Why do most Black people hate Steph Curry?

Why do most Black people hate Steph Curry?

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Colorism in the black community. Similar to ginger hatred among whites.

Because he isn't an impoverished boy from the inner city who had nothing but a bball and a dream.

His life isn't some sob story where basketball is the only thing he could do, he's an actual, well-rounded human being with a stable family life. He knows his father, lives comfortably, etc.

Basically he's not "black" enough for their tastes.

He's a family man who's religious and isn't interested in being a gang supporting ghetto nigger

becuase he isn't a "real nigga"

So did Kobe and blacks love Kobe

Because of dumb shit like this: theundefeated.com/features/light-skinned-vs-dark-skinned/

The real answer is that they don't

Yeah but Kobe raped a white girl so it balances out

Kobe at least acted the part.

You don't actually believe that do you

it seems niggers are just as racist as whites

He was darker black, showed flashes of acting hood, and copped some felony rape charges and beat them. He's an honorary hood nigga to them for this.

>just as
Try much more than. Don't let this place fool you.

because he acts and plays ball like a corny ass cracker

Only whites can be racist. Remember that racism = prejudice + power.

We don't, kd is the only person on the warriors i see get alot of hate

Everyone hates KD

Fuck KD

Yeah that's universal

I really hope that if the Cavs somehow win in 7 the mods will have this playing on Sup Forums


People don't like curry because he's a snivelling little cunt not because of his skin

Because he is what Iverson, the ideal that all nig nogs aspire to, could have been, if he had not "kept it real". Basically, Steph is living proof that being "mah niggah" is basically a mental handicap.

Kobe tried really hard to be black, he even tried to rap, but he didn't get any respect from the black community until he anally raped a white girl.