this stupid cunt idiot
This stupid cunt idiot
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she has pandering down to a fine art
>black child
Give me a fucking break
Shillary just needs to apply permanent blackface and the transformation is complete
>you can be anything - even president
tell that to Bernie :^)
How can people be so willfully ignorant or just simply overlook her many crimes and corruptions
>Hillary about to go prison
>black girl can follow her example
Sounds about right.
Am I the only one who finds it disgusting how she uses her woman status to get more votes? I don't remember Merkel doing this shit, as much as I dislike her. If you want women to be taken seriously as politicians, shut the fuck up about your vagina and start talking about politics.
>republicans don't have anyone capable of beating that
dead party
>How can people be so willfully ignorant or just simply overlook her many crimes and corruptions
Because Trump has funny hair and short fingers and is LITERALLY HITLER.
No she doesn't. It's transparent and fake as fuck. Trump has pandering down to an art.
>Am I the only one who finds it disgusting how she uses her woman status to get more votes? I don't remember Merkel doing this shit, as much as I dislike her. If you want women to be taken seriously as politicians, shut the fuck up about your vagina and start talking about politics.
It worked with Obama. Europe is different.
Americans are always ridden with guilt with their treatment of women, niggers etc. But in all honesty, I've lived all over the world and American's are very nice compared to others.
she will be president of the United State of Women.
I don't want this bitch as commander in chief
>dead party
More like: dead country (and yes, Canada is just as bad). All Western leaders now are crooks and/or puppets of global elites.
yes little Nigress all your dreams will come true, well, until Tyrone the local drug dealer impregnates you, and live from that day on benefits.
But why should i care?, i'm just the President your dysfunctional surroundings are none my concerns. And now if you excuse me, i need to sacrifice some people for Moloch , so Bill doesn't die from super-aids
look at her campaign videos, she'll exploit anything and anyone
Thatcher seems like a better example than Merkel though. Sure, many people absolutely hated her (mainly argentinian niggers and about half of the UK), but she got shit done.
>she'll exploit anything and anyone
Which is why Bill has to die before the election for HRC to mop up sympathy votes.
women are sick in the head. they must be stripped of their rights.
>>Hillary about to go prison
I wish this will happen, I think she's immune from facing repercusions for her transgressions.
>trumpfags are this delusional
top kek. by the time this girl is old enough, the US will be dead thanks to Hillary and feminism.
Heard about this tweet without seeing the photo and didn't realize it was a dindu and not even a white girl. Absolutely degenerate.
>Hillary claps as the little nigger baby does a jig for her amusement
I absolutely can't wait for 16 years from now when we get a new meme about that little girl assaulting a police officer whilst drunk and pregnant
the young negress dreams are to start having kids around 14-15 and not stop till she has 4-5, all with different negroes.
>every video has more dislikes than likes
>even president
first you need to delete shit ton of important emails, defend a rapist and kill innocent people
sounds great
Ignore the trip, I was playing risk earlier
Well, I'm unironically a #HillaryMissile now
>Bernie is out
>Hillary in prison
>At the end Americans have only two options: either vote for Trump, or not vote at all
> Implying that isn't funny as fuck.
No, youre not. Thats exactly why Clinton loses states to Sanders and isn't 20% ahead of Trump in the polls. She's an annoying cunt and terrible speaker. She knows that which is why she didn't have a single press conference in 2016 (if I'm wrong here then I'm a victim of Sup Forums propaganda).
Because muh vagina.
>he's only pretending to be retarded!
yet she's doing well in the polls. i will never understand it
Are you upset?
Also because people think that bill will be running the show behind the scenes and that we will get another 8 years of bill.
>everything you want
>muh vagina card
god she is so unsufferable.
as if being the state secretary, a millionaire, graduating from yale and all other thing isn't enough, oh no, poor Hillary also needs to be the president or else the patrichary has won.
When is the public going to wake up to cunts lies and bullshit pandering? I swear, every time I see something new about her, I always think, "surely nobody can be fucking retarded enough to fall for this shit". Every goddamn time though, a mass of mouth breathing dipshits comes out of the woodwork and follows her around with unwavering certainty.
What a pandering cunt. Even the sheboon is looking askance like wtf?
