>S E E - A - R E C A P - O F - N I G E L ' S - D A Y :

>L A T E S T - P O L L S
>L A T E S T - P O L L S
>L A T E S T - P O L L S

R E M A I N : 4 3 %
L E A V E : 4 2 % ( + 1 )
(via YouGov)

R E M A I N : 4 3 %
L E A V E : 4 8 % ( + 5 )
(via ICM)

R E M A I N : 4 8 % ( + 1 )
L E A V E : 4 7 %
(via ORB)

>T H E - E C O N O M I S T - P O L L - O F - P O L L S :
R E M A I N : 4 2 %
L E A V E : 4 3 % ( + 1 )

>O F F I C I A L - B R I T / P O L / - V I E W I N G

>O F F I C I A L - T H R E A D - T H E M E
I T ‘ S - C O M I N G - H O M E
I T ‘ S - C O M I N G - H O M E
I T ‘ S - C O M I N G
B R I T A I N ‘ S - C O M I N G - H O M E

>O F F I C I A L - B R E X I T - N E W S - A L L - I N - O N E - P L A C E

Other urls found in this thread:

First for giving up hope..

I'm voting remain, we are stronger in guys.

this extended deadline judaism is going to net 2 million extra remainers

R E M I N D E R :

There is no hope, undecided voters always move to the status quo.

We may as well just all kill ourselves now.

Every thread.

Remember that you limeys are always welcome in the USA when Trump is elected POTUS.

meme magic tbqh

I want to believe.

Send in your postal vote first please.

Where is Morality Man

Good luck lads.

Every thread.

>yfw we remain

>yfw we leave

Being a defeatist cuck and telling people to not vote in the referendum.

t. Comrade Corbyn

you can do it lads

might just end it senpai

How was the master debate?

I like dat flag


might just end it senpai

Tbh, one good thing about the EU is all the European cuties.

Grindr in London is fucking depressing. Maybe if we had more semi-Christian Polish gay guys we would have less degenerate homos.


this tbqh lads

You better not be drinking skimmed milk

I'm gonna get one of these for July 4th.
Cheers lads

I'm so angry, I don't know what to do with myself.

Can someone please provide one positive about the registration deadline extension?

Why were some saying Nigel's performance in the ITV "debate" was poor?

One of his best imo.

>Not islamic state in 20 years.

Enjoy your caliphate Maximillian... err, I mean Mohammed.

i wonder how future politics in britain will look like if this becomes one of the 50/50 decisions.
I mean you are then in a country with half the population completely opposed to everything happening

>after a crushing defeat in the EU referendum Nigel retires from politics and seeks refugee on a small island of the coast

Sup Forums was right about the jews, think about it

They've done it. They've literally done it.
I can't believe it. Website was down for all of two hours, and yet we now have a 48 hour extension.
This is utterly farcical.
>this hero hero tho

ive heard people who register arent legally allowed to vote atm, also there may be more leave voters among them rather than remain voters.

Never, he's been going at this for 20 years. Not even losing in the general election made him leave. There is still hope brother. When will leftists understand that one simply cannot barrage the Farage.

I think that's going to happen anyways the figures are so tight

you scurvystanis can finally embrace your bootlicking nature and take it in the ass from the kikes in Brussels

We do it constantly.

I doubt many who have left it this late to register to vote are going to actually bother to go out and do so on the day.
Thats about all I can get from it

you AWFUL person. Also european christians are usually catholic or orthodox, so very few gays in the former denomination and almost none in the latter. The european gay scene is entirely degenerate, atheist, cultural marxist and communist centred. what could you expect? The only well adjusted christian gays in the world are filipinos.

>telling people to not vote in the referendum

Really ? i know he is old and defeatist but i didn't think he was that bad

He said on Sky News after GE2015 that if it's a landslide for Remain, he'll quit politics and do something else.

His performance was steadfast. I'd vote him for PM if I could, his leadership skills are superb

You're gonna have to type that one again, chum. This time without the leftist hype.

The country is finished no matter how we vote..

Huge divides over this EU issue


yeah but you didn't have a 50/50 decision on giving away all your power

but well ... it's a win/win situation for me as i will shitpost all day on the 23.

Not everyone who's late to register to vote is a remain voter. I'm sure a lot of them are older leave voters who aren't very good at using computers so they haven't got around to it yet.

There's a good chance most of those spazzes wont bother to vote. i mean if you're trying to sign up an hour before the deadline you obviously don't fucking care desu


See where I'm going with this?

