How can Pajeet's do this?
Indian man faces prison for debunking miracle
But can he debunk why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
>I can poo in the loo!
>Clearly I am a holy man!
>That's just a bucket
Holy shit it was toilet related:
>But in 2012, four years after his televised encounter with the fakir, a steady drip of water from the toe of a statue of Christ genuinely did, he believes, put his life in danger.
>Immediately hailed as a miracle, hundreds of Catholic devotees and other curious residents flocked to the shrine in a nondescript Mumbai suburb to watch the hypnotic drip. Some even drank the droplets.
>Drops of water on the toes of the statue
Edamaruku was challenged to investigate and so he went to the site with an engineer friend and traced the source of the drip backwards. Moisture on the wall the statue was mounted on seemed to come from an overflowing drain, which was in turn fed by a pipe that issued from a nearby toilet.
>The "miracle" was simply bad plumbing, he said.
>It was then that the situation turned ugly.
>He presented his case in a febrile live television debate with representatives of Catholic lobby groups, while outside the studio a threatening crowd bearing sticks had gathered. He claims they were hired thugs.
Our Lady of the Loo
Poop Francis
Lent me some TP
Diaper Rash Wednesday
So who wants to kill him? Hindus or Christians?
>How can Pajeet's do this?
those stupid laws are in place to keep hindus and muslims from going at each other's throat. result: all high-profile cases are brought by the catholics. hindus and muslims don't badmouth each other, they just fight on the streets.
Did he say Poos aren't going to be a superpower in 2020?
He debunked the miracle of toilets existing in India ?
Oh Hindi boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling.
>Drinking holy toilet water
Can't make this shit up
> worshipping toilet water
this proves we have toilets in India
>/pol lies debunked
That was probably the only one
Only as places of worship.
and they're literally hailed as miracles
A lot of loyalty for a hired thug
>Mexican intellectual uses THIS font
Reddit humor doesn't fly here
Was drinking toilet water part of your plan?
Poo in loo threads always make me start laughing so hard I start crying and can't breath.
Your country is like if all the countries of the world were friends gathered at a party you guys are that guy who gets wasted to try and impress everyone then shits himself and falls over and smashes his head on the toilet bowl then wakes up the next day with old food and sharpie all over him then posts on social media about the "killer party bros"
It's official, India is indisputably the worst country on Earth.
>Christfags will defend this
Finno-Ugric is the language group of both Indian people and many Finns
Do you worship Vishnaloo, the many piped toilet God of good fortune and bowel movements?
>it was actually toilet related
>indian man exiled for knowing how a toilet works
. . . Is it ever not, or does Indian culture just revolve around taking shits?