for making absolutely terrible decisions and breaking all sorts of laws.

exactly, its a victimless crime

>He moved her
virgin detected

According to him they started making out after he asked her, and did so for about 20 minutes before he rolled off because he had to puke

According to her she was blacked out and can't remember any of it

There isn't physical evidence

Why does her word count for more than his?

>You see this?
>Don't get caught :^)

>show rape victims letter to your daughters
>teach her not to go to parties and get shit-faced drunk around retards

and he is going to jail for 6 months

perfect sentence considering he barely committed a crime

if he wanted to rape her he would have, he would have achieved orgasm, making out and then she passes out is not rape

Hello, tumblr

why do white people treat being drunk as the loss of all senses and becoming and innocent and poor child with no responsibilities?

Did the guy know she was passed out or not? Because if he didn't and according to he didn't notice it, it wasn't rape. You can't accidently rape someone. It sounds like they both got drunk and did stupid shit and now people are turning it into some national disaster about """rape culture""" again.

>White people gather at every CNN reporting attempt and scream CNN called us rapists while throwing rocks and jumping on police cars.

>2 swedes come up and call the cops telling them she was raped as they cry

>90% of the shitposters in here are convicted sex offenders.
I'm starting to see that. I wouldn't want any of these idiots around me. They have serious boundary issues.

>Sup Forums is one person

don't have sex. what I said wasn't strange or outlandish.

you'll probably rape someone and then talk on and on about how it wasn't rape and it's "okay". you don't know the difference and you should stay away from people.


>BILL FUCKING COSBY was dressing himself while your asshole throbbed in pain?

Oh look, the rape hysterical idiot arrived and tries to hide his lack of arguments by switching the topic.


Nice bait.

he mentioned Bill Cosby you fuckhead.


(don't bother looking, they removed it)

>her word
>two witnesses

>He fucked them unconscious

Woah, Bill Cosby is such a stud he fucked them unconscious???

Now that's some serious dickings

the 2 witnesses didn't contradict his testimony

he didn't say she was awake, he said he didn't know she was asleep

Except he didn't rape her.

So two people were just sitting there, watching them have sex for 20 minutes?

That's pretty creepy.

Maybe Bill should write a book on how to fuck a woman so hard she loses consciousness.

There's nothing in Kama Sutra on that. CANT COMPETE


It's gross that idiots here would actually defend a rapist because hurr muh drunken sluts. Never mind that she was unconscious, that the rapist ran when confronted, and that the rapist was a degenerate drug user (not that the final point is relevant to the rape, but it shows that he was no angel).
His father's reaction was even more sickening.

>Swedish doctoral students Carl-Fredrik Arndt and Peter Jonsson – key witnesses in the case – were riding their bicycles through campus in January 2015 when they saw Turner on top of a woman on the ground behind a dumpster, Arndt told the Swedish news outlet Expressen on Tuesday.

>They quickly could tell something was wrong, Arndt said. The woman was not moving, but Turner was “aggressively thrusting his hips into her,” the graduate students told authorities.

>“She was unconscious, the entire time,” Arndt told CBS News. “I checked her and she didn’t move at all.”

She passed out while he was finger banging her.

Jesus Christ you white knight faggots would throw your own fathers under the bus if you thought it would help you.



If you get drunk and decide to drive a car anyway, you're deliberately acting against the law. If you get drunk and start making out with a girl who wants to make out with you, you're not acting against the law. From what I gathered in this thread, it sounds like he immediately stopped as soon as he became aware that she was unconscious so where exactly is the rape part?