Who is the most cucked cuck?
I'll start: dangerandplay.com
Who is the most cucked cuck?
I'll start: dangerandplay.com
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Michael Moore is definitely competing
I feel like Rick Wilson started this SuperPac
I wonder if wilson still thinks he pissed Sup Forums off.
Some of you may say there is a pattern of "Jewish" or "against Trump" but that's nonsense. It's just a pure coincidence
Anybody can be a cuck, not just Trump hating globalists and evil jews. Dont be anti-semitic or nationalistic.
top kek, wew lad, this bitch
When you let another man fuck your woman, it is courage
That one's gotta be fake.
Anthony Burch always needs to be relevant in these threads. He's the man that started this cuck shit.
Nothing tops 2016 cuck of the year Jake Rapp
>I eventually grew to hate him after I heard him having sex with my sister. I arrived at the house one day, my mother being at work, and heard the sounds of Samuel plunging his penis into my sister’s vagina through her closed room door, along with my sister’s moans. I stood there and listened to it all. So my sister, who was four years younger than me, managed to lose her virginity before I did.
What did he mean by this?
T-tthats not real...is it?!
Never heard of him, explain and meme
Fucking lmao
didnt he have an incest fetish?
Well he did. Dont you remember the threads
You know what it means
well, how did he piss them off? he made a jackass off himself, this was counterproductive
There literally isn't a bigger group of cuckolds than seth rogen and that whole judd apatow crew of jews. Every single movie they have ever done promotes it
The only one that comes close is louis c.k
Stump Trump Get Cucked
newsflash he hates whites because he is mexican you fucks, LOOK IT UP FOR CHRIST SAKE
Ok, no seriously. What the FUCK did she mean by this? Was it a joke gone horribly wrong? Did Seth Rogen ever tell her "WTF was that about?"
tried to find the original, but it got taken down apparently
>bunch of unfunny "jokes" during his speech
>gets a fucking HUG from his own wife
truly the king of cucks
Speaking of Olympics in 2016 - isn't the Summer Olympics this year in huehue land? When the fuck is that shit supposed to start!?! I need something to watch now that Trump won and barney got BTFO (except in his mind)
How could I forget King Cuck himself!
There's just so many of them!
>Mike Cernovich
Was he around then or something?
Wow. I dont even have words.
He gets uglier every time I see him, good God.
Mental illness is a bitch.
As long as they got gas. They're gonna need gas. Lots of it. Soon.
haahhahahahah I dont even care if thats fake
Louie CucK
Hows Sweden Seth?
You n Judd Apatow filming a new flic up in black dick rape white cunt per capita capital of the world?
I'm the winner though, I'm #ProudCuck
nothing wrong with that, you watch porn, no difference
For crying out loud. Sup Forums meme magicked this faggot into being a literal cuck.
Should be "if you don't"
Yeah if you wanted to save your people and your nation or something crazy like that
>that smile of approval
Only getting dicked by George Soros' circumsized yamaca wearing donger could make Justin more proud of his wife
You just know he jerks his cock to this moment all the time
So multicultural
So tolerant
>moans louder and begins breathing irregularly
>blows load all over rothschild rockefeller pedophilia sacrifice nudes
Just look at how he sits, for fucks sakes.
That's actually pretty nice way to sit
nothing wrong with that, that's how you're supposed to sit. Are you too fat to do it?
Do you have genitals?
I do, so does Trudeau
are you too fat to do it?
>having so little respect from your wife that she would fuck other men is empowering
How cucked can this cuck even be cucked?
>there is nothing inherently wrong with getting cuckolded
should've heard him try to justify it on his podcast.
cohost goes "i can't listen to this anymore"
>If your wife fucks another guy, you win
Is he jewish or liberal?
he moved from Utah to LA. so he's liberal, but he doesn't realise it/won't acknowledge it.
>TP Sexy
Typical dumb fucking cunt spewing bullshit to get applause while not even knowing what she wants
Jesus Christ Jose, do you need to force >ebin country meme
whenever another country talks no matter how relevant it is?
Not really, he was basically begging for nigger dick, his life just pushed him over the edge.
12 fucking threads man, you cant say that 12 threads for the whole night of 1/19 isnt just 'counterproductive' it was Sup Forums butthurt
When women say paradoxes like this, they really mean
>dont let me be in power
>dominate me
>be a man and shut me up when I am wrong you fucking cucks or i genocide you by fucking niggers and muslims
Women may be stupid ok the surface, but they are still the biological teachers of men. Too bad men have gotten so retarded they listen to whatever lies the jews tell them
Anyone have that picture of the Swedish couple hosting that refugee and the guy was sitting in that exact same way?
