Shit plane,post only if you have a decent airforce
gib F22 plox
It isn't shit compared to most aircraft but for its role it isn't that good. The Su-27 on the other hand is a good aircraft.
Shalom aleichem
no kikes in my thread
The rest of the world just cannot compete.
no need for air force USA will protect us xD
50 years old but looks cool that's what matters
this is a shit thread
sorry nigger, but our Air Force is ranked third in the world
is the f16 any good?
please no troll answers
its a decent plane , it does its job and its not old enough to be replaced yet
" your" lmao, not single national design and all given to you by jewbama
it IS a fucking Su 27.
like every russian plane made since the 70s really.
Who else /budget/ here?
that excludes me then
pic related is the best we have, at least it's a Swiss machine, eh?
Wow very retro
on the modern battlefield, the aircraft is only the flying platform.
almost all the electronics of the aircraft is made in Israel.
also, all of our unmanned aircrafts are made in Israel.
not bad actually
lmao no faggot
Post the ranking.
Pic related. Our anti missile defense.
Thought that was your navy.
Shhh. Our planes are submersible too but keep that on the lowdown k ?
As ridiculous as it may sound, we have a very decent airforce, or at least by Central European standards. Our Gripens cover the sun... erm, I mean patrol over the Baltics, SLovenia and Croatia.
>meme craft
cost a fuckload to maintain and operate
top kek
fucking juden
It's true though. Writing "no lmao" and going to hide in your mom's basement will not change that
What do you think lads? This is the best we got
>not having an F-22
Are those rocket pods?
Holy shit yeah! I never noticed
but there empty
fucking took me a second
Our Air force is full of sluts and lazy cunts
Our Navy is full of fags, smart cunts and cunts
Our Army is full of teenagers blueballed as fuck because we arent tearing ass in a war just yet.
Reporting in.
Other countries in Oceania/SEA tried to uncuck themselves but we just went and dropped some pocket change to maintain the status quo.
Next decade will see at the very least:
New g550 ew/intelligence planes
SEA eternally cucked by a tiny nation of whites, pathetic.
i take it you're the lazy cunt then?
Well yeah, but part of being lazy includes sitting on my computer reading about our defence force.
Just another interesting topic to discuss and read about.
Bf3 anyone?
>germany rank 8
see, this is why that ranking is bullshit. the modern luftwaffe is horribly unorganized, nothing works and only few planes are operational. NO
i meant as in you're a chair force faggot, but nevermind
what do you think of the subs we're getting from the frenchies?
>go to iraq
>met aussie armyfags
>go swimming in their POOL
was pretty fun sanpai
>But what should alarm Australians most are allegations that in 1968, France warned Australia not to use our French-built Mirage jets in the Vietnam War, or it would block supplies of spares and ammunition. None of the Mirages fired a shot in Vietnam.
Aus Army best branch
what were you doing in Iraq?
i smell a hook nosed figure behind this decision
>italy's opinions about warfare
France is eternally cucked by Kikes. I would not be surprised if they had their filthy hands in this somehow.
>i would not be surprised if jews hand their hands wrapped around the highest position in the country
it's just that simple, you fly so slow that enemy just cant get hit on you while flying past you at mach 1.5
Still, my all-time favourite war plane.