Well Sup Forums are they right?

Well Sup Forums are they right?

>join me for le anti SJW circlejerk bros, we are just that edgy ;)

I think there's some truth to that.

I don't believe casting minorities in blockbuster is some form of a duplicitous Jewish conspiracy to end white people - I just think movie studios want money and are chasing emerging markets (okay that's sort of Jewish).

I agree diversity is good, but these big film studios(like Disney) make it such a big incentive as if it's the most important part of making a movie, it's not out of good will. You don't get brownie points just because your film is diverse.

thanks but I'm not reading that cuckold shit

Partly, however, there is no reason to force representation because it flies in the face of artistic freedom.

The second comment is funny, however, because I would bet that they are fine with representation that stigmatizes whites -- and I've not seen any contemporary representations of any group as being "not human"; more worrisome with that mindset is that it might extend to the idea that you can never, ever show certain groups in a poor light when no one should be free from criticism.

I definitely think less attention should be drawn to their casting choices. It makes the decision so forced and pandery when they broadcast them.

>look at us! we hired a mulatto to play a white character!
>look at us! we hired a gay muslim tranny!
>look at us! all female cast! you go girls!

In an ideal world no one would notice or care about the color of an actor's skin. The world felt more like that in the 90s, now we hyper focus on our differences and it becomes fucking tiresome.

>I don't believe casting minorities in blockbuster is some form of a duplicitous Jewish conspiracy to end white people - I just think movie studios want money and are chasing emerging markets
I've said this all along, but if you say it's not an SJW thing, the anti-SJW folks don't know how to cope because they're always pro-capitalism and pro-greed.

If you fucks ever ran a business or worked a real job in your life, you'd understand that targeting new demographics to increase your net gross is what anyone would do. The fact that it coincides with a bunch of SJW parrots on twitter is just extra publicity for them, and as marketing executives are prone to say, all publicity is good publicity.

Hey OP!

> I've not seen any contemporary representations of any group as being "not human"
watch literally any American war movie for starters

rest of the your post is very true though and Hollywood does seem to be heading down the path of making some groups free from criticism which as shown by the Media in Europe and America is actually counterproductive and eventually leads to a massive backlash (rise of fascism and racism)

>Stores teach us how to be human.
Is a fucking stretch, but in general representation is good for the reasons he outlined.

The problem is implementation. Liberals want to enforce representation if by no other way then attempting to demonize those who don't show enough of it.

Sure but the way that people want it isn't healthy.
It just becomes a target for studios to reach.
When someone writes in a group that already has a pre-conceived notion about them, the writer already knew the colour of that groups skin or their religion or their gender or sexuality.
Just write good characters and if the best actor for the role gets the job because of their talent then good.

I wouldn't say that's accurate, Saving Private Ryan did a great job of illustrating the enemy forces as still human, with both sides being flawed

>hating morons is edgy


>haha representation is a stupid thing!
>b-but i want all people on screen to be white and straight, because

Really makes me think.

past two decades all black characters on TV or movies are portrayed as smart, and good. Every bad guy or criminal as a white dude.

Doesn't seem to be helping the black community. It's almost as if media doesn't play as big a role as Hollywood likes to pretend.


You want a movie or show about your people, shut up and make it yourself.

>Make a show.
>Its fucking great.
>Small group of cry babies cry because "muh inclusion."

>I agree diversity is good

Aaaaaand, stopped reading.

>If you fucks ever ran a business or worked a real job in your life, you'd understand that targeting new demographics to increase your net gross is what anyone would do.

Is that why SJW movies consistently lose money?

>identify with madeup bidimensional characters
>shitty stories teach us how to human

legit schizophrenia , either race matters or it doesn't, they cant seem to make up their mind

Why is it always the job of whites to make sure non-whites are "represented" in media?

Why is every non-white race so shitty they they have to whine and throw tantrums to be handed things, rather than members of their own race handing them things of their own volition?

Rich black people don't give a shit

>If you fucks ever ran a business or worked a real job in your life, you'd understand that targeting new demographics to increase your net gross is what anyone would do.

Sure thing

screenshots of twitter and social media should be an instant ban
it would improve Sup Forums drastically overnight

Because (((white))) people own Hollywood and won't let non-(((white))) people in.

Stories of diversity in something like Star Wars should be shown through relations of different alien races. It makes no sense for there to be a fucking space China where everyone just happens to have Chinese accents and practice Martial arts and just happen to have old Asian fashion sense. Fucks sake Donnie.

>If you fucks ever ran a business or worked a real job in your life, you'd understand that targeting new demographics to increase your net gross is what anyone would do.

It's hilarious that you're claiming to know how business works when belching this.

SJW garbage consistently shits the bed financially.

I am white, I see movies with Asian, black, latino, native american protagonists, and I relate to them all if they have qualities, views, behavior's that I share with. If you need a character to be of the same skin color than you in order to relate to it then you are seriously fucked in the head or are a racist piece of trash.

Good response desu, also, you dropped these, (( ))

>"white people aren't stigmatised so fuck em!"

Then make your own Hollywood

>In an ideal world no one would notice or care about the color of an actor's skin. The world felt more like that in the 90s, now we hyper focus on our differences and it becomes fucking tiresome.

So much this, I never even really noticed race / gender even in the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Sisko, Bashir, Janeway, Harry Kim (I watched a lot of Star Trek in the 90's) etc.

It's noticable now because it's pushed as being "look at us, so progressive. Fucking white males." We've gone backwards.

They are wrong.

>never show bad characters because then the audience will be bad