White people are superior. Here's the explanation: environment.
>white people are the descendants of people who came from Africa to Europe
>Europe is literally a fucking wasteland of natural resources and food, compared to Africa's savannas and warm wet Asia
>mfw people had to use their brains, not just eat from the ground
>they became smarter than the Africans
>mfw then went even further in northern Europe, which is even more of a fucking wasteland
>mfw northern Europeans are smarter and better than southern ones
>then, they went further, colonized America
>they has to use their brains even more
>the people there were already lazy and fat, fucking ancient hippies, they got massacred all of them
>America becomes the greatest country in the world, because of the stress those people faced in using their brains
>next competitor is Russia, which is the most fucking wasteland of all wastelands, people have to use their brains to survive
>meanwhile, Africans have remained monkeys, they literally retarded, like stray dogs
>mfw Africa is wild and uninhabited by humans
>gorillas live there and we will have a gorilla overpopulation problem
>Asians had some potential, but their countries had too much resources, they now shit in their hand and the government tells them what to do, and to stop fucking around
>Americans have slowly becoming fat and stupid, because they have too many resources already, they need a hit, they need a rush to snap out of it
>Japan is also a good country, close to America and Russia, because Japanese live in the volcano, Japan is a volcano
>the people who will colonize other planets will be geniuses
>their people will be the descendants of scientists and geniuses, they will be superior
>they will have to adapt to hard conditions
>then, traveling to their planets, like Mars, will become easier
>then, Earth-people will come and demand equality
>they will not be equals, but retards who stayed behind
Debunk this, niggers!