We've been doing it for 56 years, take a look at us if you want to know what happens


It's all over.

whats your problem with it? if it were you you'd be desperate for a second chance and it may not have registered (lol) with everyone until recently. People have other commitments you know. what is even the point of the referendum if its not a high turnout and representative of Britain's wishes?

The flip side of this is there's already tens of millions of those over 25 registered to vote.

The Government is only extending the registration time to be on the Electoral Register.

They ARE NOT ALLOWED to include them in the EU Referendum yet, the government still does not have legal permission.

The next 48 hours will be dramatic.

Nah, the EU is forcing those communities to take kebabas well

we'll find a solution for that as well


There can be nothing positive, it wouldn't have happened if it were felt there was any danger of it helping a brexit, or if it was thought it couldn't assist the leave campaign.

Please explain to me why I'm wrong Sup Forums please tell me I'm wrong, I was a bit strapped for hope over here...

Most of the older generation will already be registered, which is why (pic on that post) is very misleading.

how is it fair that scots get to vote in this referendum? did we get to vote in theirs? i dont think so

How is everyone profiting from Brexit uncertainties? Obvious choices are currency speculation. Read on another thread some guys are running all night parties with neutral politics and positive margins. What you doing to profit?

>people have other commitments you know
It literally takes about five minutes. We have had a multi-million pound marketing campaign across multiple platforms to let people know.

Your point is retarded, you are retarded, and your mother should have swallowed you.

only ISIS can save us from the jewish shenanigans

That literally makes no sense, you mongoloid.
Go and crayon over another Sup Forums thread.

Who who? Son? What?


but the ones in Germany would likely vote remain, no?


Trump and Boris will establish the Great Anglo Union in 2017.

well I won't be the one sat there on 23rd whilst the remain party rages on feeling retarded.

A shooting in paris wouldn't go amiss right about now.

Uh, why don't we just get someone to DDOS the site until midnight tomorrow?

They won't extend the deadline again

the ones we deliver surely will

Your fault is in assuming that the future will always look like the past.

None of the previous referenda concerned an explicit loss of UK sovereignty, and in fact most of them were to maintain the traditional constitutional status of the UK.

The EU is going against our traditional constitutional status, and the majority of people say IMMIGRATION is the biggest issue for them in this referendum.

IMMIGRATION had nothing to do with any of the previous referenda in your chart, but it has a LOT to do with the European Union.

Count in the EU refugee crisis, migrant boats coming across the channel, etc, and it should be easy to understand why past referenda should not be any indication of the outcome of this referendum.

Kek wills it



Can't they just void that batch of cards?

There must be some identifier to prevent people just printing out their own fake.

They could have fallen into the hand of anyone.

No, that would be illegal, probably

You did this.

I read last night ON HERE that you cunts were saying DDOS the site.

If you did that, you deserve to die.

He believes that Leave will win
Check his twitter and blog you fucking morons

They'll probably use it as an excuse for something worse.

you make no sense dickhead

>They won't extend the deadline again
Don't tempt them.

If you want to do your part.

Open up cmd.

type in ping -n 9000

You still better fucking go vote.

How does /pol feel about the fact that Leavers are more likely to be old, poor tory supporters, whereas younger more affluent people who are trendy and in the know are more likely to be Bremainers?

It was already down, so it likely made no difference.

Kek wills it

The site was down and no one on here attacked it, people couldn't get on it because of retarded students, if it was a DDOS attack they would have said because it would the exact same IP's spamming it constantly you retarded fuck.


How many bottles of Listerine did it take to get the taste of your dad's jizz out of your mouth? Rounded to the nearest 100, if possible.

>in the know
"Brainwashed by the modern university system"

they are going to ramp up the pro-eu scare mongering 100-fold in the coming weeks, so i wouldnt be surprised at all if thats what sways the masses of fence-sitters

>he DDOS'd the website


>in the know

Yeah and the vast majority of Labour voters want to remain and we all know they're idiots.

Younger generation are always idealist cosmopolitans who think the rest of the world are just like them and want the same things.

Nobody taught them how different the world is. How sandniggers and niggers most certainly don't share their world views.

>I've been trying to work out why Hillary has attracted so much criticism
- Alex Salmond, LBC just now.

American politics, sure. But if he's this blind to why Shillary is a cunt, then we should never, ever take anything he ever says seriously.

Not surprised.

The younger someone is, the more likely they're living in some kind of fantasy.