Wow eyeopening , after reading this I will never vote for Trump in the general. I now #Shill4theHill
>When is the public going to wake up to cunts lies and bullshit pandering? I swear, every time I see something new about her, I always think, "surely nobody can be fucking retarded enough to fall for this shit". Every goddamn time though, a mass of mouth breathing dipshits comes out of the woodwork and follows her around with unwavering certainty.
Low IQ nigger and spic votes. That's where USA is headed.
LBJ locked in the nigger vote for the next 200 years and Hitlery will have the spic vote for the next 200.
>Low IQ nigger and spic votes
Oh I forget to add, if they give amnesty to more than 11 million spics in USA, say bye bye to any party besides Democrats.
You are correct, no press conferences since Dec 2015
Or maybe you could come up with a clever counter argument like "Trump sucks at pandering because he never does it, and that's why I'm voting for him. He's so legit!"
God, Trumpfags are stupider that 2012 Paulfags
This cunt is the biggest panderer in the world.
After the Sanders debacle and Obama's shitty performance, white liberals are waking up to the fact that minorities have essentially locked them into a system incapable of political change
she's gonna win
> B+W
Staged photo
made to look like photo essay
> But where is the policy
> But where is the indictment
Because she panders to the biggest retards who just vote for social issues
The sad thing is that with a Clinton Presidency MORE African Americans will be supported by Tax dollars, men in jail and families on welfare. Clinton wants MORE blacks dependent on the government. She OWNS Black America and they all but worship her for it.
Sorry about Bernie, cuckingston
Someone tweet her the picture of her in black face.
All you fucking Americans better not fucking sleep in when the time comes to vote. And I better not catch you at work either.
I don't care if you have a family to feed, you get out there and vote Trump.
i just want to hold Hilary down and throat fuck her
>hmm... He doesn't support my shitty candidate
>he must support another shitty candidate!
What do we call you after the Trump loses in November? Dumpets?
It's because her opponents are even less likeable. Same reason why Merkel still runs Germany
How can anyone actually fall for such blatant pandering nonsense
Never let women do a mans job.
>It's transparent and fake as fuck
So is Trump. That's what makes it good pandering.
Step your game up.
It is to the point where I actually think it's rigged
If people aren't bear now supporters they are trump supporters
Yet Hillary still has these high piling numbers
Something feels very very wrong
exactly what i was thinking
Funny how none of the videos have comments either
Cruz missile detected, shooting down now.
All you have to do is befriend a jew or 2
>suck my deque
What does "wonks out" mean?
>young white woman giving dopey smile
>black woman with knowing look
>"dis our bitch"
Gtfo britfag
God damn bongs I swear. You butcher the english language.
i have no idea
The average person is stupid as fuck. Like....double digit IQ stupid.
I'm not a genius, but compared to the stupidity of the average normie, I'm practically a god. And I'm sure the majority of Sup Forums is in the top 1% of intelligence as well.
In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king I guess.
"dance monkey dance"
How does anybody like her?
Hilly is running to be the president of black women
Trump is running to be the president of America
You can do anything
But don't say anything about my husband raping you
Or my emails
I mean it, you'll have yourself an 'accident'.
t. Hillary.
its awful how much she pretends to sound like an intellectual
said which one?
They are just stupid man. You wouldnt believe how many women i have met that are voting for her based off her sex alone or for gay rights. People just dont understand...
Haha! His shirt called her a cun
>black child isn't affected by the filter
knew before i looked the girl would not be white
And she still doesnt have the nom.
Not until the convention when the deligates finally vote
>numale beard
>Hillary supporter
Yep, it all checks out.
I'll match your donation!
>for gay rights
She was only for gay rights when it was in 2013.
She is never the frontrunner on anything. She is slow, has no imagination, and probably has bipolar disorder.
>Am I the only one who finds it disgusting how she uses her woman status to get more votes? I don't remember Merkel doing this shit, as much as I dislike her. If you want women to be taken seriously as politicians, shut the fuck up about your vagina and start talking about politics.
being a woman is her only plus point. A fucking white male with her record wouldn't get near the nom. Just as a fucking white male with Obama's inexperience would never had got the nom in 2008. Looking forward to a tranny/Hispanic/gay candidate in 2020!
That's how it's spelled. You're the ones who spell two different things the same because...?
It's also tyre, not tire for those round rubber things on vehicles and bikes.