Rhodesia and South Africa

Why are racists/white supremacists so fascinated with these two countries?

Because when whites had control, they were the two best nations in africa, and after we lost control they became perfect examples of how blacks are dysfunctional savages even when you hand over a nation's worth of infrastructure.

They're an example of how whites make shitty areas good, and how blacks can make good areas shitty in less time.

Will Afrikaners go extint in our lifetime?

This is the sad truth.

The only two super states in Africa were created by those systems of government.

Blacks in segregated South Africa and Rhodesia had a better standard of living when compared to anywhere else in the world including the USA and especially Mexico.

That being said I dont think South Africas legislation of segregation was a good thing.
The right to freedom of association is very important and should be left unmolested.

Kek. Was that guy a polack?


except for the kingdom of mali which lasted 400 years while europe was fucking its sisters

Yes, here's a picture of him at a Sup Forums meetup

except now botswana has a higher GDP per capita than all balkan states and a few east european countries, and it's black.

hahahaha is this real?

Don't you understand. They're going to shut us down if you keep this up. You autists need to take it easy

Mali was alright, but they were not an international powerhouse of a nation at any point in history.

An interesting history though non the less but you are comparing apples and oranges. There success existed long before the success of SA and rhodesia.

Wasn't that photo proven to be shopped?

>african kingdoms
Their greatest monument is a pile of mud and sticks in the desert

the third most valuable movie industry after our absolute cultural dominance (using our shipped-in minorities) and indie is... nigeria

Nah, it's a shooped /fa/ meetup. Here's the original
If you want to have a laugh, open the shooped image and the real one in two tabs and switch between them quickly


>>south africa

nobody gives a fuck about your shit heap and hasn't since circumnavigating the globe was an issue

all anyone knows is nelson mandela and that one spitting image segment about breyten breytenbach

eurofags, don't leave your dutch out in the sun too long: they spoil

Easy now, I know you only got out of high school a few hours ago but can you please leave your edgyness in the playground where it belongs.

I dont give a fuck that you dont give a fuck about south africa.

Calm down kiddo.


he's still at school getting bullied by mexicans

you might wanna doublecheck which board you're on right now, chief

Shut the fuck up.

When South Africa was founded, it was literally a majority white country. It was so rich and successful that niggers from across the continent flooded in and destroyed it.

It's a magnified version of what United States is suffering right now from being on the same continent as Mexico.

yeah.. he couldn't handle it

Like someone who eat a snickers and then goes on a random murder campaign

easy now, easy........

Pretty sure it's Sup Forums
Also Sup Forums was created for discussion about Japanese anime and 'culture'.

I believe he posted on Sup Forums

when south africa was founded a bunch of flemish bureaucrats with jungle fever decided to play in the sandbox and shove riding up their asses like von trotha one national border over until only laughing stock methheads were left less than a century later

sit your ass down

imagin how much african gizzim that poor lad is hiding in his booty hole. rest in RIP in peace dylan roof

a bloo bloo you're being MEAN on Sup Forums

I can't even make out what the fuck that first sentence is supposed to be, you nigger. "decided to play in the sandbox and shove riding up their asses"?

stupid fucking donut-ass country couldn't even bother integrating lesotho you're so weak

>cant read
>calls the other person nigger
calm down jamal

your national language is hillbilly flemish lmfao

riding CROPS, sorry

>not starving 3rd world country

Because the only time a majority black country has been first world is when it was run by whites

ask /k/ they will tell you better Sup Forums doesn't know much about the rhodies and the bush war

i'm not even joking


pls no bully

housing bubble


There are no such things as Sup Forums meetups

Those flags suck, should have used their ensigns. Republicanism is disgusting



lol ones happening in your country right now you idiot you should attend its in dresden



Careful with that knife!
There are users on this board from the UK!

South Africa WAS a success for a long time mr. Common Core.

>Literally a sandnigger

SA was nearly perfect.. just look at that mess now.

Legend says that his neck extends by an inch every full moon

Egyptians arent arab haha...just like your rape baby ass isn't Spanish.


>tfw i believe this despite not being a white supermacist and generally being centre-left
>tfw basically alone because most Rhodesiaboos are of more traditional Sup Forums persuasion while most lefties are MUH RACISM MUH APARTHEID.
pragmatism trumps all, and in pragmatic terms racist Rhodesia was better than Madman Mugabe, even for blacks. SA's decline has been slightly less obvious, but Rhodesia's death is indefensible in every way. [Ironic given Rhodesia got fucked with sanctions far harder than SA.]