We have the enemy set, we have the target. It's time to do what Sup Forums does best.
The endless Trump circle jerk threads are one thing, but we need an enemy, and we have her now. We need to meme this bitch into the next plane. We need to make her into the devil incarnate, the corrupt witch, the old senile hag, the clumsy stupid dumbass, and more - all at once.
>Post all your best anti-hillary memes here. MAKE ORIGINAL CONTENT!
>Post scandals, news, anything good you can find.
>Post aggregators of her dirt.
>Post videos, Make videos!
>Give us everything you've got!
>22 hillary scandals
>44 reasons not to vote for hillary
>111 scandals lies and flip-flops
HILLARY GENERAL: REAL Official Thread #002
When the Clintons left 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in 2001, they reportedly vandalized and looted the White House. Hillary tried to ship furniture to the Clintons’ personal home in Chappaqua, New York. The Clintons came under fire when they reportedly tried to take $190,000 in gifts and furnishings from the presidential mansion. Additionally, the General Accounting Office, an investigative arm of Congress, reported that ”damage, theft, vandalism and pranks did occur in the White House complex” during the presidential transition from Bill Clinton to George W. Bush – including the theft of a presidential seal. According to the General Accounting Office, the cost of the White House vandalism reached about $14,000 and included $4,850 to replace computer keyboards with damaged or missing “W” keys. The agency said some of the destruction was intentional, including glue smeared on desks, broken furniture, offices full of trash and graffiti in a men’s restroom stall that disparaged Bush. There were also missing doorknobs, medallions and office signs.
During their time in the White House, the Clintons also reportedly auctioned off and sold taxpayer-financed government goods and services in exchange for political campaign contributions and personal profit. Among the items sold by the Clintons, which Judicial Watch uncovered in various lawsuits, and the media and Congress in their investigations, were: 1) seats on overseas trade missions; 2) export licenses for high technology sales to communist China and elsewhere; 3) commissionerships and judgeships; 4) rides on Air Force One; 5) overnight stays in the White House’s Lincoln Bedroom; 6) graves at Arlington Cemetery; 7) meetings with key Clinton-Gore administration leaders; and other favors.
the bully who stole your gf is gonna stay home on election day and keep fucking her
your daddy is gonna vote for trump and come back to resume beating you with a belt
your mom is gonna OD on wine and xanax
you're gonna forget you had a raid scheduled and decide not to go to the polls
Read the fucking thread. This is anti-hillary.
Honest question, how old are you?
Can I get a source on this???
I know.
The point is you're not gonna do shit because Trump will disown you publicly in the next 2 months and Sup Forums couldn't swing the vote in a single county in Wyoming.
Didn't hilary sell cocaine to fund her campaigns and hav eorgies with Bill and children?
Thank you for your continued efforts on promoting our future president Hillary Clinton.
4$ have been deposited to your bank account.
We hope you continue the good work.
Are there any sites like the limk in the OP without the blatant opinion / bias thrown in? preferably from bernie supporters so that i can claim party bias isnt an issue
Why use memes when facts will do just fine?
memes are more persuasive than facts on an emotional level
Shills like this, who spend their time boasting and thus creating an identity (as opposed to just saying something), need to read about Daoism.
No one cares about Benghazi anymore ha ha ha
You sure about that?
Don't forget, Hillary literally defended a child rapist and laughed about it in court. That's a fact.
I'm pretty sure if you pack that up in a nice, factual sentence to any wymyn, they'd understand.
Theres no reason to politically support her but..
>because we say its the right thing
its complete stupidity to even defend it and i notice the majority of her support is blacks and clueless women and you know that the only guys who would even dare to vote for her is the type to try and impress a woman they want to go out with.
The narrative is important
Facts are meaningless to women
Idk, child rape is a pretty serious thing m8.
Doesn't count because he's the first black president.
Doesn't Obama hate her, though?
I even heard his "wife" was so angry at Hillary that "she" stopped going to their parties and stuff.
if they want to divide and conquer us, fuck them lets just do the same back.
I'm talking about Bill.
Obama got saddled with her as secretary of state when he won office. A deal he had to take from the DNC to pacify crooked Bitch to make up for her losing the election in 2008.
Oh, gotcha.
Still, that meme is stale by now. Like the pussy she's trying to capitalize on.
some oc I prepared earlier
Democratic Party in Action
Anyone have hello there fellow children, both the original and Hilldog versions?
That's it I'm a #hilldog now
>Votes for Hilary because Twtiter #feminism
>Only voting for Hillary because she is a woman
>Literally the opposite of feminism
Does someone have that copypasta? You know which one, the one that starts with "she is a she".
Begin the memes and the rituals!
I have all my cow hearts and blackthorn brier thorns, the invocations for Saturnal retributions are prearranged.
Remember fellow all black meme magicians, all magick done against an evil witch like Hillary is good Karma.
Under rated post, and I'll add that the problem does not stop at the edges of Clinton Land.
if the left had any principles, they'd vote for trump as the comparatively anti-war candidate.
remember that any conflict she gets us into, she's getting a kickback through the clinton foundation
We need to bring Arkancide to light. Not as "Arkanside" the great conspiracy but more like, wow look at all these people who were close to the Clintons that all died in very strange ways. Let the people make their own conclusions. At the least it will instill doubt in her and give credence to her corruption
>If people that stand against war and also against the oppression of historically disadvantaged groups, they would vote for the pro-oppression, comparatively anti-war candidate
>The fact that they aren't doing this, by my judgment, means they have no principles.
Your judgment should be discarded then. I can think of a myriad of other reasons as to why someone that identifies with the left wouldn't vote Trump.
Who knows, maybe you just wanted to throw insults due to low emotional intelligence. I'll let you have the last word now.
It's the opposite of what they would call feminism, but that's not the reality. Third-wave feminism is all about female superiority.
>page 10
wew lad