What was her fucking problem? It was just a prank

What was her fucking problem? It was just a prank

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Them normies deserve to fucking pay

girls dont really the most pretty one do they?

Men just can't get it.

t. ella rodgers

What is that expression in her eyes during that whole sequence trying to convey? Genuinely asking.

Normies got what they deserved

Basically she realized that it was all a ruse by the popular kids. They were Cinderella-ing her for some more fun. So when she finally snapped this was the painful realization before the rage.

All in all though for that short period of time they were a good friends.

Still just a prank bro. Don't be mad.

In the book she was kind of a bitch.

It's so poetic how nobody is saved. She even envisions the teacher who was kind to her as laughing hysterically in response to the "prank".


In the remastered release you can actually hear her screaming REEEEEE NORMIES GET OUT

It's a shitty prank though

It's just mean

I adore Chloe, but nothing beats Sissy Spacek's performance.


*funky town playing in the background*

I felt bad for her date the guy was genuinely trying to show her a decent time so she would have some fond memories but then that happens and then he gets a metal bucket to the head I wonder if he died

5 minute prom scene and she doesn't start murdering people until after 2 minute and she leaves people alive.

kinda disappointing scene

>pig faced monster with the body of a pre op mtf tranny famous for 5 minutes because she played a loli in capeshit
>academy award winning actress
How is that even a contest, you microbrained negroid.

Your name isn't relevant. Tripcunt.

>I adore Chloe
Get some taste son

Menstrual Rage.

definitely would

The scene of Chloe being bullied in the locker room turned me on. Shame about her wearing underwear in the scene

I would've hit that desu

Gladly go to prom with her too

She did the right thing.

I still would like to see this as a miniseries with faux documentary footage bookending each chapter and Kathy Bates as the mom.


Last year I got an Facebook message from one of the jocks who bullied me in high school. He wrote a couple of paragraphs about how sorry he was for what he did to me, and that he's been struggling with alcoholism since the breakup of his marriage, and that now that he's suffered he can appreciate what it feels like and has learned some empathy, and as part of his AA he's supposed to set things right with the people he's hurt in the past.

Little did he know that five years ago I hired a private detective to dig up dirt on him, and I'm the one who sent the evidence of him cheating on his wife to her, which led to her leaving him. I blocked him on Facebook without responding, but not before I anonymously mailed a bottle of vodka to the studio apartment on the bad side of town where he's living now.

The beautiful things is I've gotten even with them all.

>5 minutes because she played a loli in capeshit
Are you talking about Kick-Ass? That was hardly a blockbuster. What is Chloe's claim to fame?

really makes you think doesn't it?

One of my bullies killed his mother last year.

Things that happened

>pig faced monster with the body of a pre op mtf tranny
Isn't Carrie supposed to be kind of ugly tho?

Bookfag here.

Memory hazy because it's been about 7 years since I read it ...

I recall she snapped and sort of went into autopilot kill mode.
Keep in mind, it wasn't just this prank, it was this prank + a lifetime of her mother's emotional abuse.