KEK, Explain this cucks.
Britain is gone
Google reveals your interests...
if you use some kind block/black list (built in firewall or adblocker) that function wont work
OP is not. Images reflects his search interests. This is no fucking X-files case.
Google it yourselves then. See.
same thing showed up for me too
Similar results show up when you type "three canadian teenagers"
It's obviously a (((coincidence))).
It can't be a coincidence when it's self inflicted
top kek
I can explain it for them. google.
kek, looks like macedonian teenagers basically means fucking disasters on traffic, not far from truth tbqh
>trusting the jew
You will never be a macedonian. Ever. Don't delude yourself. You're simply confused.
Those three 'British' teenagers got away with a racial assault on the grounds taht they're muzzies who'd never drank before.
Sounds hot.
yup. pretty hot. And pretty confused.
now what did i expect.
It's just relaying pictures from popular news stories, the "british" teenagers are some retards who joined isis and then whined when it was a stupid idea iirc.
It's same video with different nationalities ?
It's because that phrasing will bring up news reports about crime being committed (three British teenagers have been arrested for assaulting an elderly woman) and the photos are what were used in the articles.
It's pretty alright desu