We got a Swede to abandon his country and flee to Russia on foot with his daughters while filming it all so Putin would have video proof of what Europe is doing to their native people.
Putin will use that Propaganda to stop this EU madness cuckoldry and it may save the west from white genocide.
So yes there is a reason for the offensive memes against cucked countries.
Action leads to reaction. Learn to meme magic (Brevik and Unabomber knew about psychological warfare)
This is fake as shit, Anita Sarkeesian has never responded to criticism in her entire life.
She hides behind Jon Macintosh or just gets your ass block listed or privatizes herself.
She's never once had discourse with people.
Go lift a weight or read a book instead of jacking yourselves off to the sex lives of degenerates like middle aged women poring over tabloids
Stop shilling your site here Mike
>So yes there is a reason for the offensive memes against cucked countries.
I have nothing against making fun of the cucks or their nation, I just hate "Huehhuhue leaf"
>We got a Swede to abandon his country and flee to Russia on foot with his daughters while filming it all so Putin would have video proof of what Europe is doing to their native people.
Shit man, that's pretty fucking based. Not his wife though? Was he in the shed?
You mean Zika Spread 2016?
didn't Anita dump Josh though
I haven't heard of this news.
Wouldn't surprise me though, she's been given so much money and publicity for doing precisely fuck all that she's probably expanded her network.
did you ever take a single word a woman said seriously?
holy shiit lmaoo
He was really depressed because she left him and girls for migrant dick
It was a tragic story and he had no money so we just cuck meme'd him away from hanging himself and relit the viking fire within him while steering him away from ineffective mass shootings and towards the best propaganda Nationalism could ever ask for.
Remember: Sup Forums is an imageboard of peace. Sup Forums is the Path Of Light. And above all else, Sup Forums is always right.
Why is 'empowering' the go to word for degenerate sex fetishes
Funny that cuckolding is a very jewish fetish as well. In fact this has extensive history, the jewish wife who cuckolds her weak but rich husband with a negro or goy.
If you aren't anti-Semitic and nationalistic, you are a cuck
why do you always cut out mine ?
i hope this didn't give me cancer. or cuckoldry.
Judaism prioritizes female sexuality to an extent. You're commanded to boink on shabbes and there is a sort of running joke about the tired husband struggling to accommodate his middle-aged wife.
C.K. was born on September 12, 1967, in Washington, D.C.,[2][4][12][13] the son of Mary Louise Székely (née Davis), a software engineer, and Luis Székely, an economist.[2] C.K.'s parents met at Harvard University, where his mother was completing her degree in a summer-school program.[1] They were married at St. Francis Church in Traverse City, Michigan.[14] C.K. has three sisters.[15]
When C.K. was a year old, his family moved to his father's home country of Mexico, from where his father had earned a degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico prior to graduating from Harvard.[14] C.K.'s first language was Spanish; it was not until after the move to the U.S. that he began to learn English.[16] He has since mostly forgotten his Spanish.[17] C.K.'s paternal grandfather, Dr. Géza Székely Schweiger, was a surgeon. Székely Schweiger was a Hungarian Jew whose family immigrated to Mexico, where he met C.K.'s paternal grandmother
>Székely Schweiger was a Hungarian Jew whose family immigrated to Mexico, where he met C.K.'s paternal grandmother
>she left him and girls for migrant dick
>the memes are real
I hope to god he teaches his daughters to hate that woman as much a possible.
Do you have the video he made?
pls be real
>implying feminism can stop stare rape
>hungarian jew that fled during WW2
Is he related to George Soros?
Not likely, we had like 500 thousand jews here
He said it was a good idea and he was going to do it. I like to imagine he is beating up rapefugees to protect his daughters as he makes his way across the desolate eurabia towards Putin all while holding his selfie camera all because some autists on Sup Forums told him too.
Meme magic is the best thing in the universe, even the government is desperate to tap into it
He was the one who ate them.
I think it is fair to admit the US got a deep hard cucking with this one
that sounds an awful lot like the SJWs
Does the CK really stand for Cuck King?
Also holy Cuck goldmine John (((Oliver)))
Literal cuckoldry, why does she even bother staying together with him if she never sees him anyway and he's such an unlikable piece of shit.
Holy shit I just realized all these famous "white" guys are all big nosed kikes and the reason they feel no shame being cucks is because THEY ARE TRYING TO PSYOPS WHITE MEN INTO BEING LIKE THEIR AVATAR
>John Oliver is the ideal white male brit goy for the Jew World Order
>Louis Cuck King is the ideal white male Amerigoy for the JWO
>don't be nationalistic
Found the globalist from Correct The Record
pretty sure bernies won the cuck olympics